Okay, see your point, I move too fast.
Okay, I read again and read new site too..  There are most likely other
issues, not named, such as is InterPol becoming a Mossad front?  Perhaps. 
InterPol like Mossad is 95% Benelux anyway.  I still don’t see a giant
problem as law reads.  For example by rules of procedure if anything used
against a US citizen in court then access to records could not be used
unless other party had access.

Granted the US is a police state.  Few can see the extent.  Part of this
is necessary though, but much not.  I know that picky sounds icky.  About
1994 I met a German lady in a restaurant on Cape Cod.  She asked me out of
the blue, “Don’t you Americans realize that you are living in a police
state?”  I answered that I realized we are a police state but that most
don’t and won’t.

In some utopian state spying might not just be legal but be esteemed.  But
here the patriot game is still played, even heavily in alternate media.
At times it helps me to think about the implications of Richard Wagner’s
opera: Das Rheingold.
It still remains that for greater security spying is still necessary.  Or,
in other words, in life-on-life’s-terms, spying is both necessary and
illegal.  In the Opera the Rhein maidens can hand out the golden ring. 
The ‘Golden Ring’ is the ring of power.  It is necessary for power to
operate.  Power must have critical knowledge.
You can see why spy organizations are always referred to as ‘rings’.  You
can’t have a simple back and forth.  A large ‘inner tube’ must be
organized so what goes around one way can check on what goes around the

Now and then people complain about ‘submarines’ in prisons, particularly
the ‘max’ fed prisons like Marion, Ill.  This is where a few prisoners are
given whatever they want.  Nice suite, drugs, women…, whatever.  Yet this
MUST be.  How could trust develop unless those caught in bad biz, as bad
biz is needed, get fixed up when caught in the wiz.
When you think about it the necessity of protecting these ‘unpatriotic
spies’ is the same necessity that with ‘golden ring’ we exempt spouses
from testifying against each other.

Ain’t perfect, but that’s life.

