Conspiracy and Bribery in the Vatican, Vatican was told 50 years  ago       

Conspiracy and Bribery in the Vatican An abusive priest allegedly bought  
protection with payoffs to Vatican officials. 4/1/10 video abcnews   Maciel

Church admits abuse victims came second 2 Apr 10  The head of  Germany's 
Catholics has admitted in a Good Friday message that victims of child  abuse 
had been inadequately cared for because of the Church's effort to protect  
its reputation. In one of the frankest admissions yet to come out of the  
scandal-battered Catholic Church, the head of the German Bishops' Conference,  
Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, said help given to the victims of abuse "had not 
 been enough."

Ratzinger And The Cases Of Father Teta And Father Trupia 02 Apr 2010 It  
was well-known in Arizona two decades ago that Father Michael Teta was  a  
rapist of teen boys. Teta was first suspended from his duties in 1990 because 
he  was credibly accused of such crimes. But it took seven more years to  
successfully convict him in a canonical court of sexual molestation, in part  
because of the arcane legal expertise necessary to conduct such a trial. 
During  that time, the rapist was paid living expenses, legal fees and health 
insurance  by the church....And yet despite Moreno's personal appeal, it took 
Ratzinger's  CDF another seven years to defrock this priest. He was still 
being paid the  equivalent of administrative leave until 2004 - fourteen years 
after his  "insidious rapes" were first reported. During those fourteen 
years, parishioners  paid the priest about $1,400 a month. The diocese also 
paid for Teta's canon  lawyer....In a second case, that of Father Trupia, 
another sex abuser, it was  Moreno who had to fight tooth and nail to prevent 
Ratzinger's CDF from allowing  him to resign in good standing, once the CDF 
took over the case in 2001 

Bishop Moreno's letter on the Trupia case

Was seen as poor advocate for victims; files refute that Moreno  struggled 
to defrock 2 priests 4/1/10 Patty Machelor The late Tucson Bishop  Manuel D. 
Moreno, often characterized as a poor advocate for sexual abuse  victims, 
struggled with both canon law and Vatican mandates in his efforts to  defrock 
two local priests, documents obtained by the Arizona Daily Star  
show....Teta and Trupia were defrocked in 2004. The diocese suspended Trupia in 
after a Tucson mother told the diocese her young son had been sexually  
abused by Trupia....The church's canonical court in 1997 found "there is almost 
a satanic quality in (Teta's) mode of acting toward young men and boys." 
The  court found that Teta's "insidious 'rape' of so many young men in his 
capacity  as a priest" warranted his immediate removal from the priesthood. 
"What is wrong  with this system in which it takes another seven years to 
defrock a priest that  has been found guilty of 'satanic abuse?' " Tucson 
Lynne Cadigan  said.

New Sex Scandal Rocks Vatican 3/6/10 Vatican City, Italy  (CBS)   The 
Vatican is facing allegations that one of Pope Benedict's  ceremonial ushers, 
well as a member of the Vatican choir, were involved in a  gay prostitution 

Vatican was told 50 years ago to act against paedophile priests Expert's  
warning proves Catholic church should have known about failings in dealing 
with  abuse cases, says lawyer - Owen Bowcott and agencies 1 April 2010 A 
former pope  was warned that paedophile priests should be removed from active 
ministry and  repeat offenders expelled from the church, according to a 
clerical communique  that has emerged following a US lawsuit. The letter, 
in August 1963 by  the head of an order that specialised in the treatment of 
priests accused of  abusing children, suggests that the Vatican and Pope 
Paul VI should have known  about failings in procedures for dealing with such 
cases, according to the  lawyer who produced it.

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