ACL's Non-Fiction Studies of Communitarianism
by Niki Raapana

Communitarianism is the foundation for the emerging supranational government. 
This is not a conspiracy theory. Anyone who says it is shouldn't be trusted as 
a source. Everything we write about communitarianism at this website can be 
verified. There are 10,000 exit links here; most will take you directly to 
goverment agencies, mainstream news and academic sources. The Communitarian 
Network is not a secret society. They have a website at George Washington 
University. They've published thousands of books and articles describing their 
efforts and plans. They have a Platform with a list of endorsers. You could go 
sign it right now if you want to.

The modern version of this ancient religious and legal theory was introduced in 
upper academia in the late 1980s. It had brief international attention as the 
Clinton-Blair Third Way. (Barak Obama is the leading Third Way candidate; 
Senator Evan Bayh leads the Third Way group in the U.S. Senate. John McCain, 
like President Bush, supports all communitarian programs and policies.) In 
August of 2008, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) began an initiative 
to study communitarianism. Presented in a four part series, the ACL is included 
in Thomas Wood's bibliography:

Global community governance and sustainablity are based in the theory of 
communitarianism. Communitarians believe that communities should hold the same 
rights as are held by individuals in the USA. It's billed as a spiritual, earth 
friendly solution to every conflict between polar opposites. It officially 
solves the traditional right v left divide. Capitalism, communism and socialism 
can now merge into the next level of planned human social evolution. 

The bureaucratic structure for governing the world is a massive project with 
thousands of groups participating. As Thomas Wood explains: 

      "It is important to consider the whole range of issues that 
'sustainability' covers. Since enlisting as the principal researcher and 
investigator for the NAS's 'How Many Delawares?' project, I have been 
frequently struck, even bewildered, by the multitude of topics 'sustainability' 
is supposed to cover. Below is a selection. Since they are so numerous, I have 
categorized them as follows: GENERAL TERMS, DOMESTIC POLITICS/IDEOLOGY, 

What is the ultimate goal of communitarianism?

Their stated goal is to bring all nations under one supreme system of justice. 
In Europe the emerging system is openly defined by Supremacy of Communitarian 
Law. The Communitarian guru assigned to the U.S. is Dr. Amitai Etzioni. He 
describes his job as a global architect. His mandate is to help rebuild our 
nation, any way he can. In some places communitarians create change by carrying 
out lethal, frontal assaults with guns, tanks and even weapons of mass 
destruction. In other lands they follow Etzioni's Fabian ideology, using 
propaganda and lies to foment evolutionary change. Fabians teach a slow, quiet 
infiltration of governments via "expert" advice, lobbying, misleading 
legislation, public mis-education, grants, and faith-based, quasi-religious 

No matter where they go or how they do it, communitarians identify the same 
national problems and suggest the same supra-national solutions. They want us 
to believe they are the saviors of this beautiful earth we all call home. 
Active globally since 1847, communitarians have purposefully helped to shape 
the world as we see it today. Their theory includes Hegel's Idea that war is 
the best way to reshape a more perfect world. It was under communitarian 
spiritual guidance that many modern societies evolved into their present state 
of blissful chaos. 

Who actually believes in this?

We find communitarians in academia, government, think-tanks, non-profits, 
movements (peace, eco-green, nationalist, racist, et. al.), spy rings, secret 
societies, churches, temples, courtrooms, covert datagathering, revolutions (of 
every variety), wars (including wars on behaviors, regulating drugs, 
cigarettes, alcohol, obesity, all "unsustainable" lifesyles). Linked directly 
to political assassinations and free trade negotitations, there's no borders 
for this army. Nothing hinders their ability to infiltrate any established 
group. They operate in the U.S. with impunity.

