Obama backs a federal Europe as part of the continuing march into global 
government based on the model of collectivism.

Barack Obama will back a federal Europe

America's support for a more united Europe betrays both US and British 
interests, says Nile Gardiner. 

By Nile Gardiner

18 Mar 2009
 Barack Obama heads to Britain and Europe in two weeks’ time as the leader of 
the first U.S. Administration to wholeheartedly back the creation of a federal 
Europe. In contrast to earlier U.S. administrations, including those of George 
W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the Obama administration is avowedly Euro-federalist 
in outlook, and is keen to help build a European Union defense identity as well 
as support the foundations of a European superstate in Brussels. 

This dangerous shift in U.S. policy is a betrayal of both U.S. and British 
interests that will threaten the long-term future of the Anglo-American Special 
Relationship, weaken the NATO alliance, and undermine the defence of British 
sovereignty in Europe. It will also undercut opposition across the EU to the 
Treaty of Lisbon, including in countries such as Ireland, Poland and the Czech 
Republic, and may set the scene for a major confrontation between the Obama 
White House and a future Conservative administration in London. 

A Eurosceptic Conservative government led by David Cameron, committed to 
halting further European integration, will find itself increasingly at odds 
with a left-of-centre U.S. administration that is actively working against the 
principle of national sovereignty in Europe. In light of this, the current 
enthusiasm of many British conservatives for the changing of the guard at the 
White House is hugely misplaced. 

The Bush Administration was sharply divided over Europe, with then Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice backing the European Constitution, but her pro-Brussels 
instincts were strongly opposed by key figures in the White House and the 
Pentagon. Bush himself was no supporter of a Franco-German dominated Europe, 
and worked hard to build up a counterweight of pro-American nations among the 
new EU members from eastern and central Europe. 

In contrast, President Obama’s government will strongly back the European 
Security and Defence Policy, the Lisbon Treaty and the Common Foreign and 
Security Policy, and will seek to strengthen French and German leadership at 
the heart of a united European Union. It has appointed several prominent 
supporters of European federalism to key positions in the Pentagon and State 
Department, including the new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michèle 
Flournoy, and Philip H. Gordon, the next Assistant Secretary of State for 
European and Eurasian Affairs. 

Flournoy, who holds one of the most powerful positions in the Pentagon, is a 
leading supporter of U.S. backing for an EU defence policy, and co-authored a 
major 2005 study strongly advocating American support for a unified European 
defence structure. Gordon, who will be the most senior administration official 
on Europe, has written that America must “support the European project”, and 
that “the challenge for U.S. policy is to encourage Europe to develop the 
cohesion and capability to become a true transatlantic partner.” He is also a 
prominent backer of the defeated EU Constitution, and has pushed in the past 
for British membership of the Euro, warning the UK that “fully in Europe, 
Britain has every chance to remain America’s preferred and privileged partner. 
Marginalized from the EU, Britain could find itself less influential in 
Washington as well.” 

The Obama Administration has already made major concessions to Paris over 
President Sarkozy’s decision for France to rejoin the NATO integrated command 
structure. The French have been given two major positions at the helm of the 
Alliance, a move that will significantly enhance the drive towards a European 
defence component within NATO. Vice President Joe Biden has clearly indicated 
that the United States will support “the further strengthening of European 
defense” and an “increased role for the European Union in preserving peace and 
security.” When he travels to Europe, President Obama is expected to deliver 
the same message. 

Significantly, while wooing both continental Europe and Russia, the new U.S. 
administration has been largely indifferent to the Anglo-American alliance, 
with an appallingly handled reception for the British Prime Minister when he 
visited the White House earlier this month, and the recalibration of the 
special relationship as a “special partnership”. Even a bust of Sir Winston 
Churchill has been unceremoniously thrown out of the Oval Office. A distinctly 
undiplomatic State Department official involved in the planning of the 
Obama-Brown meeting was quoted by The Sunday Telegraph as saying that “there’s 
nothing special about Britain. You’re just the same as the other 190 countries 
in the world.” 

There is a chance the Obama Administration will eventually wake up to the 
reality that American support for a federal Europe will backfire. Such a naive 
approach will not result in European countries spending more on defence, or in 
a more effective Europe. It would also undermine Washington’s ability to 
mobilize international coalitions. Under a unified EU foreign policy, U.S. 
allies would lose the freedom to decide where and when they can fight alongside 

As they approach the transatlantic alliance, President Obama and his aides 
should heed the advice of a former prime minister and great friend of the 
United States who fought to defend the Special Relationship and maintain 
British sovereignty in Europe. As Margaret Thatcher put it, “that such an 
unnecessary and irrational project as building a European superstate was ever 
embarked upon will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the 
modern era.” 

Nile Gardiner is the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Centre for Freedom at 
the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. 

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