(Why FEMA camps if you have FOUR SBX cremes!!?! I think I get it now)

Welcome To New Jack City, where you don't have to ask for room for your
new creme facility.

These are your New Jack Good Guys. Now you don't have to ask the world

Steroids are a terminator, don't you think? That's why we still call the
New Shriver Jack "Shortzaneuter". His real name can be kind of hard to
pronounce for these new good people who laugh at ethnic and racist

The names of the innocent have been left the same to protect the names
of the innocent, for their tombstones, unless they and their whole
families end up in the river without a tombstone, like the Muellers of
Arkansas, as not reported by Arkansas journalist Tom Kearse--he shot
himself in the head--twice. Coincidentally "the same people who did the
Muellers" were on the way over, they told the answering machine. Two of
them. Not Chevy, because he was in jail and in the movies, but did you
really think Chevy drove around town for a week with three stinking
bodies rolled up in hundreds of pounds of carpets dripping with blood? A
little too real for a narcissist wack job, don't you think? He had
storage facilities, and storage means people. We are about people here
in Chantilly, and Bobbitt County is just over thataway, microbiologist
stabbed with two foot sword over thisaway(don't call them satanists or
fools, call them Xe-[t is silent here]-ians and Pfohls(two of them i.e
pair of fools or Pfohls look it up it's ALL real!!!)!). Lots of storage
here in New Jack City, too, boys and girls; tell your parents we have
storage per crematorium, and this, as usual, is not a movie i.e.

We are so happy to welcome you as a prospective new member of the

Room For Creme? Zoning inspectors will not present a problem if you plan
on bringing your crematorium to the environs of Civitas Dei, Chantilly,
Virginia, especially if you can descend from heaven with a 1954
Guatemala embassy public address system shout, and no congressional
funding baggage to reclaim downstairs. Yes, downstairs, beneath four
crematoria, two double bullet journalist suicides, Mena and 911 anthrax
too many for Ives, dozens of dead in the first 24 after the New Jack
good guys recalled JackFK to Jack Factory Killed.

Please form a circle now and welcome yourselves to New Jack City, for
the video cameras.

Please welcome each your partner to the left to New Jack City, for  the
video cameras.

Please welcome each your partner to the right to New Jack City, for  the
video cameras.

Please kill your partner to the leftt to New Jack City, for  the video

Now you know what New Jack Shriver was doing in a motel room with Enron
CEO Ken Lay for two days, don't you, Mr. Blue? Welcome to New Jack City,
Mr. Blue. You are the best. Now for the rest of the tour.

Four crematoria make a hasty twisted cross around CIA Chantilly.

CIA Chantilly descended from Rev. Pat Robertson's heaven as Lional
Curtis, Carroll Quigley and Bill Clinton, H.G. and Orson Welles' radio
UFO Civitas Dei(City of not Augustine's God), descended USAF-blue to
your local cub scout blue, without the need of congressional funding, or

The gun store had to move back two blocks and take down its sign.
Neighbor Ron Coe says the sound of suicide pierced the day around there
until the arsenal had to take down its sign, for the sake of surviving
families. Ron decided to start selling privacy fence. Daddy does not
need office furnitue any more, but perhaps his grieving family would
like some privacy, or the companionship of warm, natural yellow pine
wood with sound deadening and multi-layer sound isolating and differing
material densities with differing sound transmissive qualities, the very
essence of every sound deadening principle rolled into one beautiful
premium privacy fence, and surprisingly affordable especially if you do
not need office furniture anymore.

Gary Webb and Tom Kearse, journalists, shot themselves twice each in
each of their heads, respectively. Don't you hate that "Are you sure?"
dialog box in Microsoft Windows? In linux, only Bill Gates and Rev. Pat
Robertson see that dialog box. Linux Torvalds knows that the other
psychopaths are too hard to bother with silly questions, for now, as
long as dead journalists and dead black people in Haiti outnumber Hugo
Chavez. Aaron Russo talked to Rockefeller, and he's dead. USAToday used
to have a building overlooking the Pentagon, but they're gone.
USAToday's Pentagon Boeing witness Joel Sucherman might have thought he
worked for Socrates for a few minutes one day, but Sophocles meekly
backed down, ceding the Rosslyn hill to Sophistry Today's war seller

New Sprawl City already had berms. The berms are free but you already
had to sell your Hummer. The Hummer dealer is so quiet and dark. The
Toyota CEO is resisting recall to the US because he was not 100%
manufactured in the US. Four crematoria make a hasty twisted cross, but
some people remember that democracy was not 100% manufactured in the US.
Voting is not 100% of democracy as Athenians knew it.

Sophicles was not originally 100% of Socrates, either, but US publishing
media have conceded their Rosslyn towers to war sellers. War seller
towers loom high above the old US government buildings in DC. War
sellers look down on the Pentagon from Rosslyn and Crystal City, down on
the Mall and the Capitol and Washington Monument from Rosslyn, and
behind the first ridge, war seller towers rise high above the first CIA
blue building. The black stretch Checker limo station wagons are all
gone now. Wave after wave of war seller high rises fan out in ripples
toward the beltway and beyond, out to the airports where they must stop
for now, but beyond the airports, the berms and security gates and
guards of New Sprawl City are mindful of war seller towers that pushed
even hired-archicalist Sophocles off of Rosslyn Hill.

What will we read now? Hand-written three by five cards taped inside a
hitman's office next door to one of the four crematoria spew hateful
vitriol reminiscent of a lifetime of two week vacations in other
people's countries, shooting Colombian street kids for fun, or
Portuguese random homeless people out the back window with a rifle.

ia-7-of-8 There were cannibals on the other side in Liberia, fighting
against US expats who took the American style of plantation with them
and set it up using indigenous tribal people as slaves, black on black,
until tribal people including some real cannibals successfully struck
Rev. Pat Robertson's US rebel flag for good. Unfortunately, Rev. Pat
Robertson is still a cannibal like his father and Prescott Bush, who
brought Civitas Dei down from his beloved nazi Germany to the level of
local policing, without US Congressional funding.

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