Americans missed it somehwere along the way, but there are many openly 
communitarian politicians (Gorbachev, Strong, Blair, Schroeder, Bush II, 
Clintons, Obama, and Bayh, This theory of community government crosses 
political lines. Republicans should know that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin helped 
establish invasive, aggressive Community Policing in rural Alaska. Once mayor, 
she brought in millions of communitarian redevelopment grants. But now that 
Obama won the popular vote, Americans should start hearing more about it. 
Etzioni predicted Barack Obama would start explaining his communitarian values 
if he were elected:

      "Brooks contrasts Obama with McCain, noting that "while Obama seeks 
solidarity with groups, McCain resists conformity. He fights fiercely, though 
not always successfully, against political pressures in order to remain honest, 
brave and forthright." In short, McCain is an individualist.

      "The elections are a year away. There are going to be many twists and 
turns, but in the end the American people will choose a communitarian - unless 
a third party candidate siphons off many Democratic votes, the Supreme Court 
denies voting rights to many who are poor, less educated, and from a minority 
background (and hence have no government issued photo ID), Americans are swayed 
by the thousands of troops coming hope from Iraq (as Bush draws down the 
surge), the economy picks up and global climate cools down. That is, 
communitarians should not uncork the champagne quite yet, but they can safely 
put a bottle or two into the fridge. At least many more people will learn a lot 
more about communitarian ideas - what more can we ask for?" (Amitai Etzioni, a 
University Professor at George Washington University and the author of From 
Empire to Community and The New Golden Rule) 

Why and how are they doing this?

Communitarians are convinced independent nations are no longer necessary. They 
preach changes in the U.S. Bill of Rights (and sometimes they cleverly change 
the meanings of the words used to write it). They insist all current national 
political systems must be adapted to comply with supreme global law. Besides 
the numerous new laws implemented under sustainable development and 
environmental protections, new constitutions must be written that change every 
nation into a regional global community. If a communitarian constitution will 
not pass with the national voters in the "free" countries, free trade 
agreements may be substituted if they accomplish the same regionalization 
goals. For an inside glimpse into their tactics, do a search for what happened 
after the Irish voters rejected the Lisbon Treaty. Read what the globalists say 
they have to do next.

No matter what you believe in, the communitarians consider their ideas and 
actions more moral than yours. Not one individual nor any nation on earth is as 
morally superior as they are. Unless you support communitarian values, you are 
inferior. Individuals like us have no natural right to control our own destiny. 
According to communitarians, unalienable (birth) rights is a false premise that 
has been proven wrong. The American's idea of laws that protect individuals and 
their markets cannot remain in any part of the collective human consciousness. 

      "The old ideologies positioned politics as a struggle for ownership, the 
historic battle between socialism and capitalism. The Third Way, by contrast, 
sees politics as an exercise in communitarianism: rebuilding the relationships 
and social capital between people. It aims to put the social back into social 
justice. This is an important strategy for combating individualism and 
generating a sense of collective responsibility in society. " (Australian 
Fabian Society, Re-inventing Collectivism: The new Social Democracy by Mark 
Latham, Member for Werriwa Third Way Conference, Centre for Applied Economic 
Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 12 July 2001)

Our purpose at this website

This website exposes the entire communitarian agenda as a fraud against all 
free people. Our mission states our position.

Are we a "credible" source?

You be the judge of the accuracy of our work. Take a few exit links and read 
what they say. Some of our sources go to a 404 error after all these years, the 
internet does change faces continually, but most are still functional. Start by 
reading the Communitarian bibliography posted at the Communitarian Network. 
There's plenty of evidence communitarianism is real. 

If Etzioni's lofty communitarian theory could be defended against our ACL 
manifesto, don't you know his staff would have made mincemeat of our thesis in 
2003 when they first studied it. In 2008 the ACL manifesto and my blog were 
included in a sociology class at Vassar College, as part of a Quality of Life 
seminar. Over 4000 visitors have answered our poll asking why they went looking 
for the Hegelian dialectic. We've had thousands of readers from every 
university in the world. We've contacted hundreds of law schools and 
communitarian professors and asked them to review our thesis. Not one scholar 
in the world has sent us a rebuttal to our thesis.


