Of the motels you have stayed at over the last 20 years or so what % do
you think were run by Pakistanis?
Remember John Walker in East Ocean View in Norfolk.
What was he allowed to do?

> The big picture of this type of self-corruption is that by using
> these high pressure shunts to pragmatism, all the Jack Bauer 24
> we're the good guys let's John Wayne the evil incarnate terrorists
> with a lynch mob, the end result is looking out at the whole world
> with the same eyes and then we judge and jury millions of civilians
> to die under our wmd. Somebody makes money. We go on with those
> closed eyes thinking we're being pragmatic John Wayne against real
> bad guys. Nobody notices how many civilians we're killing. The
> argument against looking at how many civilians we're killing is
> that we have to kill one or two consummate bad guys, we absolutely
> have to, so whatever, ignore the collateral damage. That's only
> about profits.
> Domestically we kill a scapegoat now and then, but again, we
> trash a lot of innocent or nearly innocent people. Domestically
> that would take the form of non-violent drug-related crime.
> The high profile scapegoat always has to be alleged the sole
> perpetrator. That's part of the hypnotism. He has to be killed
> without really being proven guilty, or being proven guilty by
> lies, even if he was guilty, and then he has to be the sole
> perp, though that is NEVER true in these high profile show
> trials! Somehow that is part of corrupting people to carry on
> and judge and sentence thousands or even millions of civilians
> to die in Indonesia, Palestine, Lebanon July 2006, Iraq DU and
> white phosphorus, latin american death-squadding. If we can
> kill one man without a good trial and lying that he was the
> sole perp, then we have passed the psychological point of
> reference to do the dirty deeds for profit of a few all
> over the world.
> John Muhamed was some kind of bad guy but he was juiced in
> Virginia on the basis that the bullet went into the big hole
> and there was no small hole, but there was. He was placed at
> the scene of the crime by a woman perjuring herself to say
> that she saw him at a gas station a mile away. That is all
> just a measure of how corrupt we are and to what extent we
> have signed on for more mad nazi atrocities worldwide.
> Apparently we have passed the test again! Here we go!
> I would like to see it go the other way with KSM in NYC.
> He killed Daniel Pearl. He really did plan WTCbomb the
> FBI("Salem" ci) operation. If everything about Pak ISI
> and CIA and FBI running all the ops including killing
> Pearl that would take things back the other way.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, John Stroebel <john.stroe...@...> wrote:
>> They were arrested by OUR COUNTRY and illegally at that.
>> They were denied ALL RIGHTS and were abused and tortured like we were
>> Nazis.
>> It was decided to try them. SINCE WHEN IS THE USA AGAINST TRIAL BY JURY?
>> TO
>> be so is COMPLETELY Unamerican.
>> So since they are being tried in the USA THEY ARE ENTITLED TO ANY
>> Or do you wish to go against our Constitution?
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 10:01 PM, ruxpert <homepu...@...> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > *The Administration Guts Its Own Argument for 9/11
>> Trials*<http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/11/20>
>> > November 20, 2009 by Salon.com
>> > Glenn Greenwald
>> >
>> > commentary:
>> >  http://www.911blogger.com/node/21922
>> >
>> > ===
>> >
>> > *NYC 9/11 Trial Will Shine the Lights on the Roots of
>> Terrorism*<http://www.alternet.org/story/144014/>
>> > By Ray McGovern, Consortium News
>> > Posted on November 17, 2009, Printed on November 21, 2009
>> > http://www.alternet.org/story/144014/
>> >
>> > commentary
>> > http://www.911blogger.com/node/21923
>> > ==
>> > Lawyer: 9/11 Defendants Want Platform For
>> Views<http://www.911blogger.com/node/21932>
>> > <http://www.911blogger.com/node/21932>http://www.911blogger.com/node/21932
>> > --
>> >
>> >  *video:*
>> > *Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - The War on Truth*
>> > http://www.911blogger.com/node/16232
>> >
>> > ==
>> >
>> > Trial of the Century & the Long Shadow of 9/11
>> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/47871
>> >
>> > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/47871>
>> >
>> >

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