"secret society system. 
 1. Mining­Metal­Money
 2. Drugs­Guns­Oil 
 3. Media­Movies­Magick"  -Robert Kris Millegan

...which "3-3-3", "11", can be represented as "911", which might
just be a way of saying the velvet glove is off the iron fist.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum as much as said they're in a mad
kick sprint now, when speaking with Daniel Estulin in a bar,
see The Bilderbergers book from trineday.com, re the 9 one-one.

Freeport-McMoran figured in the JFK assassination, and had
a gold mine in West Papua or "Irian Jaya", and yes, they did
have a motive for murdering JFK in regard to "metal".

It just may not be a coincidence that the chief of CIA
assassinations was the doorman at the hotel where John
Lennon was assassinated near a convenient patsy. You
never know. Stranger things have happened than somebody
showing up for work and doing what they do for their money.

As far as whether Chapman, the patsy, might just take a
handed off gun there and like it, consider that in the DC
Sniper trial of John Muhamad, he temporarily dismissed his
attorneys so he could question the two witnesses who were
used to place him at the scene of the crime. He did not
remark upon the fact that the woman who worked at a bank
two miles away from the scene of the crime(SUNOCO, Manassas,
Virginia, 2002) said she went outside and saw him. She
did not claim to be using binoculars. He wanted it. He
also frequented a west coast bar known as a place where
serial killers of reknown have hung out in the past. He
wanted it. Mindful of the JFK Magic Bullet lesson in
forensics, the police forensics witness was careful to
spell out that the high powered high velocity .223 aka
5.56mm bullet, fired from a range of fifteen yards, made
a huge entry wound and did not exit (by making a small
hole as it were) the skull but remained there (presumably
pristine as the original Magic Bullet on Texas Governor
Connolly's gurney). She wanted it. He got it(attention
and the death penalty). It gets worse. The shot was
most likely fired from a balcony behind where Muhamad
really was, not the Zapruder Oswald big hole side, or
Malvo could have done it, but the case was completely
blown and Muhammed volunteered for the death penalty
anyway. The state put on a case based on the patsy
being on the big hole side of the victim, but he
wasn't, but if he was, he didn't do it, and if he
wasn't, he could have, but maybe not, but, he wants
us to think he did. Get it? "The truth is what we
say it is", just jump then, hamsters. "Media and

911 goes similarly. Building Seven? Very funny. Does
anybody remember which DAY building seven fell down?
It might have been a different day, but who's looking?
Did you notice? It's one of those big hole on the entry
side things. Now you see it, but you don't, see?

Or how about they confiscate all the 911 Pentagon videos,
then don't release one, but release photos that don't show
a plane. Jump, hamsters, jump high, jump transcendingly
high, "Magickly" high, transcending your everyday IQ by
BELIEVING something SPECIAL. Be a part of something that
is secret. Never say his name (Lt. Col. Art Holbo, USAF),
keep that little plastic boaz boaz boaz on the dashboard
of all transcending special belief. Sing the Barney song
and Barney Fife will make you look real big in history.

Patsies just show up, that's all. They don't source their
prejudice. They just jump to conclusions, leaping right
to the scene of their crime. Special. I can find some.
Just tell the truth, and there they will be, twinkle
twinkle, little pissant stars! It works every time.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Kris Millegan <roads...@...> wrote:
> Dear Bill, 
> The Arabs were patsies. That was their role. They had no control over the
> planes. 9/11 was an intel run op. In an op, pasties have one role: to get
> the blame. They have absolutely no way to botch the op, their only  part in
> the play is to be collared as the perp, they are told what every lie to be
> there. And if we are ³buying² their IDs, most probably thought that they
> were deep cover on the inside. Which is a very typical ploy.  Once caught in
> the snare, patsies are killed, main ones right away, smaller fry maybe not
> until somebody important wants to talk with them.
> Why do we, the public, not have the black boxes or any tapes of cockpit
> talk. Why if these were spiritual suicides, there was no boasting or
> declaratory oratory from the dying ³saints.²
> Who is manipulating the information you are getting. Intel op includes
> ³story² and obfuscation, cleaning up the tracks by ³dragging pine boughs.²
> Three false memes spread by an indentified disnfo unit are/were:
> 1. No plane in DC {The one with the most legs.)
> 2. No Planes in NY 
> 3.  The ³Jews² did it all.
> Do the honest research, just takes a couple of solid hours on the net, one
> can find the truth; or one can show laziness, agenda or ignorance.
> Don¹t be lead by prejudice, but honest research.
> We the people are being played by a cabal entrenched within the secret
> society system. 
> Their multi-layered methods of control are:
> 1. Mining­Metal­Money
> 2. Drugs­Guns­Oil 
> 3. Media­Movies­Magick
> The top two heavily garner the secret societal system economic dominance,
> and are operated as hidden cartels, which then cascade into dominance in
> other economic areas. The last level includes propaganda, psychological
> warfare, basically where the ³velvet glove² meets us hoi polloi, and looking
> to control our social/cultural world.
> Through definitive initiatives the secret societal system has proceeded
> through time, especially well documented from the 1600s on, using a
> procedure of ³dialectic² shocks, war, mass trauma, economic control,
> ³educational reform,² and other means to fight us people to control our
> collective futures for the benefit and insanities of a criminal and deranged
> elite at the expense of our public welfare.
> Bit then that¹s just my opinion.
> Peace, 
> Kris Millegan
> On 12/26/09 1:54 AM, "muckblit" <muckb...@...> wrote:
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >    
> > 
> > So you're saying that none of that was on the flight recorder
> > but we must assume it happens because that is usually what
> > happens, although not much else happened consistent with what
> > usually happens? Why would we love to assume selectively?
> > 
> > Or do you have a transcript with all of that? I will not care to assume
> > anything, especially if you are a follower of the Pentagon
> > small plane line, and I do mean the Pentagon's small plane lie
> > expressed a few minutes after the crash by USAF Lt Col Art Holbo,
> > propaganda officer speaking at the Pentagon to local TV.
> > 
> > In the early days a pilot thought the plane was captured before
> > it left the ground. Have a transcript for me or just another
> > recitation of USAF small plane pro-pagan-da from Holbo?
> > 
> > -Bob
> > 
> > --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com <mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com> , bill
> > <zuma_aiko@> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > do you mean that the "hijacking arabs" were able to
> >> > handle sign off from the gate and converse with the
> >> > tower for final taxiing protocol and instructions.
> >> > of course that also means they knew the ground
> >> > traffic patterns (hold and go) as well as runway
> >> > locations?
> >> > that would have to add to their pedigree considering
> >> > they handled a widebody in an impossible spiral
> >> > banking descent and held that large aircraft
> >> > at an "altitude" of one hundred feet before
> >> > hitting the pentagon and then making the
> >> > aircraft disappear into that building.
> >> >  
> >> > magicians.
> >> > 
> >> > --- On Wed, 12/23/09, muckblit <muckblit@> wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > From: muckblit <muckblit@>
> >> > Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: PENTAGON AIRCRAFT HIJACK IMPOSSIBLE?
> >> > To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com <mailto:cia-drugs%40yahoogroups.com>
> >> > Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 7:53 AM
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >   
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > What if the plane was hijacked on the ground?
> >> > 
> >> > -Bob
> >> > 
> >> > --- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou ps.com, "ruxpert" <homepulse@ ..> wrote:
> >>> > >
> >>> > > http://pilotsfor911 truth.org/ american_ 77_hijack_ impossible. html
> >>> > > 
> >>> > > http://pilotsfor911 truth.org/
> >>> > >
> >> >
> > 
> >  
> >    
> > 
> >

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