------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:52:47 EST
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>
> Subject: Dubai assassination squad carried European diplomatic passports

> "One of the assassins applied in person for a German passport  by claiming to
> be the descendant of Holocaust survivors"
> It's time for America to add Israel to the list of countries "sponsoring
> terrorism,"  and treat everybody holding US-Israeli "dual citizenship" as a
> potential terrorist
> Dubai assassination squad carried diplomatic passports
> Police in Dubai said that some of the assassins involved in last month’s
> killing of a Hamas commander entered the emirate carrying diplomatic
> passports.  The disclosure is certain to increase diplomatic tensions between
> Israel and European countries, but Israel's deputy foreign minister, Danny
> Ayalon, says he foresees no diplomatic fallout since there is no "irrefutable
> evidence" that can link Mossad to the killing
> By Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem and Richard Spencer in Dubai
> Published: 8:22PM GMT 21 Feb 2010
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/dubai/7287207/Dubai-assas
> sination-squad-carried-diplomatic-passports.html
> Suspects wanted in connection with the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh,
> clockwise from top left: Michael Lawrence Barney, James Leonard Clarke,
> Stephen Daniel Hodes, Paul John Keeley, Melvyn Adam Mildiner Photo: AP
> The claim will intensify the pressure on Israel, whose foreign minister is due
> to meet David Miliband and other European envoys in Brussels today. Avigdor
> Lieberman will face questions about allegations that Mossad agents posing as
> Europeans and travelling on false passports were behind the killing.
> Providing fresh details yesterday about the identity of a second group
> involved in the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mahbhouh, Dubai’s police chief
> disclosed that up to three of the killers carried documents identifying
> themselves as foreign diplomats.
> Related Articles
> *  
> * Mossad: the elite women who work for  'the family’
> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/features/7280625/Mossad-the-elite-women-who-w
> ork-for-the-family.html>
> *  
> *  
> * Dubai police chief: arrest head of  Mossad
> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/dubai/7265392/Miliband-u
> se-of-fake-British-passports-in-Dubai-hit-is-an-outrage.html>
> “There is information that the Dubai police will not make public for the
> moment, especially regarding diplomatic passports,” Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan told a
> local newspaper. 
> Although he did not elaborate, the disclosure is certain to increase
> diplomatic tensions between Israel and European countries, including Britain.
> Any fraudulent use of diplomatic passports would be considered a grave
> security breach by the country, or countries, that issued them.
> David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, will once again raise Britain’s
> concerns when he meets Mr Lieberman on the sidelines of a European Union
> foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels. Israel has so far shown little
> willingness to co-operate with Britain as it investigates how the doctored
> passports of six of its nationals, all residents in the Jewish state, came to
> be used by some of the assassins. Last week, Dubai disclosed that 11 members
> of the 18-strong assassination squad carried European passports ­ six British,
> three Irish, one German and one French.
> Two Palestinians alleged to have provided logistical support to the operation
> are in custody in Dubai, but police in the Gulf state have largely remained
> silent about the identities of the remaining five individuals.
> Officials in Dubai yesterday confirmed speculation that two of the five held
> Irish passports, suggesting that at least one of the other three carried
> diplomatic documentation.
> European states seeking answers from Israel seem unlikely to get them. Last
> week, Ron Prossor, the Israeli ambassador to London, said he was “unable to
> assist” and similar messages have been relayed by envoys to Ireland and
> Germany. 
> Israel is convinced it has averted a diplomatic crisis.
> At the weekend, the country’s deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, said he
> foresaw no dip­lomatic fallout because there was no irrefutable evidence
> linking Israel to the killing.
> It emerged yesterday that one of the assassins allegedly applied in person for
> a German passport by passing himself of as the descendant of Holocaust
> survivors. According to Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine, the man was given a
> passport in the name of Michael Bodenheimer by authorities in Cologne after
> providing documents showing that he was of German lineage and that his
> grandparents had been persecuted by the Nazis.
> Police also disclosed that several of the assassins visited Dubai on
> reconnaissance missions in the year leading up the killing of Mr Mabhouh,
> suggesting that the plot was planned further in advance than was initially
> believed. 

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