Where did this **** come from????

Few Flight 800 facts:
1-      SEALS seen in standard rubber boats in impact area early morning prior
to shootdown.  This from Commander Donaldson – ‘Dentist’ group.
2-      Perry et al on Fire Island initially identified naval ship as fitting a
British frigate.
3-      100s saw the missile go up and hit the plane.
4-      About 100 also swear they saw the shootdown right on CNN that morning,
a video.  Just as many swear they were watching CNN all during that time
and saw no such thing.  Who was right?  Both.  It was cable.
5-      About two weeks prior fighters escorting commercial flights out of 

The only thing that the facts fit is a payback for infraction of secret
international agreement concerning non-use-of-nukes.  As in point 3 above,
a little more ‘sting’ had to be agreed to.  Not too much to give away,
just enough to cause some problems.
> Did the CIA's Afghan mujahideen operatives shoot down TWA Flight 800, on
> July 17, 1996?
> The settling of Afghan-trained mujahideen in the Balkans began around
> 1992, when recruits were brought into Bosnia by the ruling Islamic party
> of Bosnia, the Party of Democratic Action, from Chechnya, Saudi  Arabia,
> Egypt, Pakistan, as well as Italy, Germany and Turkey.
>>From 1993 to 1995, money, arms and expertise flooded from the United
> States to al Qaeda military networks in Bosnia-Herzegovina -- all under
> the watchful eye of Gen. Michael V. Hayden -- then chief of U.S.
> military intelligence in the region as director of the U.S. European
> Command Intelligence Directorate, with a headquarters based in
> Stuttgart, Germany.
> Hayden's name has been linked repeatedly to allegations that the
> American government provided arms and other support to al Qaeda-linked
> militants inside Bosnia.  Hayden accompanied U.S. envoy Richard
> Holbrooke on a trip to Croatia in November 1994, during which Holbrooke
> told the Bosnian government that the U.S. would encourage third-party
> countries to make covert shipments of arms and supplies for the use of
> al Qaeda's Bosnian network, in violation of a U.N. embargo.
> The official representing Bosnia at the November 1994 meeting (in which
> Holbrooke gave explicit approval to violations of the embargo) also sat
> on the board of a Vienna charity funded by Osama bin Laden. That charity
> – the Third World Relief Agency – directly shipped arms from the
> Sudan to Bosnian militants and also sent more than $40,000 in cash to
> the New York terrorist cell responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center
> bombing.
> Arms also came from Sudan and Iran to mujahideen forces fighting on
> behalf of the Bosnian government.   The shipments included "weapons,
> ammunition, uniforms, helmets, new anti-tank weapons and Stingers,"
> according to the Dutch intelligence survey.
> Source:  May 8, 2006   http://intelwire.egoplex.com/hayden-bosnia.htm
> <http://intelwire.egoplex.com/hayden-bosnia.htm>
> TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747 blew up off the coast of Long Island on
> July 17, 1996. See more about this below.
>    In January 1999, NATO bombed Serbia and Kosovo for 78-day which killed
> hundreds of people in hospitals, schools, churches, parks and television
> studios, and destroyed economic infrastructure.   Bombing these places
> is a war crime.
> The Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian paramilitary organization
> supported by NATO, was used to exacerbate ethnic tensions in Kosovo in
> order to legitimize a NATO intervention. This conflict occurred in the
> context of broad Western, particularly U.S., objectives in the Balkans.
> NATO bombing of Serbs was an undeclared US war and a war crime
> The KLA acted as a ground force for NATO, drawing out Serbian forces so
> that NATO air command could target them.  The Times reported that U.S.
> intelligence admitted its linkages to the KLA. The CIA had provided the
> KLA with arms and training.  President Bill Clinton's special envoy to
> the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, described the KLA as, "without any
> questions, a terrorist group."  The Serbian government also reported
> that the KLA had killed and kidnapped no fewer than 3,276 civilians of
> various ethnic descriptions including some Albanians
> The former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for
> Yugoslavia in the Hague was Carla Del Ponte. Carla Del Ponte, published
> her memoir The Hunt: Me and War Criminals. This book reveals unpalatable
> truths about the West's intervention in Kosovo.  Under pressure from
> Washington and London, an investigation into NATO war crimes at this
> tribunal, were scrapped.
