Yeah, Ruppert is key and he went the right way there, too. I think Dave's worth 
saving. If he would start with the USAF small plane line, then the Pentagon 
vid, and the federal with-holding of the Citgo and Sheraton Hotel vids, he 
might succeed like with Laurel Canyon and Mike Ruppert. Ruppert's batting 
average is too low. I know you know about mineral oil and thermophilic flatus. 
Dave could have fun with other areas if he could see the big picture as more of 
the same as he has seen.


--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis" <thehatefuln...@...> 
> Well it was kind of funny how he went off on Mike Ruppert, though.  LOL.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "muckblit" <muckb...@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:38 PM
> Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Dave McGowan Pentagon Pod Person
> >
> > "it has to be aircraft debris, you see, because it's green. Such is the 
> > level of investigative analysis employed by at least one 'debunker.'"
> >
> > Strawman debunker papers over all, then. Care to mention lime green 
> > anti-oxidative paint, Dave? No, green is greenbunked, well then how about 
> > which ubiquitous Pentagon office furniture is lime-green? None cited, but 
> > there's always Scottie's green rapture beam. A mind is a terrible thing to 
> > waste.
> >
> >
> >
> > "have no clue what it is supposed to be. Some kind of manifold or 
> > something. And it was discovered ... uhmm, somewhere in the Pentagon, I 
> > suppose"
> > How about a link to a "clue" what it is then, Dave?
> >
> >
> > Once Dave accepts the government small plane line voiced by USAF career 
> > propaganda and psyop officer Lt Col Art Holbo, then Dave overlooks that 
> > the same government with-holds the Citgo and Sheraton Hotel security cam 
> > video, while the same government gives us the proven to be forged Pentagon 
> > "fuzzy bin Laden" security cam video for pod people. Nothing to see here 
> > on Citgo and Sheraton Hotel videos, move along with the government small 
> > plane line, pod people.
> >
> > If 911 WTC plane pods are nothing but landing gear housings present on all 
> > such planes, Dave, why play pod at the Pentagon instead of looking at the 
> > landing gear at the Pentagon? Clue: it's not a pod, Dave, it's a Boeing 
> > turbofan part.
> >
> > People in cars around the Pentagon, and people outside of their cars 
> > walking around the Pentagon and nearby, were swarming like ANTS during the 
> > time Dave and other pod people prefer to think that invisible spooks were 
> > distributing many tons of invisible debris including light poles, which 
> > then became visible, but, the spooks never uncloaked themselves. Pod 
> > people are trekkies, too. Beam them up, Scottie. We have a little thing 
> > here called "rush hour", Dave, and it's real. Nobody beams up or down 
> > during rush hour. We just swarm like ants, and gridlock like people, no 
> > cloaking, no beaming, no rapture boots with springs, in fact no pod debris 
> > dispersion ever happened at all. Live with rush hour and gridlock without 
> > beaming, Dave. Small plane is government line, be liberated, think again, 
> > it's refreshing to leave pods and Scottie's green rapture beam behind with 
> > childish things. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. No beaming.
> >
> > -Bob
> >
> > --- In, "muckblit" <muckblit@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
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