Five Weapon Seller Media usually does not say what protestors
are in DC for or frames issues in two-dimensional slogan terms
that completely hide the issues from those who lack the code.

One might as well say then that protestors never know what
they're for or against since that's all that War advertising
generally allows.

Here's another take on Greek protestors: so positive so fun I could hope...hope
for another Condie and Jean
Bertel had the Zapruder film and lots of stuff on three
rear projection screens, nine stages, guys from my dorm
dancing in leotards, James Tayler sitting on a chair in
the grass playing his guitar. We called it multi-media.
Then DC, sitting on a curb with Jane on Key Bridge,
wow, such fun, but as Dave McGowan explains in
his Laurel Canyon essays, it wasn't going anywhere.
Right up on stage with Fonda and Stokely there was
Renny Davis, his dad in the WH with Nixon, and we
was played again. Pretty good though for no sense
at all. We know it all now. Pull It, we built this city.


--- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
<thehatefuln...@...> wrote:
> Are they accidentally attacking the wrong shit, or are they fake
protestors?  The Black Bloc strikes again!  -Vmann
> So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely
they're just confused... but feel free to correct us if information
comes out.
> Proof That The Greek Rioters Don't Even Know What They're Fighting For
> Tags: Greece, Financial Crisis, Europe
> One has to wonder if Greek rioters even know what they are rioting
against, or for.
> The Associated Press has reported that the leader of Greece's largest
union has been assaulted by masked youths, as a huge surge of violence
erupted across Athens.
> AP:
> Demonstrators attacked the two military guards and their escorting
officers, smashing windows and kicking the guard posts. Masked youths
then attacked the head of Greece's largest trade union who was
addressing the crowd.
> GSEE [The union] head Yiannis Panagopoulos traded blows with the
rioters before being whisked away bloodied and with torn clothes.
> This is the same largest union that just held work stoppages to
protest the austerity measures.
> So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely
they're just confused... but feel free to correct us if information
comes out.
> Regardless, latest violence is being billed as the worst since 2008.
Thus things just got a lot worse in Athens.

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