------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:31:18 EST
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>
> Subject: It Didn't Take a Nostradamus to Foresee Us Reaching This Point

> A prophetic look ahead, written in 2005:
> ... To put the present threat in perspective, read a relatively short list of
> some leading financial-economic crises confronting the U.S. government and
> population right now.
> 1. The most urgent threat at this moment, is the ongoing collapse of the U.S.
> automobile industry, probably immediately affecting, chain-reaction style,
> both the incomes and pensions of approximately a half-million people, or more,
> associated with employment in that industry. Entire states and cities of the
> U.S. would be thrown into collapse. That is not only a threat to the people
> and the communities in which they live; the collapse of the machine-tool
> capability which that industry represents would be a strategic threat to the
> U.S.A.; it would not exactly send the U.S. back to the Stone Age all by
> itself, but it would virtually finish the United States as a great power for
> decades or more to come.
> So far, nothing is being done by the U.S. government to prevent an irreparable
> catastrophe which requires immediate action from the U.S. Congress if the
> worst effects were to be averted.
> 2. The clearly shown intention of the financier interests controlling that
> industry, is to dump the pension obligations of the automobile and associated
> industries upon the Federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. This
> coincides with what has already been done in the case of United Airlines, and
> what is therefore threatened in the case of Delta and American Airlines. This
> goes together with pathetic, mean-spirited, and much befuddled President
> George W. Bush, Jr.'s Social Security wing-ding, an outright swindle designed
> to let the Wall Street stock-brokers swindle most Americans out of the last
> pension fund soon to be still functioning, if the President's childishly
> nonsensical proposals of a sovereign U.S. default of U.S. bonds as mere "IOUs"
> were tolerated.
> If influential people from around the world had not suspected that the
> President were clinically insane, his calling U.S. bonds "IOUs" of no
> intrinsic value, would have been sufficient to plunge the entire world
> monetary-financial system into a panic which would have set off an immediate
> total collapse.
> The current proposals from the House of Representatives' Republicans on this
> set of pension issues would be mass-murderous in effect if allowed.
> 3. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan "Bubbles" Greenspan's sponsorship
> of the use of a form of gambler's side-bets as financial capital, so-called
> "financial derivatives," has created an explosive financial bubble, the
> so-called "hedge fund" bubble, which makes the 1998 LTCM bubble seem almost a
> minor incident by comparison. Major banks of the world, as in the U.S.A, and
> Germany, for example, which have implicated themselves in this hedge-fund
> bubble, are now threatened with a catastrophe beyond the powers of imagination
> of most ordinary citizens, or even most members of the U.S. Congress so far.
> Already, as much as between 20% and 40% of the hedge-fund accounts in question
> are either wiped out, or near that condition. The liability incurred by the
> banks associated with those hedge-fund ventures would stagger the imagination
> of most. The collapse of this hedge-fund bubble happens merely to have been
> triggered and accelerated by the outbreak of the General Motors crisis.
> So far, nothing has been done to prepare the U.S. to manage this global
> crisis, a crisis which could bring down the entire world system.
> 4. This coincides with another product of Alan Greenspan's suspected bath-tub
> dreaming. His role in creating the Y2K bubble which crashed in 2000, was part
> of the same pattern, involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which has created
> what is presently a monstrous, and imperilled real-estate mortgage-bubble.
> More and more leading news organs are currently reporting important facts
> about the evidence of the danger of a chain-reaction collapse within the
> so-called "mortgage industry" which is threatening to spread throughout that
> sector as a whole, from the most blatant follies launched under Alan
> Greenspan's "financial derivatives"-polluted reign at the Fed.
> Yet, our political leaders are either very slow in coming onto the launch-pad
> on this deadly issue, or are mostly blocking it out of their minds as an ugly
> reality they, and most U.S. citizens, are not yet prepared even to think
> about.
> 5. In fact, a new real-estate swindle is being launched, this time from Donald
> Rumsfeld's Defense Department, the base-closing swindle. What a nice,
> last-ditch sort of pork-barrel for Rumsfeld's and Cheney's contractor-friends
> that would be, if it could actually be brought off.
> On top of this, we have rabid Vice-President Dick Cheney's snarling threats of
> pre-emptive nuclear wars and kindred enterprises, starting perhaps with North
> Korea, under the provisions of Conplan 8022. Conplan 8022 itself has
> implications which are fairly described as clinically insane on their own
> account, but the real danger is being overlooked. .
> The genius of the U.S. Federal Constitution is there; whereas, our republic
> has endured some very bad governments, even some which have been frankly
> treasonous in certain of their implications, we have never lost our
> Constitutional system, as European governments have suffered coups d'état and
> dictatorships of one kind or another so often. The rise of the Senate, in
> defense of the Constitutional principle of advice and consent, to block the
> Bush White House's attempts to grab for dictatorial powers, was exemplified by
> the Senate's upholding that Constitutional safeguard against an attempted
> White House seizure of dictatorial powers, just as the Congress defeated a
> similar attempt earlier, under President Richard Nixon.
> Since the first inauguration of George W. Bush, Jr., we have seen repeated
> instances, as in the cases of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, of Bush
> Administration efforts to adopt certain of the features remembered from the
> Adolf Hitler and kindred administrations in Europe. The way in which the
> incident of "9/11" was exploited by the Bush Administration, as under the
> Patriot Act proposals already whipped up before the "9/11" incident, and the
> way in which the Administration repeatedly used lies fabricated in concert
> with the Liberal-Imperialist Blair government of the United Kingdom, to foist
> a new Iraq war upon the world, with the horrid consequences of failure shown
> in the conduct of that continuing war today, are typical.
> The characteristic feature of the Nixon Administration mentality which veteran
> plotter Karl Rove has carried into the George W. Bush, Jr. White House today,
> is the same resort to arousing lunatics' passions which Rove's lunatic
> religious right employs to effects which remind modern historians of the
> fanaticism of the <<< The policy of the Bush White House under Nixon veteran
> Rove, is that spirit of dictatorship typified by times of Europe's fascist
> movements. That is the spirit of the current Bush-Cheney Administration and
> its policy-impulses.
> Such are samples of the immediate situation threatening us today.
> Lyndon LaRouche
> http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2005/eirtoc_3224.html
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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