By Prof. Jose Maria Sison
Chairperson, International League of Peoples' Struggle
1 May 2010

On this glorious day of the international proletariat, we, the International 
League of Peoples' Struggle, join the workers and peoples of the world in 
celebrating their struggles, sacrifices and victories.  It is of the greatest 
importance to raise the banner of proletarian unity and struggle against 
exploitation and oppression by imperialism and all reaction. Once again, we 
renew our resolve to dismantle the monopoly capitalist system and replace it 
with a just, democratic and peaceful new world in which socialism prevails.

Crisis of Global Capitalism Continues to Worsen

The enemies of the working class and the oppressed peoples do not cease to 
demonstrate their contempt for the masses with their lies and their violence. 
The mouthpieces of the monopoly bourgeoisie are busy proclaiming the end of the 
global economic and financial crisis, and celebrating the so-called beginnings 
of recovery. Not only is this claim of recovery patently false, it actually 
signals a heightened offensive against the workers and peoples of the world.

Bourgeois economists are prating about rising GDP figures, rallies in the stock 
market, the “stabilization” of the financial system, increasing bank profits 
and more business activity. In reality, the so-called recovery is artificial 
and temporary as it is solely reliant on trillions of dollars handed out by the 
state to the biggest banks and failing conglomerates as bailout money. This is 
the largest-ever simultaneous raid of public treasuries by the wealthiest 
stratum of the capitalist class which uses the money to rake in more profits 
from speculative investments. 

Conditions in the real economy remain grim, especially in terms of rising 
unemployment and the dismal living conditions of the working masses. Tens of 
millions have lost their jobs or livelihoods since 2008 when the worst crisis 
since the Great Depression of the 1930s erupted in the heartland of the global 
capitalist system. Millions more have been kept employed but on a part-time 
basis, with lower wages and ready to be axed at the bosses’ say so. In the US 
alone, millions of families are set to lose their homes in the coming year. The 
monopoly bourgeoisie is seizing on mass unemployment and profound social 
insecurity to cut costs, take back hard-won workers’ benefits and boost 

In the underdeveloped countries, the social consequences have been more 
devastating to those economies most deeply penetrated by international monopoly 
capital as foreign investments, credit, so-called aid, export revenues and 
remittances have fallen along with the economies of the advanced capitalist 
countries. Chronic economic depression is compounded by the multiple crises 
generated by the monopoly capitalist system including the food, water and 
ecological crises. 

While the masses face a bleak future, the managers of finance oligarchy 
responsible for the crisis continue to raise their share of the loot. The top 
25 managers of US hedge funds took home a record $25.33 billion in 2009 -- 
greater than the GDP of about 100 nations combined.  They “earned” these 
obscene sums not from production but from mere speculation, specifically by 
correctly betting that the US government under Obama would shore up Wall Street 
at virtually any cost.  

Obama certainly did not disappoint his financiers. Not only has he continued to 
funnel trillions to the finance sector, his administration has also scuttled 
any attempt to apply restraints on the predatory operations of finance capital, 
despite calls even from reform-minded bourgeois economists.  He is generating 
the biggest kind of bubble in the form of public debt and is engaged in deficit 
spending that promotes monopoly profit-taking but not employment and economic 

He has also indulged the military-industrial complex with the biggest war 
budget in US history since World War II, even adjusted for inflation. The US is 
building more bases and upgrading its military facilities all over the world to 
secure its control over strategic resources (such as oil and gas in West and 
Central Asia, and West and Central Africa); encircle potential rival powers, 
particularly China and Russia; and attack or intervene in regions where US 
interests are being challenged (such as in Latin America, Pakistan, Iran, and 
Korea.). It is also paying out billions to US monopoly firms to supply and 
service US bases overseas and “reconstruct” the civilian infrastructure 
destroyed by US invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

All this generosity to the most parasitic and brutal fraction of the big 
bourgeoisie has resulted in the rapid increase in public deficits and debts in 
all the major economies.  The Bank for International Settlements estimates that 
the debt-to-GDP ratios of the G-7 countries are likely to shoot up to between 
150 and 300 percent within the next decade.  Hence the executives of the 
monopoly bourgeoisie are preparing a new assault on the working masses in their 
own countries and against Third World peoples in order to squeeze out more 
surplus value.  

