White people are told that the prison plantation problem and the DC 50%
non-hs-graduation of black males problem are a Kipling My Brother's
Keeper problem, and that merely at tax time. They need to realize that
they are enslaved every time a black man is enslaved by Jim Nanny
Crow. The noose is on them unreasonably, all right, but before all
seven Mexican US-born children learn to vote against Jim Crow, too,
white people need to figure out the black man did not invent Jim Crow
or neo Jim Nanny Crow.                      Book: http://newjimcrow.com

"Loitering", "vagrancy", scam, figure it out now a hundred years
later when foreclosure and unemployement and under-employment
are for white people. What can't we afford? LEO Bubble, Jim Nanny
Crow's law enforcement bubble, police-military keynesianism.

Seven cop cars and a tow truck--fiscally not a utopian circus!--

Two white guys and a black guy in a car, they get profile stopped.

Cop handcuffs the black guy before he looks for contraband.

He finds contraband under one of the white guy's seats.

Two white guys hire lawyers. Lawyer says,"Let's just blame the black

Real. I don't have time to read or write fiction.

I'm profiling this one as we speak. In plain sight, fair and square, I
seven blue grow lights(cop cars), a yellow grow light(tow truck for
seized car),
a black grow light(handcuffing before sight or search), and an eight
foot tall
poison evidentiary tree.

The black grow light can be bullet holes in the back of the hand-cuffed
...obviously he was nervous about something or he wouldn't have run
This time he stayed put for the whole Abu Ghraib circus, which one of
seven officers was heard to call,"Action", or what guards in Abu Ghraib
for entertainment when 90% of their prisoners are innocent and the other
10% were invited to the prison, unlike the guards themselves, who
the party.

I don't smoke poison evidentiary tree. That's a no-no but I can't build
a life on
no. I'd like to build a life on voting against Republicans but I can't
get fries
with that.

Four crematoriums sprang up around CIA Chantilly. Black people like open
casket funerals. It takes time to raise money for funerals. Bodies get
to stinking.
Freezers rent by the day. Embalming is an easy sell there.

Hummer dealer is empty. BR Arsenal took their sign down. Neighbors heard
a lot of white people shooting themselves to death outside, but when you
are outside,
you can't hear people shooting themselves at the indoor shooting range.
That would
be a hidden statistic, the inside game there.

If neighbors only heard white people shooting themselves, how do I as an
analyst know that they were all white, and tend to assume that a larger
number of
white people also shot themselves silently, as far as neighbors hearing
them, inside
the range where white people rent suicide tools? Crematoriums, four
Four. Highly likely those white people got bids from those four
crematoriums, then
went and rented a suicide tool by the hour. Black people don't like
cremation. The
vics were all white then. White men love making choices, too. White
women, not
so much.

Just the neighborhood says it must be a white neighborhood. Four
and a CIA building forms a twisted cross, a Jack Fed Kill twisted old
Irish genocide and African slave trade Barbados green-eyed brown baby
for quick
Rev. Pat Robertson blood diamond type of cash, cross.

Down at the crossroads, a deal was made. A man made his choice in the
of a blue building between four crematoriums. It was neither a good day,
nor a
bad day. There was no wind in those crispy dead trees. The wind was
out, away from the center, beyond the empty Hummer dealer. It was a day.
bones knew; Rockefeller hates today. Doom. Only wives and families can
with today. A laundromat is as good as a TV for women and children, but
for The Man. The Man kills today, this day, for money, or he's not a
man. THE
END. Rockefeller is not paying for day killing for a few weeks. The sky
dark. Days that had been killed long ago rose from the grave, and they
talkies, if only black and white ones.

Call it an X, a new jack fed kill X. Blackwater is Xe now, without the
Satanists, excuse me, XeTians, like to take the "T" out so other
vultures can't
sit on it.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, nathaniel x vance <broali...@...>
> Minister Farrakhan has said that there is a conspiracy in the USA to
destroy the black male. And now, this astute author Mrs. Michelle
Alexander has publish a book which backup his claim totally called - The
New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness!
> If you would, please consider purchasing this book. It clearly shows
with undisputable facts and statistics that indeed, the racist so-call
judiciary system alone with the corrupting private for-profit prison
system is a part of this conspiracy to destroy black people by limiting
black people constitutional rights and declaring you a felon for life.
> <http://newjimcrow.com/>
> The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:

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