"UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton to Haiti was nearly killed there by what 
insurance companies prefer to wash their hands by calling an "act of God", 
presumably the of course being a usually suspect a lone crazed serial or 
multi-tasking god."

Was that sentence good for you, too? If there was an edit function:

UN Special Envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton, was nearly killed there by what 
insurance companies prefer to wash their hands by calling an "act of God", 
presumably of course meaning the usually suspect lone crazed serial or 
multi-tasking god.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <muckb...@...> wrote:
> UN Special Envoy Bill Clinton to Haiti was nearly killed there by what 
> insurance companies prefer to wash their hands by calling an "act of God", 
> presumably the of course being a usually suspect a lone crazed serial or 
> multi-tasking god.
> Clinton's second was killed. It will be interesting to know how Clinton will 
> spend  his 250 million special envoy dollars. You can't really hold Bill 
> Clinton's feet to the fire, though, at least not in Haiti. Poor people there 
> rely on charcoal to cook their food, and you would prefer to let them keep 
> any charcoal they may have. Before a hurricane knocked down remaining trees, 
> there was already a catastrophic level of erosion and mudslides due to 
> denuding of the land by firewood collectors, who were collecting firewood to 
> make charcoal. Clinton could divert an empty cocaine ship from Miami or New 
> York and fill it with charcoal from the Brazilian steel smelters, which tend 
> to be near water. In two weeks, Bill Clinton could have a shipload of 
> charcoal in Haiti, for his death squad victims. Bill Clinton is the UN 
> Special Envoy to Haiti, funded with 250 million dollars, because as US 
> president he invaded Haiti with US Marines, kidnapped the legitimate elected 
> president, Jean Bertrand Aristide, and installed a death-squadding dictator 
> who caused so much trouble that Brazilian peacekeepers are in Haiti now. In 
> order to keep peace they would have to bring peace by bringing back Aristide, 
> which Bill Clinton's $250 million and his wife, the US Secretary of State, 
> will surely prevent.
> This would be a good time to bring back Jean Bertrand Aristide and give Haiti 
> Bill Clinton's 250 million UN Special Envoy dollars, socks, silk m*********er 
> shirt, and underwear, don't you think? "No greater love".
> New Orleans Katrina veterans are organizing to help in Haiti. Who will set up 
> wireless communications in Haiti first, 802.11 wifi volunteers with their 
> 50-mile dish links, or US cell phone companies? In New Orleans and the Gulf 
> Coast, it was 802.11 wifi volunteers who first got fire and rescue and even 
> police back online, running linux, not Microsoft Windows or Mac! In fact you 
> could google on madwifi and Malik Algiers Black Panther right now to start 
> looking for those New Orleans and Gulf Coast volunteers.
> How about the charcoal? Try solar cooking in your websearch.
> GEET generators on youtube.
> We can do this. Post your links on how to help. Just don't call what you do 
> "American intelligence". It's too late. We already have Bill Clinton as UN 
> Special Envoy funded with 250 million dollars and that's why Haiti has no 
> government. Haiti's puppet government never had any presence out where people 
> were made homeless by the hurricane. Incidentally, this earthquake hit the 
> government and the international meddlers hardest, technically, by Richter 
> numbers, but of course you know who died, don't you? You guessed it, 100,000 
> poor people. 100:1 top UN official, but then lots of good-hearted foreign 
> folks were also killed, or dozens anyway.
> Many poor people were saved by still being homeless years after the 
> hurricane, so no building fell on their heads.
> Pardon me while I hunt down a lone madwifi veteran dark fiber killer. He 
> would probably be at a theatre, rather than viewing the same movie over fiber 
> or dsl or cable, if G. Gordon Liddy wants to shoot Officer Tippit nearby for 
> a few of Bill Clinton's democracy suppression 250 million dollars.
> In case you are wondering why Bill Clinton does not have 350 million dollars 
> to suppress democracy on the other two thirds of the island Haiti is on, in 
> the Dominican Republic, the answer is that people on the DR side are light 
> skinned, more like Bill Clinton. They can operate Bodegas in Manhattan in 
> Bill Clinton's neighborhood under Democracy Lite, fewer calories, less 
> filling. They don't need the US Marines to kidnap their leaders.
> madwifi, openwrt, linux, wifi, malik algiers
> -Bob

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