> dear michael1,
> rather than us getting lost/misdirected via the ever downward-spiraling
> cognitive-dissonance of 'broad-stroke' posturing as to 'what is proper
> posting', in lieu of embracing the more precise accountability we
> supposedly
> seek ... can we instead please begin by addressing the following
> previously
> sent to thee:
> Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American
> law-enforcement?
> http://hotair.com/archives/2009/12/23/did-obama-exempt-interpol-from-same-legal-\constraints-as-american-law-enforcement/
> (as such appears salient question as to 'Police State' issue, and at least
> directs us back to subject issue)
> ===
> regarding:
> ('It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new
> level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select
> U.S. placed under international police-state?'}
> I agree, the article's author presents such problematically vague/broad,
> lending itself to be ridiculed and misdirected from a more precise review
> &
> understanding of what Obama's Amending Executive Order 12425 might
> actually 'Mean'/do/become/be? ( but It DID catch our attention! ;-)
> btw, Be careful your Own 'broad approach' does not hypocritically continue
> the problem of misdirecting from a more critical examination of the
> specific
> subject issue: Obama's Amendment To Executive Order 12425
> (also btw, "a new level of full diplomatic immunity" appears to present a
> bit doublespeakish: *new-level OF full* ;-) ifin ya knows whatta means?
> ---
> some lively discussions examining subject issue here (also, see additional
> related links, futher below)
> Obama exempts INTERPOL from search and seizure on US lands
> http://patriotroom.com/article/obama-exempts-interpol-from-search-and-seizure-on-us-lands
> lively comments/discussions follow article
> ===
> now, regarding concept/condition of:
> (if/when/whether U.S. has-been/will-be placed under international
> police-state)
> what criteria shall we use to define/gauge if/what/when such constitutes
> itself, if not already?
> With that context in mind, it appears we might most agree with your
> following statement:
> michael1 wrote:
> "Police state there is."
> ;-)
> note ~ (perhaps Obama's Amendment To Executive Order 12425 appears to
> merely
> 'compliment' Reagan's initial Op? ;-)
> kinda a frog-boil kinda thingk ;-)
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-amending-executive-order-12425
> Obama exempts INTERPOL from search and seizure on US lands
> http://patriotroom.com/article/obama-exempts-interpol-from-search-and-seizure-on-us-lands
> lively comments/discussions follow
> Obama gives Interpol free hand in U.S.
> http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/Obama-gives-Interpol-free-hand-in-U_S_-8697583-80291137.html
> w/comments
> Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law? [ Andy McCarthy ]
> http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MGY3MTI4YTRjZmYwMGU1ZjZhOGJmNmQ0NmJiZDNmMDY
> =
> Order on Interpol Work Inside U.S. Irks Conservatives
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/31/world/31interpol.html
> Obama’s Interpol Executive Order
> Now this should frighten people. At least those of us not transfixed by
> the Tiger Woods mess.
> http://theundergroundconservative.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/obamas-interpol-executive-order/
> Order on Interpol Work Inside U.S. Irks Conservatives
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/31/world/31interpol.html
> O’s INTERPOL Executive Order: immunity for Obama?
> http://www.floppingaces.net/2009/12/24/os-interpol-executive-order-immunity-for-obama/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: micha...@midcoast.com
> To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 7:25:09 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
> Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?
> Thank you so much for the links. I read them. The links show that the
> immunities are limited. It does not give any sort of blanket protection
> from law.
> Even your congressman is exempt from certain arrests, this was so that his
> horse and buggy would not be stopped by others wanting to block his vote.
> The InterPol is far less than this and involves records.
> The articles are painting with too broad a brush. Without protection of
> sources, (one of main reasons), not only would they be ineffective, (as in
> who could trust), but organizations would not give natural
> check-n'-balance to each other. (Reason why FBI offices are, at least on
> paper, independent.)
> The 'Police State' headline is a horror. Police state there is . These
> broad brushes are not helping.
> m
>> http://www.justice.gov/usncb/
>> International Organizations Immunities Act.
>> http://www.ipu.org/finance-e/PL79-291.pdf
>> Just What Did President Obama's Executive Order regarding INTERPOL
>> Do?December 30, 2009
>> http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/12/just-what-did-president-obamas-executive-order-regarding-interpol-do.html
>> Did Obama exempt Interpol from same legal constraints as American
>> law-enforcement?
>> http://hotair.com/archives/2009/12/23/did-obama-exempt-interpol-from-same-legal-constraints-as-american-law-enforcement/
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: micha...@midcoast.com
>> To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 4:14:24 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
>> Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] U.S. placed under international police-state?
>> I too was going to mention that the "U.S. placed under international
>> police-state?" sounds like writer does not understand. Granting those
>> types of immunity helps all of us. They are limited to InterPol
>> operations. In no manner does it allow InterPol to be exempt from
>> general
>> US laws. Here average-Joe only benefits. Alternate media often jumps
>> into things it does not understand.
>> Michael Donovan
>>> You know what InterPol is?
>>> And how it functions?
>>> And what it does?
>>> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 2:00 PM, <homepu...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> Subject: U.S. placed under international police-state?
>>>> *U.S. placed under international police-state* *?*
>>>> In the dead of night on December 17, 2009, President Barack Hussein
>>>> Obama
>>>> placed the United States of America under the authority of the
>>>> international
>>>> police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full
>>>> immunity to operate within the United States.
>>>> On December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order
>>>> "Amending
>>>> Executive Order
>>>> 12425<http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-amending-executive-order-12425>."
>>>> It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new
>>>> level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and
>>>> select
>>>> other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States
>>>> International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.
>>>> http://www.examiner.com/x-3704-Columbia-Conservative-Examiner~y2009m12d26-US-placed-under-international-policestate
>> ------------------------------------

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