As I wonder why nobody does anything, I think I recognize that James
intellectual mrrebaters have learned that heroes are against people, not
for people.

For, or against?

Gotta be against somebody? Half of reality is invisible to the

Example of not going anywhere:\

That's how I could raise a CIA drugwar refugee the last 20 years I've
been here, find a
way for lepers marked HIV+ and prosecuted as murderers for having sex,
meet with
dozens of people who no longer include a single person in jail or
prison, and various
other miracles, yet be evicted and living my life in pain. Nobody is
for. Everybody
gotta be a puffed up self hero against somebody. I'm invisible. Victims
are only
statistics good for justifying James Baldwin's intellectual mrrebaters
being against.
That's the neuro-linguistic reality of American brainwashing. Anybody
for people
is invisible and those we are for are 2D placards on a gameboard for
general against some other placards over thataway.

The brain-dead Wendy's fake TV show that plays for a week, repeating
every hour, showed
a few seconds of the Winter Olympics. Yep, the fifty k nordic skiers are
still doing that bit
that has been obsolete since 1983. Hired-archicalism will keep you up
the box canyon for
27 years. I'm not crazy.


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