'Myth' of False Memory Syndrome, Adverse Childhood Experiences and  Trauma  

'Myth' of  False Memory Syndrome. The Daily Mail (London, England) ;  March 
14, 2000  
VICTIMS of childhood trauma who 'recover' memories in later life are  
unlikely to be suffering from False Memory Syndrome, say psychologists....a  
study in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology says as many as one-third 
 adults with recovered memories have already started to remember traumatic 
events  before seeing a therapist. It says memory recovery techniques are 
far less  likely to trigger recall than real-life events involving the 
victim's own  children or having a baby. 
Dr. Bernice Andrews, senior lecturer in  psychology at Royal Halloway, 
University of London, who led the team involved,  said there was consistent 
evidence that False Memory Syndrome could not explain  all or even most 
of recovered memories. 'In many ways recovered  memories are similar to 
those of victims affected by traumas that have never  been in doubt, such as 
the King's Cross fire,' she said. 'The memories were  fragmented but detailed, 
accompanied by high levels of fear as they relive the  event. Between 40 
and 50 per cent of adults who have recovered memories from  events as children 
have independent corroboration of them, she said. 

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma - Editorial, Charles L.  Whitfield
published in Whitfield CL: Adverse childhood experience and trauma.  
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4):361-364, May, 1998 "If the 
is accepted as real and the victims' or survivor's experience is validated 
and  its expression supported, as happened in the Oklahoma City bombing 
incident, its  short-term effects, also know as acute traumatic stress 
Psychiatric  Association 1994), can be expressed, processed, ameliorated, or 
"metabolized" in  a healthy way so that eventually few or no lasting 
detrimental effects remain  (Herman 1992). However, if the reality of the 
traumatic experience is denied or  invalidated by the victim-or by close or 
important others, such as family,  friends, or helping professionals-then the 
may not be able to heal  completely from the adverse effects of the trauma. 
If the trauma continues, with  still no validation and support in 
expressing its associated pain, it may  develop into post-traumatic stress 
(PTSD), which Rowan & Foy (1993)  and others believe is a core disorder among 
unrecovered survivors of trauma." _http://www.cbwhit.com/ACEs.htm_ 

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study:
(Summary by Charles  L. Whitfield MD)
Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D et al: The relationship of  adult health 
status to childhood abuse & household dysfunction. American  Journal of 
Preventive Medicine 14(4):245-258, May 1998
This important study  was conducted on a large number of people (9,508 
respondents of 13,494 [70.5%]).  These were adults who were recently medically 
evaluated and then completed a 68  question survey about 7 categories of 
childhood trauma (adverse childhood  experiences[ACEs]). The authors found that 
a large percentage of this general  medical population reported the 
following traumatic experiences from their  childhood....
Two Other Studies Show Similar Results
McCauley J, Kern DE,  Kolodner K et al: Clinical characteristics of women 
with a history of childhood  abuse: unhealed wounds. JAMA 277 (17): 
1362-1368, 1997
Here, 424 of 1,931  women surveyed (22%) reported physical or sexual abuse 
during childhood or  adolescence. When compared to the 88% who did not so 
report, those with abuse  histories had more: physical symptoms (p<.001) and 
higher scores for :  depression, anxiety (fear), somatization (physical 
symptoms and problems) and  low self-esteem (p<.001), and more likely to: abuse 
drugs+/or alcohol, have  attempted suicide, have a psychiatric hospital 
admission, have difficulty in  relationships and less likely to be married. 
of those abused as children  reported being abused as adults. 
Walker E, Koss M, Bernstein D et al:  Long-term medical outcomes of women 
with childhood sexual, physical or emotional  victimization. Preliminary 
data, 1997....
Child abuse was associated with :  1) worse self-rating of health, 2) 
increased: * illness, * doctor office visits,  * functional disability, * 
and OB/GYN problems, *somatization, *  dangerous risk taking (e.g. drinking 
and driving, alcohol abuse, smoking, not  using seat belts, unprotected sex, 
promiscuity, overweight), and * current  medical symptoms.
_http://www.cbwhit.com/ACEstudy.htm_ (http://www.cbwhit.com/ACEstudy.htm)   

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