I filed a RICO suit in fed court where one of the defendants was a top
U.S. Attorney General in another district, (and state).  He was the head
of Criminal Division.  Amazing the case stayed in court that long. 
Remember visiting US DOJ office E.Dis Vir and having the entire office,
perhaps 30 people all looking at me while pretending they were not. 
Spilling coffee.  Papers unnoticed flying out of the Xerox..., etc.

Years pass.

I am more blase about it.  Things get tied up in the process.  What goes
round returns bound.

> Minnesota has a blatantly un-US-constitutional anti-American censorship
> law that I sure would daze and mystify readers.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman <hartmanmar...@...>
> wrote:
> Re: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago Is a "Dark Pool Of Political Corruption" |
> Judicial Watch [8 Attachments]
> Operation Gambat was one of the more  recent FBI investigations into
> Chicago corruption.  Minnesota is every  bit as bad, infected with the
> Chicago mob since the days of Meyer  Lansky.  Unlike Chicago; however,
> we cut deals and established something  called "the O'Connor System" and
> set up a cozy relationship with  organized crime.  During the smoke and
> mirrors investigation into the  BEARCAT Hollow front operating outside
> of Rochester I uncovered a  transnational money laundering operation.  I
> took the information to the  FBI and was SA David Price (RO-retired)
> said he knew about the OC here  but the city, county, state, federal and
> local officials with Mayo and  IBM cut a deal in the late 60's so OC can
> operate here with impunity as  long as they don't whack anyone within
> city limits.  I thought he was  joking, but it appears he was not.  We
> have never had a corruption probe of public officials in this state, and
> when Representative Dan Severson suggested cleaning out our corrupt
> judiciary he was wished good luck - the system here is too corrupt to
> fix.
> In the case I handed to the FBI, the case the FBI couldn't  make; a
> county attorney admitted to taking a bribe, and the court  record
> reflects a District Court Judge willfully breaking the law and  allowing
> the fleecing of Minnesotan's in order to continue cash flow to  an
> operation that was KNOWN to be criminal.  When civil rights of the
> residents of Racine were violated the FBI yawned.  When innocent
> citizens were charged with crimes they didn't commit the FBI looked
> dumb-founded.  Data-mining, destruction of evidence, withholding of
> evidence, fabrication of evidence....all proven and well documented were
> ignored.  Matters were taken to Federal District Court Justice Ann
> Montgomery, the same judge who sat for the smoke and mirrors trial of
> Ken and Nancy Kraft, and the same judge  who dismissed the charges
> against one Craig Perry lest his trial reveal  the putrid mess that is
> Mower County court/law enforcement.  Judge  Montgomery dismissed the
> civil rights claims, an act called,  "bewildering given the mountains of
> fact based evidence you have to  support the allegations." (Martin
> Carlson, MN AG's office)  When her  dismissal was appealed, the court
> file (according to the clerk in St.  Louis) disappeared from the record.
> After 7 months there was no word  and so the clerk was notified and
> said, "This is all really bizarre.   I've never seen anything like this
> before.  I'll check into it and see  what is planned."  She never could
> find anyone to answer her questions  but said the file was for some
> reason, "being pulled."  The average  amount of time for an Appeal in
> St. Louis Federal Court is 5 months.  12  months and 10 days after the
> Appeal was filed, a decision arrived at my home and at the  home of
> another victim of our corrupt government, Clyde Boone.  This  date just
> so happened to coincide with my birthday.  There was no  discussion, and
> only a reference to another case.  We looked the case up  and realized
> that the individuals in Minnesota's "Justice" system, the  same who
> pulled the file from scrutiny by the District Court, had mailed  this
> from Fergus Falls, MN with a citation that said we were "A pain in  the
> ass."
> Tim Pawlenty, current Governor of MN, wants to be  President.  He has
> asked super-lobbyist and past head of the National  Endowment for
> Democracy, Vin Weber, to help with his campaign.  (See  Phillip Agee's
> articles on NED and it's funding of coups with  CIA/USAID.)   The
> corruption in Minnesota, long protected by the FBI,  has allowed
> infiltration by the CIA and "other" forces and they want to  follow in