> The justification for the NATO bombing was that the Serbs were
> committing "genocide" in the secessionist province of Kosovo against
> ethnic Albanians.  The truth was that the Kosovo Liberation Army killed
> the Albanians.
> There was sufficient evidence to prosecute the Kosovar Albanians for war
> crimes, but the investigation "was nipped in the bud"  The Hague judges
> were terrified of the Kosovar Albanians--the very people in whose name
> NATO had attacked Serbia.  KLA was ethnically cleansing more than
> 200,000 Serbs and Roma from the province.   There was no genocide in
> Kosovo. The genocide was a lie. The NATO attack had been fraudulent.
> There was no internationally-significant human-rights crisis in Kosovo
> immediately prior to the NATO bombardment that justified its
> intervention on behalf of the ethnic-Albanian population. In arguing for
> a humanitarian intervention, NATO applied a standard to Kosovo that it
> does not apply to other countries, such as Turkey, the U.S., or Israel
> for that matter. The problems of warfare that existed in Kosovo were
> largely a result of U.S. support for the KLA, with the intent of causing
> a crisis that justified intervention. Proponents of the NATO
> intervention cannot argue that the intervention was humanitarian. The
> intervention was illegal, destructive, and based on fraudulent claims.
> http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=12224
> <http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=12224>
> http://www.covertaction.org/content/view/85/75/
> <http://www.covertaction.org/content/view/85/75/>
> http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=12224
> <http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid=12224>
> http://www.covertaction.org/content/view/85/75/
> <http://www.covertaction.org/content/view/85/75/>
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=STO20051\
> 229&articleId=1666
> <http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=STO2005\
> 1229&articleId=1666>
> http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/10-cia-double-deals-\
> in-macedonia/
> <http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/10-cia-double-deals\
> -in-macedonia/>
> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/kosovo/
> <http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/kosovo/>
> . http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/06/world/fg-serbs6
> <http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/06/world/fg-serbs6>
> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/kosovo/undword.htm
> <http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/kosovo/undword.htm>
> http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=STO20051\
> 229&articleId=1666
> <http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=STO2005\
> 1229&articleId=1666>
> An FBI document reports that a fellow and his friend on Long Island were
> attempting to videotape the sunrise when they saw and recorded "a grey
> trail of smoke ascending from the horizon at an angle of approximately
> 75 [degrees]." So compelling was the visual that the fellow made a
> comment to his friend, heard on the tape, "They must be testing a
> rocket." The fellow calculated that object was heading towards the
> Atlantic Ocean.  The FBI took the video seriously enough to bring in the
> DIA for further analysis. As mentioned above, the DIA found the video
> image to be "consistent with the exhaust plume from a MANPAD" (a Stinger
> type heat-seeking ground to air, missile).
> What is shocking is that the authorities not only removed all reference
> to this video from the official record, but they also removed just about
> all reference to the DIA….
> An important component of the DIA is the Missile and Space Intelligence
> Center (MSIC), which is located in Huntsville, Alabama, and is charged
> with gathering intelligence on enemy surface-to-air missiles and
> short-range ballistic missiles.
> During a Senate inquiry in May 1999, the FBI's number two man on the
> investigation, Lewis Schiliro, conceded that MSIC analysts had arrived
> on the scene in Long Island just two days after the July 17, 1996 crash
> of TWA Flight 800 and interviewed eyewitnesses. "They reported to us,"
> Schiliro told the senators of the MSIC analysts, "that many of the
> descriptions given by eyewitnesses were very consistent with the
> characteristics of the flight of [surface-to-air] missiles.". . .
