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> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
> Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 18:14:36 -0800
> To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: CNSNews.com - Mexican Drug Cartels Active Nationwide, Obama
> Administration Officials Say
> The suppliers for the drug cartels are the CIA. The CIA uses their drug
> money to pay for the CIA black budget. Get rid of the CIA and you will get
> rid of the cartels and the drug problem.
>                                                                Sardar
> Mexican Drug Cartels Active Nationwide, Obama Administration Officials Say
> Tuesday, March 02, 2010
> By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
> Some of the cash seized by the DEA in its battle against Mexican drug
> cartels. (Image courtest of DEA.)
> (CNSNews.com) - A senior Obama administration official said on Monday that
> Mexican drug cartels are being targeted inside the United States more than
> along the border with Mexico, echoing remarks last week by Homeland Security
> Secretary Janet Napolitano that cartels are operating throughout the
> country.
> Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
> Affairs David Johnson made the remarks at a State Department press briefing
> when CNSNews.com asked if the plan to combat drug trafficking and money
> laundering around the world included dealing with Mexican drug cartels in
> the United States.
> Johnson said that U.S. law enforcement agencies are in charge of combating
> the cartels, but that those agencies have had success targeting those
> operations on America soil.
> "Yes, there's a broad impact in the United States of cartel operations that
> are based inland from Mexico," Johnson said. "I think that illustrates
> another point that bears some exploring. When people think about, quote end
> quote, 'spillover,' you tend to think of a glass and things that are
> spilling over right at the border.
> "It doesn't tend to be that way," Johnson said. "The spillover, if you will,
> is more broadly in the United States, and some of the border communities
> would be not nearly as effective than (sic) some of the more inland areas
> are."
> Testifying at a Feb. 24 hearing on the Department of Homeland Security 2010
> budget before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
> Committee, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said Mexican drug cartel
> operations are widespread in the United States.
> "I was in Mexico City again just last week," Napolitano said. "We must
> continue a concerted and sustained effort against these cartels. Ciudad
> Juarez, a city of 1.5 million people, is right over a bridge from our
> border, and the rule of law has effectively been lost there.
> "The cartels, in essence, have fingertips in the communities across the
> United States, and so you will see, in different places in the budget, but
> we are very, very concerned about the situation in Mexico, but we are very,
> very energized by the effort we are seeing across our federal government and
> across the Mexican federal government in that regard," Napolitano said.
> According to a May 2009 Congressional Research Service report, 5,630 people
> died in Mexico from drug cartel-related violence in 2008.
> She said that the drug cartels and the violence associated with them are a
> threat to U.S. security.
> "These cartels are big. They're organized. They have fingers that reach into
> hundreds of American communities," Napolitano said at the hearing. "And
> there needs to be a sense of urgency about this if for no other reason than
> because the presidency of Mexico will expire in another year and a half and
> also because quite frankly people are dying."
> According to an April 2008 National Drug Intelligence Center report, Mexican
> drug cartels are operating in 195 U.S. cities.
> "Mexican DTOs [Drug Trafficking Organizations] are the most pervasive
> organizational threat to the United States," the report said. "They are
> active in every region of the country and dominate the illicit drug trade in
> every area except the Northeast.
> "Mexican DTOs are expanding their operations in the Northeast and have
> developed cooperative relationships with DTOs in that area in order to gain
> a larger share of the northeastern drug market," the report added.
> "Federal, state, and local law enforcement reporting reveals that Mexican
> DTOs operate in at least 195 cities throughout the United States," it said.
> Johnson held a press briefing at the State Department on Monday to announce
> the release of the 2010 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report. The
> annual report is given to Congress as mandated by the Foreign Assistance
> Act.
> The report describes the efforts of key countries to attack all aspects of
> the international drug trade in calendar year 2009. Volume I covers drug and
> chemical control activities. Volume II covers money laundering and financial
> crimes.
> The countries named in the report as "major illicit drug producing" are
> Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Columbia, Dominican
> Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nigeria,
> Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.
> Of those, three countries were designated by President Barack Obama,
> according to the report, as having "failed demonstrably" during the previous
> 12 months to adhere to their obligations under international
> counternarcotics agreements - Burma, Bolivia and Venezuela.
> The report also praises Mexico for its efforts in fighting drug cartels,
> which were responsible for thousands of deaths in the country in 2009.
> "The road ahead will not be an easy one," the report said. "The drug cartels
> in Mexico are entrenched and powerful. The broader institutional changes
> needed to modernize and reform the law enforcement and criminal justice
> sectors can only take place gradually and over time.
> "Carrying through on these changes will require a long-term commitment from
> both the Mexican government and the people of Mexico," the report says.
> "Mexico is on the right path, however, and the Government (sic) has laid out
> a solid plan for breaking the cartels and protecting public security," it
> added.
> "The United States will continue to work closely with Mexico to help
> implement this plan," the report said.
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