Nat Hawthrone Scar A Deliverance starring Jon Voigt and Angelina Jolie:

Add this to Jena Six, Katrina Bridge Shootings of unarmed and then
revolver and police lieutenant running coverup, then more Louisiaana
buy a .50 caliber military heavy machine gun to do more bridge
Road rage shooting of Prince Jones. IHOP shooting of teenager in carload
of teenagers. Shootup of wedding party NYC. 100:1 civilians to fighter
by US Predator gameboy gunboys and lots more wedding party and funeral
strafing by the gameboys there. What did you say a bad guy was? What is
a horror movie genre?

We need Martin Sheen to go all the way up the river this time and don't
come back without a necklace of foreskins.

Is this the thinking behind Sandy Springs and what all of these bermed,
gated new southern academies are protecting? No wonder Hummer went
under and gun nuts are eating their guns in droves near CIA-NRO. Mad.
Breaking up is so hard to do.

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