From: stard...@bellsouth.net 

Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and 

Monday, March 22, 2010 
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger 
Editor of NaturalNews.com 

(NaturalNews) Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the 
health and freedom of all Americans . With the support of an inarguably corrupt 
Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of the American people, the 
sick-care industry has locked in a high-profit scheme of disease and 
monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals in a nation that can ill afford either one. 

And this Pharma-funded betrayal, it turns out, was led by the Democrats. Passed 
on a 219-212 vote that was only accomplished thanks to closed-door, last-minute 
secret meetings among the last holdouts, this new legislation puts America 
under the stranglehold of the medical mafia while doing absolutely nothing to 
address real health care reform. There is no mention in the bill, for example, 
of vitamin D for preventing cancer, or orthomolecular medicine for preventing 
degenerative disease. There's not even a word about protecting health freedom 
or ending the century of oppression that has been waged against naturopathic 
practitioners by the AMA, FDA and FTC . 

The new legislation does, however, lock in billions of dollars in monopoly 
profits for the pharmaceutical companies -- the same companies who spent 
millions of dollars pushing for its passage and who depend on the continuation 
of sickness and disease for their future profits. 

There's only one problem with this health care reform bill: It doesn't reform 
health care . It has almost nothing to do with health care at all, in fact: 
It's really more of an effort to expand a broken sick-care system . When faced 
with the problem that our sick-care system doesn't work , Congress somehow 
decided that fixing the problem merely involved expanding the failures to 
include everyone! 

And you don't even get a choice in the matter, either. All Americans are now 
required to pay into a sick-care system of monopolized, pharmaceutical medicine 
even if they reject that failed system of medicine . So the healthy people who 
actually take responsibility for their health are financially penalized and 
forced to subsidize profits for drug companies! 

Watch my recent video called Healthy Without Health Insurance in America . It's 
on YouTube right now at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWuX2s7h55A 
Has America gone mad? 

I love America. Or, more accurately, I love what America is supposed to stand 
for: Freedom, opportunity, abundance, free choice, diversity... 

But I'm increasingly noticing that America's leaders don't believe in those 
ideals at all. They are betraying the American people by selling out our 
futures to the corporate monopolists. They are turning America into a 
corporatocracy , and the passage of this monopoly sick-care system is yet 
another perfect example of just how easily our own lawmakers will sell out the 
People just to appease the powerful chemical industrialists who dominate 
medicine today. 

They have sold out our futures to keep themselves in power, and isn't that the 
worst kind of betrayal of all? People's live are on the line here. While people 
like myself and many other health freedom champions are fighting for health 
freedom and an end to human suffering among our fellow brothers and sisters, 
we've got our national leaders essentially aiming the artillery at our own 
people and yelling "Fire!" Through their actions with this health care reform 
bill, they are forcing people into circumstances that are going to cost 
countless lives and many trillions of dollars in wasted expenditures and lost 
economic productivity. 

Our Congress has betrayed us (yet again). I believe that with perhaps the 
exception of Rep. Ron Paul, every single Senator and House Representative 
should be thrown out of office at the next election, stripped of their power 
and sent home to face their home-district families that they have now doomed to 
a lifetime of sickness, disease and pharmaceutical toxicity. Our national 
leaders claim to be voting on Health Care but what they really delivered was 
Hell Care , because dying of cancer while on chemotherapy while no doctor can 
legally tell you that vitamin D prevents 4 out of 5 cancers is, indeed, a 
living hell (or dying hell, in this case). 

And speaking of Hell, the dark energies that have been provoked and called upon 
in this battle for pharmaceutical dominance over the "disease management" of 
the American population almost seems downright demonic , as if some evil power 
from other world had been summoned into Washington D.C. to ensure the passage 
of this legislation that practically guarantees another generation of pain and 
suffering at the hands of conventional medicine . 

All the health solutions that really work -- nutritional medicine, 
orthomolecular therapies, chiropractic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine 
and so on -- have been locked out of the system while those therapies that 
promote a lifetime of disease have been locked in . And in this way, our 
Congress has now made certain that America as we know it today will not survive 
another generation -- because no nation can achieve greatness when its people 
are drowning in toxic chemicals and degenerative disease. 
We've got to save the America we love 

America doesn't need more drugs, more chemotherapy, more mammograms, more 
vaccines and more nutritionally-ignorant doctors pushing more poison pills onto 
more uninformed patients. What this country needs is a grassroots health 
revolution that throws out the broken, failed system of pharma-medicine that 
doesn't work and replaces it with a new system of healing, nutrition, patient 
education and personal health responsibility that would slash our health care 
costs and set our nation on a new path of health and prosperity. 

This goal can never be accomplished when the people writing our laws are 
determined to protect the financial interests of the very industry that depends 
on sickness and disease for its profits. When it came down to a choice between 
the People and the corporations, our U.S. Congress chose the corporations! 

I love America, and I'd love to see its health restored. But more importantly, 
I would love to see the American people rise up against their betrayers in 
Washington , peacefully sweep them out of office at the next election and make 
a real effort to restore the rights and freedoms that are outlined in the 
United States Constitution -- a document that seems to have been written off by 
the Washington jackals who, themselves, are suffering from degenerative mental 
disorders and psychotropic drug side effects. 

Watch my video to see more commentary on why our current health insurance 
system doesn't work and why I don't even carry health insurance: 

Sources for this story include: 

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and technology pioneer 
with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of 
nature to help us all heal He is a prolific writer and has published thousands 
of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, impacting the lives of 
millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health 
benefits from reading his articles. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist 
who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other 
companies' products. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a manufacturer of 
mercury-free, energy-efficient LED lighting products that save electricity and 
help prevent global warming. He also launched an online retailer of 
environmentally-friendly products (BetterLifeGoods.com) and uses a portion of 
its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also a veteran of the 
software technology industry, having founded a personalized mass email software 
product used to deliver email newsletters to subscribers. Adams is currently 
the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center , a 501(c)3 non-profit, 
and enjoys outdoor activities, nature photography, Pilates and adult 
gymnastics. He's also author of numerous health books published by Truth 
Publishing and is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots 
campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy It! campaign, and the free 
downloadable Honest Food Guide . He also created the free reference sites 
HerbReference.com and HealingFoodReference.com . Adams believes in free speech, 
free access to nutritional supplements and the ending of corporate control over 
medicines, genes and seeds. Known as the 'Health Ranger,' Adams' personal 
health statistics and mission statements are located at www.HealthRanger.org 

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Obamacare: It's About Enriching Bankers and Wall Street 


Landmark 'HealthCare Bill' Passes 

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