Dear Captain May,
Wow, you certainly have a story!  Welcome.

I was going to write my story.  I half completed a book but saw that all
the wrong people would be hurt.  I put it aside.  Years later a visiting
Australian lady saw the first part and said I should put the early part
about my upbringing into the form of a play as it already read like one. 
I finally did a few years ago: ‘A Spy In Time’.
I was a child at the time but remember the planning for America’s near
second use of atomic weapons at the end of April 1954, Operation Falcon. 
“According to Richard Nixon the plan involved the Joint Chiefs of Staff
drawing up plans to use 3 small tactical nuclear weapons in support of the
French.”  From:
That was some years after as Ike was president in 54.  I was a child and
the talk, to my memory, was either one or two bombs.  But it was then that
I understood that we had, (and have), secret agreements about
non-use-of-nukes brokered by Luce first with Joe Stalin.  Within a short
time we started using the fairly new Israeli Mossad as a combination
KGB/CIA and other nuclear power intel agencies to keep the secret deal
honest.  It is only human that such would get out of control.  The problem
is that at this point we don’t have anything to replace it with.  But this
is also why the Third World, (through Turkey), is starting to suggest that
the world needs a ‘new’ and ‘different’ world organization.

The play puts these complexities in more simple terms as it is viewed from
the perspective of an eleven-year-old child.  When I put it on the
Internet it had 14,000 viewers in the first week.  I have become more
optimistic over these issues over time and no longer play the ‘us’ vs.
‘them’ game.  I am sensing that time will soon force us all together.

‘A Spy In Time’ is here:

At any rate…: Welcome.

> I've been on a mission of conscience since 2003, with the outbreak of the
> illegal Iraq war. A month ago my publisher at the Lone Star Iconoclast
> published a story on my earliest actions:
> "Captain Courageous Witnessed: Dr. Kelly Assassinated!"

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