Interesting connections.
A good friend was on a CIA scholarship.
Ho Chi Minh was a busboy at the Parker House near the Common when he went
to Harvard.
There was a mention of ‘MSU’ and ‘former president of Liberia’ in prior
post.  Don’t see how that could be Taylor, he was a Mass drug dealer and
only many ever to escape from the Plymouth County, MA jail.

> "Wife of South Vietnam's dictator/President Diem, as an MSU cheerleader,
> with green garb and white pompoms...When MSU invited Iraqi war strategist
> Condoleeza Rice to deliver its commencement address on May 7, the
> cheerleader image was resurrected. The cover of Lansing's popular
> alternative weekly City Pulse featured Condi Rice as a giddy MSU
> cheerleader on May 5th"
> Local workmen beware, do not take money from these rich drunken whores
> unless you have police clearance to discredit yourselves.
> Yes, Michigan State U received a lot of attention from Hilaire du Berrier
> in his Vietnam book, manuscripted in 1950's already, called Background to
> Betrayal. MSU trained the Diem-Nhu fascist police state, to the extent it
> had not already been trained by Ed Lansdale's curious choice for head of
> all Vietnamese police, Phan Ngoc Thao, brother of Ho Chi Minh's right hand
> man, and son-in-law of a communist professor, son of the head of the Viet
> Minh, and himself the former head of Viet Minh police. Lansdale knew how
> to run a security check.
> McPherson of MSU? Check. Must be another international secret society plot
> to loot us anew. McPherson is documented at the first link as being a
> radical neolib-neocon on the model of Milton Friedman. See Naomi Klein's
> Shock Doctrine. McPherson talks about shocking out Iraq and privatizing
> away their marvelous functioning oil socialism which just worked, in favor
> of idealistic mayhem that still does not work in terms of basic services
> they had in Iraq before, not to mention millions, literally millions, of
> educated professionals such as doctors have left Iraq never to return,
> thanks to the US and McPherson.
> "McPherson will not, apparently, come to the defense of David Wiley, MSU's
> Director of African Studies who has taken the courageous stance of
> fighting an attempt by Republicans to force African Studies departments to
> accept military intelligence and CIA funding as part of the Title VI
> language and area studies grants...McPherson was Reagan's USAID chief from
> 1981 to 1987[USAID fronted CIA lat am
> death squadding in Guatemala]"
> Yes, truly a dangerous man, literally a death squadding threat to
> democracy, free elections, and equality under law.
> -Bob
> --- In, Mary Hartman <hartmanmar...@...> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> Pull these up and read them.  I found them while looking up things on
>> Bruce Atwood and McPherson.  These explain alot about the subversion of
>> the U of MN since these two are bosom buddies.  Articles tie McPherson,
>> who is a Clinton liberal, to both Bush's as well. 
>> I used to get bogged down with the labels: Democrat/Republican.  Guys
>> like McPherson move seamlessly between them all, exploiting, looting,
>> subverting wherever he can to make a buck and destroy lives.  He's a
>> dangerous man. 
>> Condi Rice salutes war president, It's not who - The Free Press ...In
>> May 2003, after President Bush came calling,  the MSU Board of Trustees
>> released McPherson to serve 130 days, to "oversee the economic
>> restructuring of ...
>> - CachedWho is
>> Michigan's Empire Man? Big Ten University - The Free Press ...August 18,
>> 2003 "I think this must be heaven," Peter McPherson told the State News
>> ... One of the few MSU faculty to publicly criticize McPherson is Lewis
>> ...
>> - Cached
>> --- On Wed, 12/9/09, muckblit <muckb...@...> wrote:
>> From: muckblit <muckb...@...>
>> Subject: [cia-drugs] Georgia and South Ossetia War Photos and Links
>> To:
>> Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 10:00 PM
>>       Lots of links to follow in blog below these pics.
>> Explosives seem to improve like other technologies.
>> Soros, Cheney war, even while Soros was sounding so
>> liberal and supporting Obama. Cheney was over there
>> agitating during the Republican National nominating
>> convention. I'm going back and follow links later.
>> Just ran into this while looking for LSD torture of
>> al-CIA-duh lab monkeys.
>> http://lsd-25. ru/2008/08/ 14/voyna- v-yuzhnoy- osetii-89- fotografiy-
>> arkadiya- babchenko/

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