20 priests accused of sex abuse - diocese    March 29  2010 
Berlin - A German Roman Catholic diocese said on Monday that 20 of its  
current and former priests had been accused "in recent weeks" of sexual abuse 
as  a scandal embroiling the Church widened....
Ackermann said the diocese was  still conferring on how to handle three 
cases that fell under the criminal  statute of limitations.
He said that beyond the new cases that had surfaced,  three priests had 
been convicted of abuse in the 1990s....The Vatican has said  it received 3,000 
reports between 2001 and 2010 of sexual abuse of children by  Catholic 
clergy committed over the past 50 years.

U.S. lawyer takes on Vatican over abuse cases
He shared documents  with New York Times, sees Ore. lawsuit as critical
by Patrick Condon AP   March. 28, 2010 ST. PAUL, Minn. - Jeff Anderson has 
filed thousands of lawsuits  alleging sex abuse by priests and won tens of 
millions of dollars for his  clients, but he has had a bigger goal in mind for
 nearly two decades. He wants  to bring his career-long legal crusade 
against misconduct in the Roman Catholic  Church right to the top. He would 
to question Pope Benedict XVI himself  under oath. Though that is extremely 
unlikely given that the pope is a head of  state, documents Anderson has 
unearthed have the potential to take a scandal  that has plagued dozens of 
dioceses around the world and place it at the  doorstep of Vatican leadership.
The documents, which became publicly known in  the past week after Anderson 
shared them with The New York Times, show that a  Vatican office led by the 
pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, halted a church  trial against a 
Wisconsin priest accused of molesting some 200 boys at a school  for the deaf. 
"This is a tipping point," Anderson said. He found the documents  in handling 
one of the dozens of lawsuits he has pending against various church  
officials, and hopes to use them to bolster a separate federal lawsuit against  
the Vatican itself....

Oregon case could be key
In that case, an  unidentified plaintiff claims he was sexually abused as a 
teenager in 1965 or  1966 by the Rev. Andrew Ronan at St. Albert's Church 
in Portland, Ore. According  to court documents, Ronan was accused of abusing 
boys in the mid-1950s as a  priest in the Archdiocese of Armagh, Ireland. 
He was transferred to Chicago,  where he admitted abusing three boys at St. 
Philip's High School, and after that  was sent to Oregon. The church removed 
Ronan from the priesthood in 1966. He  died in 1982. The lawsuit says the 
Vatican had to approve the international  transfer. The Holy See claims it is 
protected by the Foreign Sovereign  Immunities Act, which prohibits U.S. 
lawsuits against foreign countries. Several  lower courts have produced 
differing rulings on the suit, and the Holy See has  appealed to the U.S. 
Court to settle the question. The high court has  not decided whether it will 
hear the case. Anderson said his legal team will  attempt to use documents 
from the Milwaukee lawsuit to show the Vatican was  heavily involved in 
decisions about how to deal with problem priests. 

Vatican confirms report of sexual abuse and rape of nuns by  priests in 23 
countries By Frances Kennedy in Rome 21 March 2001 
The  Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday 
that it is  aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing 
Most of the abuse has occurred in Africa, where priests vowed to  celibacy, 
who previously sought out prostitutes, have preyed on nuns to avoid  
contracting the Aids virus.
Confidential Vatican reports obtained by the  National Catholic Reporter, a 
weekly magazine in the US, have revealed that  members of the Catholic 
clergy have been exploiting their financial and  spiritual authority to gain 
sexual favours from nuns, particularly those from  the Third World who are more 
likely to be culturally conditioned to be  subservient to men.

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