I've been out of the research loop for the past two years for my own
sanity, but now that I'm about to turn 40, I'm really wondering where
to go from here.

For those of you unfamiliar with my research, I compiled numerous essays/papers 
at my SkewsMe.com
websites that were way ahead of their time. For example, the week I was
researching what was to be a scathing chapter for one of my ebooks
regarding the FBI
not keeping track of missing children, they finally decided to comply
with a 16 year old Congressional order to maintain statistics. I also
seriously doubt Dolly the sheep would have been made public in the news had it 
not been for me. Shoot, Wikipedia even used to credit my paper on Brain 
Implants as the basis for their article on the subject.

I'm an eccentric genius who has made very powerful enemies over the course of 
my life spying on
 organized child abuse rings and going public in 1996.

world is a scary place and only getting worse. The bread and circuses
seem to placate most with the opiates of the masses grabbing the rest.
No one seems to want to be good anymore despite their claims otherwise.

I posted this to about a dozen groups, so if you wish to respond to me, please 
cc my email.

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