School begins using biometric facial recognition 

By Kim Thomas


Ainsley. Babcock. Bland. Carthorse. Dint. Ellsworth-Beast Major. 
Ellsworth-Beast Minor.” For some of us, Rowan Atkinson’s monologue of a 
schoolmaster taking the register conjures up the essence of school life. Not at 
St Neots Community College in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, however, where 
traditional methods are being abandoned in favour of hi-tech facial recognition 

The school has 130 sixth-formers, 128 of whom are taking part in a pilot 
programme that began in January and will run until July. Students register 
their details by standing in front of a camera, part of a unit that also 
includes a processor and a keypad. The camera takes a photograph and 
establishes a “reference point” for the face, which is the mid-point between 
the eyes. From that, it takes measurements relating to the nose, upper lip and 
cheeks, and converts those numbers to a unique biometric, which it then 

When students check in or out of school, they enter a pin on to the keypad and 
look at the camera. The measurements from the photograph are matched against 
the student’s biometric identifier, and the time of arrival (or departure) is 
stored in the unit’s internal computer. The whole process takes less than two 

But why? After all, the low-tech method of calling the register has worked very 
well for generations. Scott Preston, deputy principal at St Neots, says the 
system offers an easy way of gathering accurate data about sixth-form 
attendance, so students can claim the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) - 
a government grant for poorer students in post-16 education.

Science lesson

The construction industry has used facial recognition systems for years to 
prevent employees fraudulently clocking in for colleagues, but the technology 
has only recently become accurate enough to justify wider use. The key 
innovation made by Aurora, which supplies the St Neots system, is the use of 
infrared light when taking the pictures, which means accuracy is unaffected by 
lighting conditions. “Because it splashes a consistent light over the face, it 
doesn’t matter whether it’s pitch black or bright sunlight,” says Hugh Carr 
Archer, Aurora’s chief executive.

While facial recognition doesn’t yet match the accuracy rates of iris 
recognition (which has a failure rate of one in several million), Carr Archer 
believes it does far better than most biometric technologies currently on the 
market. It makes no difference if the subject is wearing glasses or has grown a 
beard. He claims the technology can even cope with the changing bone structure 
of growing children, though this has not yet been fully put to the test.

Biometrics technologies are now widespread in schools: an estimated 1 million 
children have had their fingerprints taken for activities as mundane as 
borrowing library books or paying for school dinners. This rapid growth is down 
to the efforts of “enterprising small companies”, according to Simon Fance, 
project officer at the United Kingdom Biometrics Institute.

Because biometrics are a useful way of controlling access, they are being 
adopted by other organisations, such as nurseries. At UK borders, passport 
officials are being replaced by cameras that check travellers’ faces against 
the image held in their passports. One of the concerns for civil liberties 
campaigners is the blurry line between access control and surveillance: in 
Newham, east London, face recognition has been used in conjunction with CCTV as 
a means of identifying criminals in a crowd.

The dystopia envisaged by campaigners is one where the state holds increasing 
amounts of data on its citizens, which can then be easily matched to unique 
biometric identifiers. David Clouter, a parent activist from the pressure group 
Leave Them Kids Alone, regards the use of biometrics in schools as “a 
disproportionate response to a nonexistent problem” and believes it is a “giant 
softening-up exercise for the next generation to accept biometric identity in 
some form”. Children will get so used to offering their fingerprints or staring 
into a camera that they won’t challenge it when the state asks them to do it: 
“Every traffic warden, every minor official, will go round fingerprinting 
everybody. And people won’t see it as out of the ordinary, which it most 
certainly is.”

Vital statistics

The other issue worrying Clouter is that schools hold large quantities of data 
on children - not only names, addresses and dates of birth, but information on 
attendance, library-borrowing habits and attainment, raising the possibility 
that a single biometric could be used to access huge amounts of personal data 
held on different systems, including ones held by other authorities: “The more 
biometric information floating around in insecure places like schools, the more 
chance there is of it being left on memory sticks or sent somewhere on a CD and 
lost,” he says.

Carr Archer argues that security concerns are misplaced when it comes to the 
system used by St Neots. Even if the encryption were to be broken, he says, 
Aurora’s method of taking measurements is proprietary, so the data couldn’t be 
used elsewhere (although that could of course change if the Aurora technology 
becomes widely adopted). Preston is equally confident: “The box is a one-stop 
shop. There is a network connection that enables you to produce reports, but in 
terms of getting into the data and misusing it, you’d have to take the box off 
the wall.”

If the St Neots pilot is successful, Aurora will market it to other schools, 
though they have yet to decide a pricing model. Currently, the units cost a 
hefty £4,000 each (though St Neots isn’t being charged anything). In the 
meantime, schools’ enthusiasm for biometric technologies shows no sign of 
abating. Clouter and his colleagues can expect to be busy for some time yet.


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