> When FBI officials shut down the criminal investigation in November
> 1997, they publicly discredited the eyewitnesses and fully ignored the
> work done by the MSIC analysts. At the final press conference, The FBI's
> James Kallstrom discussed only two images of a possible missile captured
> in flight. Both were photographic stills, and he cavalierly dismissed
> these as well.
> There was no reference at all to the video analyzed by the DIA. In fact,
> there was no public mention of the DIA. The MSIC analysis was relegated
> to a footnote.
> Nor, of course, was there any mention of the video shot on the night of
> July 17. From the beginning, there has been ample evidence that an
> amateur video had been taken of TWA Flight 800's destruction.
> http://www.cashill.com/twa800/twa_foia.htm
> <http://www.cashill.com/twa800/twa_foia.htm>
> http://ntsbwatch.com/media.php <http://ntsbwatch.com/media.php>
> http://flight800.org/
>   -----------
>    In 1989, The Russians claim they allowed Germany to reunite and
> removed their 350,000 troops, only in return from the US that we would
> never expand the NATO alliance.   Pres. George W. H. Bush, Bill Clinton,
> and George Bush disregarded this binding prohibition and began enlarging
> NATO with former Warsaw Pact nations.
> The New York Times, Nov. 30, 2009, page A29.
> Comment:  The US needs to get out of the NATO treaty/alliance.
> ---------------------
> Nov 27 2009  According to Flight Data provided by the NTSB, the Flight
> Deck Door was never opened in flight. How were the hijackers able to
> gain access to the cockpit, remove the pilots, and navigate the aircraft
> to the Pentagon if the Flight Deck Door remained closed?[
> http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=18405
> <http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=18405>
> --------
> 04 December 2009     Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, (now
> renamed Xe Services for Xenon) ,spoke about the extent of his
> involvement with the CIA, which ranged from putting together, funding
> and executing operations to bring personnel into "denied areas" to
> targeting specific people for assassination who were deemed enemies by
> the US government.
> Prince was one of a secret network of American citizens with special
> skills or access chosen to help the CIA access targets of interest. The
> program was kept secret for nearly eight years until it was revealed to
> lawmakers in a closed session with the House and Senate Intelligence
> Committee. During this meeting, CIA director Leon E. Panetta named both
> Prince and Blackwater as major players.
> Prince blames Congressional Democrats for the leak and claiming
> disclosing his name was the same crime as that of the disclosure of
> Valerie Plame's undercover CIA identity.
> President George W. Bush took the position shortly after 9/11 that
> killing al Qaeda members was comparable to killing enemy soldiers in
> battle, and therefore assassinations were permissible. Prince was hired
> in 2004.
> Blackwater, which received more than $1.5 billion in government
> contracts between 2001 and 2009, regularly offers its training area in
> North Carolina to CIA operatives and continues to help fly killer drones
> along the border between and Afghanistan and Pakistan – President
> Obama is said to have authorized more than three dozen of these hits.
> In his role as a contractor for the covert CIA program, according to The
> New York Times, Prince's Blackwater employees assembled and loaded
> Hellfire missiles and 500-pound laser-guided bombs onto remotely piloted
> aircraft – work previously performed by authorized and trained CIA
> employees.
> http://www.truthout.org/1204097 <http://www.truthout.org/1204097>
> Book review of a book about 9/11:   John Farmer's "The Ground Truth"
> It is a deeply flawed book, containing misleading claims and providing
> an extremely one-sided account of 9/11.  The book is far less radical
> than it has been promoted as being.
> Suggesting that the Twin Towers came down because each one was "fragile
> at its core" (28), Farmer implicitly denies the fact that each tower was
> supported by 47 massive core columns and ignores the question of why
> several scientific studies, including one by the US Geological Survey,
> …the dust at Ground Zero contained various elements that, unless
> explosives had been used to bring down the buildings, should not have
> been there (Griffin, "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7,"
> Ch. 4).
> NOTICE: Material posted to this mailing list is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
> included information for research and/or educational purposes. We
> believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any copyrighted material as
> provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
> http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
> <http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml>

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