Mein Kamph is suddenly selling well in the Third World mainly through
economic departments of universities.
The dollar strength is not in manufacturing nor in commodities.  It is in
ownership of processes, experience with technology.  That is nothing

Chavez understands this and this is why he is saying the auto industry
cannot continue to keep ownership of invention.

It will even out.  Good is still good.  We have our troops quietly toss
made in USA junk weapons and carry AK-47s.  The 47 is the year.  1947.

Write it.

> I'm going to write an article on this.  What says't all of thee?
> Ok, so after World War One, the Allies forced reparations on Germany.
> Germany was basically forced to pay about 100 times the amount of money
> that actually existed in the entire world at that time. LOL. So what did
> they do? They printed it up out of nothing and said, HERE YOU GO BITCHES.
> DON'T SPEND IT ALL IN ONE PLACE. This was called the Weimar
> Hyperinflation.
> Hitler brought in Hjalmar Schacht to knock about 8 zeros off the Deutch
> Mark and called the new currency a Reich Mark.
> So, what does this have to do with Obama? Simple.
> The Wall Street/City of London Finance Oligarchy want to repudiate our
> ("our") foreign debt with China (and foreign debt in general) through this
> very same hyperinflationary method. The dollar would be destroyed, the
> debt would be "paid off" via the printing press, and they would bring in
> the new Euro-style regional currency, the Amero.
> But Volcker will NOT do that. LOL. Volcker is the guy who was Fed Chair
> before Greenspan. Carter stuck him in there, and the dude promptly HALTED
> the excessive monetary creation of the 70s. I mean it was radical. Rates
> went WAY the fuck up.
> Well guess what. We're right back to doing that same type of shit, and
> Obama (who is very similar to Carter in many ways, even works for the same
> people, the Trilateralists under Brzezinski) is bringing in Volcker as an
> economic advisor!
> Bernanke said, "If all else fails, we can print out money and drop it from
> helicopters." Seriously. Google "Helicopter Ben." What he meant was that
> they can use their organized criminal connections to siphon money into the
> economy. But the bottom line is that Greenspan and Bernanke were
> Volcker is the diametric opposite of that. LOL. Holy shit dude. KEEP AN
> The Volcker Revolution - Providing Some Much Needed Answers
> Just who is this Paul Volcker who will now be the President's seemingly
> primary economic advisor, and more importantly, what will his policies be
> like? Luckily, an extensive blueprint already exists, and Zero Hedge
> readers should be quite familiar with it by now.

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