Hockey Trading Cards
(A child adventure story from the good old days)

by Daniel J Towsey

It is the early sixties. Dad just turned on the hockey game after
listening to John F Kennedy's Speech on Secret Societies and their
overt activities to take control of the world.

Dad calls you to come and watch the game.

You just finished watching a really exciting hockey game on your black
and white television.

This is the days when hockey players really played a sportsman hockey
game based on skill and talent. The hockey players never hit each other.
A good hockey player got to really excel in his skill as he was able to
stick handle and never had to worry about being attacked and injured.
The hockey players never wore any protective gear or even helmets. Even
the goalies did not have helmets. All players were very careful to never
inflict injuries and they never aimed the puck at the players or goalies

After the game, mom gives you your allowance and tells you to go outside
and play. You were never allowed to stay in the house and waste all your
time in front of the screen.

You just got your five cent allowance. Your all excited. You run out the
front door and run as fast as you can to the local friendly variety
store to get the latest release of new hockey cards.

You rip open the package, throw the stick of gum from the package into
your mouth, start chewing and hope to find a card of a supper hockey
star like Bobby Hull and you almost choke on your gum when you find one.

The back side of the cards are loaded with that players scoring and
playing statistics as well as the overall standing of the team he plays
for.  My favorite was always The Montreal Canadians.

Now you know all the other boys in the neighborhood will do anything to
get that card. You are really happy because this is actually the second
card of Bobby Hull you have. So now you've got a really good card to
trade with. You know that this card can get you dozens of other cards to
help you to complete your collection of this seasons NHL card series.

So you know from experience and cunning how you can trade allot of other
hockey cards for this card.

So you walk around your neighborhood like a peacock and show off your
really rare card to all the other boys. They offer you many of their
best cards for trade.

The excitement grows among the boys. So all the boys who want this card
are all given a chance to get it. You arrange for for a card throwing

A card throwing game is where each player puts up their best card. All
players have to be in agreement that each player has a special card that
the other players want.

So you take your card and stand it up on a slight angle against a wall.
Then you draw a line about ten feet away. This is the line that each
player takes a turn  to toss a card from, in hopes of knocking the card
down. The player that knocks the card down will get to pick up all the
cards that the other players have already tossed.

You hope to be the one to knock down your own card, so that you will get
all the other cards for free.

You repeat this game for each players best card that they put up on the

You always come to these card tossing competitions with as many cards as
you can. Because your out of the game when you run out of cards.

Each player keeps tossing until he run out of cards, at which time they
are eliminated from tossing. Until there is only one player left with
cards to toss. That player keeps tossing trying to knock the card down.

If by chance all players exhaust their cards supply and no one knocked
down the last card. Each player will get to pick a predetermined number
of cards off the pile and continue playing until someone wins by
knocking down the last standing card. Then every player hands over their
remaining cards to the winner.

All summer long your out doing odds jobs like cutting grass, painting a
fence or what ever to make money to buy trading cards to try to get as
many ordinary cards as you can and of course you try to get cards to
complete your collection.

You speak with your friends, you tell them what cards you have available
for trading. A trader will do everything they can to complete their
collection of the whole series of cards for that season. Because you
know that the stores have a limited supply and a limited time to sell
that seasons trading cards.

If your a cunning trader you can get many cards in trade for one. Giving
you lots of extra cards to play with in the card tossing competitions.

The card trading will go on for many years as you grow older. The
especially special cards go up in value every year. So that one year in
the far future you could actually get rich buying and selling rare
special cards.

But then you become an old guy like me who wonders what ever happened to
the days of innocents.

Hockey no longer has any real stars. All you have today is violence on
ice. You sit there in your old rocking chair on the porch. Listening to
the birds at the lake.

And dream of the days when people and society were simple and beautiful.
The days when truth mattered.

Until that silence is broken by the strange digital sounds coming out of
the opened window and of a child screaming at a screen while he plays
his lonely digital game.

You as when you were young are the one that still goes outside and does
not waste his time in from of a screen.  The child of today does not get
excited over the simple pleasures of life and going out to see their
friends and make new friends with a common interest.

What child today would go out and run down the street to see other
friends screaming hey look at the score I got.

The hockey score no longer matters.

The corporate mind of today has captured the minds of the youth and has
stolen their innocents.

The child of today is socially engineered by the corporate media to be a
good self centered and selfish consumer.

The child of today becomes the adult of today who knows nothing about
the simple and beautiful people from the past.

That corporate screen  has stolen the most precious thing of all. It has
stolen peoples very souls.

So the old guys just sit there lonely and ignored and thinking about
their memories that no one has the time to listen to.

The lesson to be learned from this story is. Keep your kids away from
those corporate digital screens for if you do not. These children wont
even have memories to think of when they become elders. They just have
the gitters and wont be able to keep their fingers from flickering.

They'll just end up very lonely in a seniors residence and be
heavily medicated. They will get no visitors and even if they did they
would have no old stories of interest to tell and the mind altering
medications they are on will make sure of that.

Then the death squads from the new Obama health bill will come in and
just sign your life away. and label you as useless to the corporate

What ever happened to the good old days.

The Creation of the First Corporation is what happened.

Please read my article "Creation of the First Corporation"

you can find it here in the Truth Soldiers

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