Links from this website are not an endorsement of either the source or the 
content. We've had to cover a multitude of subjects in our ten year course of 
study; some of our sources exist outside the controlled "debates." I am an 
Alaskan state citizen therefore this website (and all its contents) is 
protected under 3 clauses in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: 
Freedom of Speech, the Press and Redress of Grievances. We include every topic 
the communitarian thinkers use in their academic arguments against our freedom. 
As Americans, we live under the pretext that ours is a political system that 
guarantees our individual right to study whatever historical accounts we 
choose, to hold an opinion contrasting that of the majority, and to voice our 
unhappiness with government officials who violate their constitutional 

      "Question: Is linking protected by the First Amendment? "Answer: The 
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that "Congress shall make no law 
... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the 
people peaceably to assemble..." The government (and states, under the 
Fourteenth Amendment) must meet a high level of scrutiny before restricting 
speech. "A hyperlinks refers to and describes the location of another Internet 
resource. The text of the hyperlink and the material linked to may be highly 
expressive. In addition, the act of linking to other websites may be likened to 
protected "assembly," or association with those sites."

We don't include the alien theories or religious arguments in our main thesis. 
Our focus is on Etzioni's current communitarian programs and policy agenda. 
That doesn't mean we've shied away from the lie they tell about their more 
obscured history; there is a darker side to these communitarian fiends. Hard to 
ignore the spirituality of a group whose members published the Luciferian news. 
The communitarians are linked directly to some of the most ritualistic, violent 
movements in the world, and some of the things that happen to people in their 
wars and disasters is beyond disgusting. I didn't devote a lot of time 
researching the child pornography/kidnapping and prostitution slave rings and 
brainwashing programs, but it's not hard to find out about their depravity from 
accounts published in the respected press. 

As for the conspiracy theory label, I spent a lot of time studying the term and 
it's used more and more often to discredit anyone asking questions the rulers' 
followers do not want to answer. The entire American public arena is controlled 
by the communitarians. The proof is in the fact that so few Americans have ever 
heard the term used while all the upper level academics and White house 
advisers use it on a regular basis. Their opinions are the only ones allowed to 
be taught in our schools and colleges and their ideals and visions require your 
mandatory support and volunteer committment. There can be no consciencious 
objections to serving in the Armies of Compassion. 

      "Expand Corporation for National and Community Service: Obama and Biden 
will expand AmeriCorps from 75,000 slots today to 250,000 and they will focus 
this expansion on addressing the great challenges facing the nation. They will 
establish a Classroom Corps to help teachers and students, with a priority 
placed on underserved schools; a Health Corps to improve public health 
outreach; a Clean Energy Corps to conduct weatherization and renewable energy 
projects; a Veterans Corps to assist veterans at hospitals, nursing homes and 
homeless shelters; and a Homeland Security Corps to help communities plan, 
prepare for and respond to emergencies."

But, just because a site is listed on the Conspiracy Theory page, it doesn't 
mean that we don't include these same sites elsewhere at this site. Many 
readers will find (like I did) that some conspiracy theorists' information can 
be validated and is a pertinent contribution to understanding supranational 
integration. We stand by what we said in our conclusion to What is the Hegelian 
dialectic? in 2002:

      "The communitarian synthesis is the final silent move in a well-designed, 
quietly implemented plot to re-make the world into colonies. To us it doesn't 
matter if there is some form of ancient religion that propels the plotters, nor 
does it really matter if it turns out they're aliens (as some suggest).

      "The bottom line is the Hegelian dialectic sets up the scene for state 
intervention, confiscation, and redistribution in the United States. 
Communitarian development plans are functioning in every corner of the the 
world, and there is no legal avenue to withdraw from them. " 

We're still looking for ways to exist outside the dialectic, even though we 
never got our "withdrawl" papers. It is impossible to live without being part 
of it, as we are all directly affected by one or more of the various 
manifestations of the synthesis' programs and policies. After almost ten years 
of studying them we'd like to rebuild our lives before we rebuild this website. 
More recently we've moved our focus toward building a network of local 
fishermen, hunters, trappers, mechanics, craftspeople, pickers, herbalists, 
growers, herders, carpenters, inventors, designers, architects, welders, 
spinners, and the like, who are interested in trading goods and knowledge.

Living Outside the Dialectic

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