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"The lame take the prey". Take! Otherwise the mortsec bubble
folds into a War Seller false security economy bubble next.

Despite prevention efforts, U.S.  military suicides rise

by Halimah Abdullah   , McClatchy  Newspapers

Fri, Jan. 15, 2010

last updated: January 15,  2010 06:52:20 PM

WASHINGTON — Eight years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq have etched
indelible scars on the psyches of many of the nation's servicemen and
women, and the U.S. military is losing a battle to stem an epidemic of
suicides in its ranks.

Despite calls by top Pentagon officials for a sea change in attitudes
about mental health, millions of dollars in new suicide prevention
programming and thousands of hours spent helping soldiers suffering from
what often are euphemistically dubbed "invisible wounds," the military
is losing ground.

The Department of Defense Friday reported that there were 160 reported
active-duty Army suicides in 2009, up from 140 in 2008. Of these, 114
have been confirmed, while the manner of death in the remaining 46
remains to be determined.

"There's no question that 2009 was a painful year for the Army when it
came to suicides," said Col. Christopher Philbrick, the deputy director
of the Army Suicide Prevention Task Force, in a statement, despite what
he called "wide-ranging measures last year to confront the problem."

While the military's suicide rate is comparable to civilian rates, the
increase last year is alarming because the armed services traditionally
had lower suicide rates than the general population did.

"I look at the numbers of each service, and that rate has gone up at the
same rate across the services," Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a gathering of military mental health
professionals and advocates this week. "This isn't just a ground force

Some of the suicides are young men, fresh from deployments and haunted
by memories, who shoot themselves after they return from their second or
third tours in Iraq or Afghanistan, or when romantic relationships turn
sour, sometimes due to long separations or post-traumatic stress.

Others are career officers who quietly nurse  addictions to drugs or
alcohol and finally decide to silence their  ghosts.

An increasing number are female soldiers, who rarely committed suicide
before but now are killing themselves at a much higher rate.

"There does not appear to be any scientific correlation between the
number of deployments and those that are at risk, but I'm just hard
pressed to believe that's not the case," Mullen said.

The emotional wounds are so deep and the suicide rates are so high that
top Pentagon officials broke a generations-long code of silence on the
topic and have started speaking publicly and vehemently about the
effects of mental illness.

At Fort Benning, Ga., which defense experts say ranks among the top
installations for effective mental health screening, retired Brigade
Command Sgt. Maj. Samuel Rhodes' speech to troops about how he
considered suicide after serving for 30 months in Iraq encouraged other
soldiers to come forward.

The military's shift in attitudes about mental health was evident during
this week's joint Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs suicide
prevention conference, where uniformed attendees spoke openly about the
stigma of seeking mental health care, the need for policy changes that
will make help easier to get and the importance of supporting the
families of troops suffering from mental illness.

"It's a joint DOD and VA conference, that alone says  an awful lot about
where we used to be and where we are now," Mullen  said.

With one of the highest suicide rates in the Army, Fort Campbell, a
sprawling installation on the Kentucky-Tennessee border that's home to
the elite 101st Airborne Division, illustrates the severity of the

"Our issues here at Fort Campbell identically mirror the issues
mirroring the Army as a whole. The demographics are almost exactly:
white males 18-29 who commit suicide (using handguns)," said Joe Varney,
the Fort Campbell suicide prevention program manager.

In 2007, Fort Campbell created a suicide task force after nine soldiers
committed suicide, three during the first few weeks of October, and
101st Airborne's commander, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Schloesser, reached out to
soldiers and their families.

"As our soldiers fight terrorism, the sacrifices asked of them and their
families have increased significantly," Schloesser said in a letter to
troops. "Regrettably, under such circumstances, it is natural for our
people to feel the stress of these demands and to be overwhelmed at
times. Tragically, these pressures too often end in suicide."

The following year, Fort Campbell's suicide rate  jumped to 12.

The base hired a suicide prevention program manager and dispatched
staffers to study trends, increased awareness training for troops and
boosted the number of mental health professionals available to soldiers
while in combat and after they return. Army officials say those efforts
could prove useful service-wide.

Last year, Fort Campbell held a three-day "suicide stand-down," and top
officials pleaded with soldiers to get mental help if they needed it and
assured them that seeking such help wasn't a sign of weakness and
wouldn't affect their careers.

The number of suicides increased to 14 in 2009.

"It's been discouraging to say the least," Varney  said.

Stemming the rise in suicides will take more than conferences, task
forces, training and studies, said Col. Elspeth Ritchie, the director of
behavioral health for the Office of the Army Surgeon General. The
military also will have to grapple with the easy availability of
handguns, a topic that's sure to be unpopular, she said.

"It's amazing to me when you see Fort Campbell, which is at the top of
suicide lists. They have a beautiful gun shop in the middle of the (Post
Exchange)," Ritchie said. "I'm troubled by what I see as a mixed

Some soldiers who receive counseling are still committing suicide, and
many think — with good reason, given previous military policies and
attitudes about mental health — that seeking treatment could ruin
careers, she said.

"We cannot change stigma until we change policies that contribute to
stigma," Ritchie said. "In many ways we talk out of both sides of our

The Obama administration, at the behest of a small bipartisan
congressional group, is reviewing a long-standing unofficial policy that
bars the president from sending condolence letters to the families of
servicemen and women who commit suicide.

Family members of soldiers who've committed suicide said that changing
the policy would go a long way toward removing the stigma because the
military already provides a full military burial for soldiers who commit

"That policy reflects the heartlessness to those who served. They've
been inflicted with hidden wounds, but it doesn't mean they're any less
lethal," said Kevin Lucey, of Belchertown, Mass., whose son Jeffrey, a
23-year-old Marine, hanged himself less than a year after he returned
from Iraq. The government settled with the family for $350,000.


The Defense Department December suicide report

Defense  Department 2008 Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active
Duty  Military Personnel


Suicide  shocks Montana into assessing vets' care 

Payments  vary greatly for new veterans with mental illness 

VA  must act to curb combat-vet suicides, panel hears 

VA  studies: PTSD care inconsistent <>

VA  system ill-equipped to treat mental anguish of war

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