> the Chicago way and take this dog and pony show to Washington.
> ~M
> ---  On Tue, 2/23/10, Kris Millegan <roads...@...>  wrote:
> From:  Kris Millegan <roads...@...>
> Subject: [cia-drugs] FW: Chicago  Is a "Dark Pool Of Political
> Corruption" | Judicial Watch [8  Attachments]
> To: "c...@..." <c...@...>, "c...@yahoogroups.com"
> <c...@yahoogroups.com>, "cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com"
> <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010,  5:00 PM
> ------ Forwarded Message
>> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.  com
> <../../../../../../mc/compose?to=sardar%40spiritone.com> >
>> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 19:26:34 -0800
>> To: Sardar <recon1968bravo@  yahoo.com
> <../../../../../../mc/compose?to=recon1968bravo%40yahoo.com> >
>> Subject: Chicago Is a "Dark Pool Of Political Corruption" |  Judicial
> Watch
>> Chicago Is a "Dark Pool Of Political Corruption"
>> a.. View
>> b.. Discussion
>> Last Updated: Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:57am
>> A major U.S. city long known as a hotbed of pay-to-play politics
> infested
>> with clout and patronage has seen nearly 150 employees, politicians
> and
>> contractors get convicted of corruption in the last five decades.
>> Chicago has long been distinguished for its pandemic of public
> corruption,
>> but actual cumulative figures have never been offered like this.  The
>> astounding information is featured in a lengthy report published by
> one of
>> Illinois's biggest public universities.
>> Cook County, the nation's second largest, has been a "dark pool of
> political
>> corruption" for more than a century, according to the informative
> study
>> conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the city's
> largest
>> public college. The report offers a detailed history of corruption  in
> the
>> Windy City beginning in 1869 when county commissioners were
> imprisoned for
>> rigging a contract to paint City Hall.
>> It's downhill from there, with a plethora of political scandals  that
> include
>> 31 Chicago alderman convicted of crimes in the last 36 years and  more
> than
>> 140 convicted since 1970. The scams involve bribes, payoffs, padded
>> contracts, ghost employees and whole sale subversion of the  judicial
> system,
>> according to the report.
>> Elected officials at the highest levels of city, county and state
>> government-includin g prominent judges-were the perpetrators and  they
> worked
>> in various government locales, including the assessor's office, the
> county
>> sheriff, treasurer and the President's Office of Employment and
> Training.
>> The last to fall was renowned political bully Isaac Carothers, who
> just a
>> few weeks ago pleaded guilty to federal bribery and tax charges.
>> In the last few years alone several dozen officials have been
> convicted and
>> more than 30 indicted for taking bribes, shaking down companies for
>> political contributions and rigging hiring. Among the convictions
> were
>> fraud, violating court orders against using politics as a basis for
> hiring
>> city workers and the disappearance of 840 truckloads of asphalt
> earmarked
>> for city jobs.
>> A few months ago the city's largest newspaper revealed that Chicago
> aldermen
>> keep a secret, taxpayer-funded pot of cash (about $1.3 million) to
> pay
>> family members, campaign workers and political allies for a variety
> of
>> questionable jobs. The covert account has been utilized for decades
> by
>> Chicago lawmakers but has escaped public scrutiny because it's kept
> under
>> wraps.
>> Judicial Watch has extensively investigated Chicago corruption,  most
>> recently the conflicted ties of top White House officials to the
> city,
>> including Barack and Michelle Obama as well as top administration
> officials
>> like Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual and Senior Advisor David Axelrod.  In
>> November Judicial Watch sued Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's office  to
> obtain
>> records related to the president's failed bid to bring the Olympics
> to the
>> city.
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>> a.. Chicago corruption
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>> http://www.judicial  watch.org/ blog/2010/ feb/dark- pool-political-
> corruption- chic
> <http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2010/feb/dark-pool-political-corrupti\
> on-chic>
>> ago
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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