Catholic Scandal choirboys - Germany, Don't Free the West Memphis  Three    

describes graphic  crimes

Catholic Scandal Spreads -  Former Regensburg Choirboys Talk of 'Naked 
Beatings'  03/08/2010
Former  choirboys of the Regensburger Domspatzen have told SPIEGEL about 
sexual and  physical abuse at two boarding schools attached to the famous 
Catholic choir.  One former choirboy says it's "inexplicable" that the Pope's 
brother Georg  Ratzinger, a former head of the choir, didn't know about it. 
The abuse scandal  at the Regensburger Domspatzen choir is bigger than had 
been thought so far.  Therapists in and around Munich treated several former 
choirboys who were  traumatized by sexual and other physical abuse.

One man affected told  SPIEGEL about cruel rituals in the Etterzhausen 
boarding school, a preparatory  school for younger pupils from which the choir 
draws its recruits. He said that  at the end of the 1950s the headmaster of 
the school, a Catholic priest, had  dealt out hard physical punishments. He 
had often practiced what was called  "naked beatings" in his private rooms, 
where boys aged eight or nine had to  undress and were beaten by hand. In 
some cases, the victim said, penetration  took place.

'Sexual Lust' The director and composer Franz Wittenbrink,  who lived in 
the Regensburg boarding school of the choir until 1967, said the  school had 
an "elaborate system of sadistic punishments combined with sexual  lust." He 
said the headmaster at the time "would choose two or three of us boys  in 
the dormitories in the evenings and take them to his flat." He said there had  
been red wine, and that the priest had masturbated with the pupils. 
"Everyone  knew about it," said Wittenbrink. "I find it inexplicable that the 
Pope's  brother Georg Ratzinger, who had been cathedral bandmaster since 1964,  
apparently knew nothing about it." 

Women In Crime Ink - Don't Free the West Memphis Three 3/8/10 
all  accusations are alleged 

Jessie Misskelley, 17, (right) confessed to the  crime in detail. Three 
times. He had a temper and got in fights. He had a record  for shoplifting and 
vandalism. He was a bit slow and a follower.
Jason  Baldwin, 16, had a record for vandalism and shoplifting. He was 
Damien's best  friend.
Damien Echols, 18, had a history of psychological problems for which  he 
had been institutionalized. He is reported to have stomped a dog to death,  
attacked patients in the mental hospital sucking blood out of their wounds,  
starting fires at school, threatened to kill his teachers and parents, 
claimed  he was a supernatural being, said he liked to drink blood because it 
him  special power, and read Anton LeVay's Satanic Bible. Damien exhibits  
psychopathic behaviors. He bragged about committing the crime. 
Circumstantial  evidence supported the involvement of the teens in the crime. 
The three 
had no  alibis.

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