 Nick Bryant is a Profile in Courage. recommended...., September 25, 2009
By     Light Worker (Los Angeles) - See all my reviews
I have been waiting for this book for ages. Nick Bryant should be considered
a model citizen of this country. As he recounts in wonderful first-person
narration, Bryant stumbled onto a very big and tremendously important story.
And he had the moral courage to not only pursue that story even when his own
well-being and perhaps life were at stake but also to allow his entire
worldview to be shifted in the process. Or so it would seem. With this
rigorous, empathic, analytic and highly intelligent piece of work, Nick has
provided a model for what it would look like if any average citizen chose to
wake up to the tremendous corruption and lowercase-e evil practiced among
some of the most powerful members of our society. With this book he has
demonstrated how to reconcile the cognitive dissonance between what we have
been taught about civil society and what in fact transpires.

This book should be a NYT #1 bestseller. Despite my great respect for Trine
Day (particularly for publishing Jeff Well's magnificent opus of holographic
synthesis Rigorous Intuition: What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them), this
book deserved to be published by one of the biggest publishers in this
country. It should lead to new congressional inquiry around not just
Franklin but also those questions lightly touched on here -- like why in the
world the CIA would have even the most tenuous connection to the abuse of

In many regards, the content of this book has been largely available on the
internet for ages, albeit increasingly tangled together with all sorts of
improper conspiratorial nonsense but Bryant has done something new and very
valuable with it -- by narrating his own journey into the heart of this
story, and his process of coming to recognize a facet of contemporary
American life that initially seems wild and implausible as well untangling
that material from the sort of crackpot speculatory nonsense with which it
has become mixed up, he has created a model for how good, responsible
American citizens can take back these issues and these parts of history from
the terrain of irresponsible or naive conspiracy theory and into the realm
of parapolitics. He has shown that smart, sane, responsible folks can and
must begin to take Franklin and its related phenomena deadly seriously.

Thank you Nick Bryant. My hat is off to you. I'll be buying copies for many
friends and family.

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