Hit with ‘electronic LSD’ developed by Astronics.  In light amounts it is
like some pot.  In fact that amount tried by ‘Tip’ O’Neal in part of
demonstration.  In larger amounts it is freaky but only really upsets if
you are not prepared.
Naval Intel did this to me after interrogation the night of April 13th,
1984.  I gave three names, Pavlita, C.W. Cho, and Kozyrev.

I had paperwork on the first two but not on Kozyrev.  The way it works the
first time you relax you get major high.  Set and setting is everything so
I freaked big time.  It was turned up.   On either May 8th or 9th buried
in the back of the New York Times was an article on a Sergi Koslov, a
Soviet mathematician visiting Pasadena in some sort of exchange program.  
The same methods were used on him.  This was the guy who later also
freaked at Dullas claiming CIA was trying to mind control him.  Shrinks
brought in, etc.  The interrogation was taped by Navy with my knowledge
and permission.  Seems that I slur a bit and my spoken Kozyrev was
mistaken for Koslov.  I did not give a first name.

TASS had a fit.  First and only time, (not including ultrasound waves at
embassy deal), that I ever heard of wherein one major power accused
another of mind control.  We were obliged to print the accusation in our
major media.

There have been a number of times that I sensed this device was used in
jury tampering.  Once was in the Reagan Secretary of Labor RICO trial:
Raymond Donovan


Not upset anymore.  In fact under circumstances it was nice I was not
Michael Donovan

> http://www.examiner.com/x-6495-US-Intelligence-Examiner~y2009m11d29-CIA-secret-weapon-of-assassination
> Check Out the CIA Heart Attack Gun, De-Classified in 1975, Mentioned on
> the Show!  Click Here For the Story
> CIA secret weapon of assassination

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