Most African nations explicitly refused to host Africom bases for Africa 
Command, because they believed that they were more threatened by CIA bribery 
and assassination of political leadership rather than protected from external 
enemies. Why voluntarily submit for occupation by war criminals who bribe and 
assassinate leaders and political organizations? Calling Africom a single base 
in Djibouti saves face for latin-american death-squadder kidnapper torturers, 
assassins of previous African leaders who were determined by the people, 
backers of Israeli apartheid, and exporters of FEMA Katrina and DC public 
schools. Yankee Go Home and fix New Orleans and DC!


--- In, "norgesen" <norge...@...> wrote:
> By Chris Hughes 
> 03-12-2009
> AMERICAN military chiefs have secretly set up a defence base called AfriCom 
> to broaden the war against terror in Africa. Oops, I mean help centralise and 
> facilitate the broadening of the US aid programme throughout the African 
> continent. 
> Well I say they have "secretly set up a defence base" called AfriCom- it's 
> not really a secret. It's just that nobody sort of mentioned it.
> The multi-million pound complex in the republic of Djibouti and is along the 
> lines of CentCom, which in 2003 headed up the US-led invasion of Iraq from 
> the desert Gulf State of Qatar.
> Whilst we're on the subject, I wonder when a base ceases to be a "defence 
> base" and becomes an "attack base?"
> At best American wants to centralise its aid programmes in Djibouti so it can 
> more efficiently dish out basic aid to satellite countries like --- er 
> Somalia?
> But I've been speaking to various sources in the intelligence world, one of 
> whom told me:
> "The world should be under no illusions about what American is doing here.
> "Under the guise of spreading aid to the continent of Africa, the US 
> Department of Defense is militarising the aid programme.
> "On the one hand they will pump billions into redevelopment programmes but 
> they are also spreading their military power.
> "Al-Qaeda networks across North Africa are a huge target and the CIA is 
> hugely involved in taking on the group.
> "It will take some time before we see any aggressive action because of a 
> shortage of special forces troops.
> "But it will happen and it will be controlled by AfriCom."
> The Djibouti expansion was approved last year as America enjoyed the results 
> of the US surge in Iraq, quelling the insurgency.
> But a huge expansion in US troop numbers in Afghanistan in the next few 
> months has blighted the AfriCom project.
> US defence chiefs are currently installing more than 2,000 American soldiers 
> there, including marines and American army staff.
> AmerIcan Special forces operatives from Delta Force and the Navy Seals - 
> trained along the lines of British SAS and SBS are particularly overstretched.
> They are needed in AfriCom because they are experts in counter-insurgency and 
> keeping the locals under control.
> AfriCom was first designed as a military establishment in October last year 
> months before President Obama was inaugurated.
> It has secretly taken up responsibility for an area currently soaked up by 
> three main global regions overlooked by US military power.
> They are European Command - EuCom - Central Command - CentCom and Pacific 
> Command, known as PacCom.
> Military sources tell me that . . . it is primarily a military base. 
> All of the other areas of responsibility - AOR - are bristling with ground to 
> air weaponry, US soldiers and military jets.
> So there is no doubt that America is spreading its military might into Africa.
> The expansion also comes at a time when China is developing economic 
> expansion across Africa exploiting its mineral deposits.
> Must be a coincidence.

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