The Obama administration has for instance frozen discretionary social spending, 
laid off thousands of teachers and public sector employees, and is getting 
ready to further whittle down Medicare and Social Security. Leaders of the 
Group of 20 are now talking about “deficit containment” and “returning to a 
normal policy stance” even amidst an ocean of unemployed and dispossessed 
masses. By this they mean withdrawing stimulus measures, imposing fiscal 
austerity and new taxes in order to raise revenues needed to cover the bailouts 
handed over to the finance oligarchy. This translates to wholesale job cuts 
particularly in the public sector, and slashing education, health, housing and 
other social and welfare programs. This is what all this talk of “recovery” 
means for the working masses.

The International Monetary Fund is again stepping in to impose devastating 
austerity measures and wage cuts not just in debt-stricken Third World 
countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America but now also in Eastern Europe and 
the less advanced capitalist countries such as Greece.  In countries that have 
managed to steer clear of the IMF by relying on private capital markets, 
international finance capital still issues decrees through ratings agencies 
such as Moody’s and Standard and Poor. Countries that refuse to reduce their 
fiscal deficits through cutbacks in social services, lay-offs and more 
regressive taxes are punished by poor ratings and higher interest rates.  

Even then, there remains the threat of widespread defaults and financial 
meltdown in the near future. In fact, these are inevitable because the response 
 of the ruling class to the crisis -- intensified exploitation of the working 
masses, over-accumulation of capital, debt-driven spending, and 
financialization -- actually aggravates the basic conditions which lead to 
crises.  The expected bursting of the public debt bubble will have far worse 
consequences than the bursting of previous bubbles.

While continuing to rave about the free market masquerade of monopoly 
capitalism, the US is now desperately carrying out a protectionist policy and 
trying to reduce its external deficits through cutting imports and more 
aggressive export promotion. Obama recently launched the National Export 
Initiative which aims to double US exports in five years. The US can therefore 
be expected to become even more aggressive in prying open foreign markets, 
enforcing its “property rights” overseas while restricting the entry of 
imports. This is sure to exacerbate trade frictions between the US and its 
commercial competitors as well as intensify inter-imperialist rivalry for 
plundering the Third World.  

In the face of the economic crisis and challenges to its hegemony, US 
imperialism is escalating  militarism, state terrorism and  wars of aggression. 
The biggest armed conflicts and greatest instability are happening in regions 
where US intervention is most extensive – West, Central and South Asia, and 
West and Central Africa. These are also the regions with the greatest 
concentration of strategic resources, foremost of which is oil, the control of 
which is an explicit aim of US military policy since the 1950s.    

The US occupation of Iraq has entered its seventh year with no end in sight, 
contrary to Obama’s promise to end US combat mission in Iraq by Aug. 31, 2010. 
The US is ramping up its war in Afghanistan by sending 30,000 additional troops 
plus tens of thousands of private contractors, using the country as a 
laboratory for new US weaponry and combat tactics, such as the use of drone 
attacks. It has entered into a new nuclear agreement with India to support the 
latter’s military upgrading and keep the Pakistan-China alliance in check. 

The US continues to use the US-Zionist alliance to terrorize the entire Middle 
East and to seize the oil and other natural resources. US support for Israeli 
aggression against the Palestinian people has resulted in the most atrocious 
war crimes and human rights violations by Israeli Zionism and in the 
humanitarian crisis such as that in Gaza.  
In Africa, the US has fortified its military presence by creating the African 
Command or Africom, and has increased arms sales, military aid and training 
provided to a number of African countries, particularly in the oil- and 
mineral-rich countries.  

The US has also recently sealed a deal to use seven military bases in Colombia 
for 10 years to use as its staging ground for intervention within the country 
and expand its “expeditionary warfare capability” throughout the region, 
particularly against “anti-US governments” identified by the Pentagon such as 
Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. In Honduras, the US-inspired coup d'etat that 
deposed elected President Manuel Zelaya will mark its one-year anniversary on 
June 28, 2010 as rumours of other possible coups spread in Ecuador, Paraguay, 
Venezuela (and possibly in other countries that have rejected the increasingly 
discredited Washington Consensus). Hugo Chavez, in particular, is the object of 
vitriolic propaganda in the monopoly capitalist media – which is possibly a 
precursor to and justification for destabilization or even direct aggression 
against Venezuela. Even the recent humanitarian disaster in Haiti is used by 
the US to extend direct
 military control over the Haitian people and their economy.  

In the whole East Asia, the US continues to apply on China a policy of 
engagement and containment and is increasingly exerting economic and political 
pressures.  It is exerting more of such pressures on Democratic People's 
Republic of Korea.  In the Philippines, the continued presence of US troops and 
military facilities and the continued supply of military aid underwrite the 
government’s vicious counter-insurgency program which targets both armed and 
unarmed civilians alike and props up the corrupt and fascist puppet Arroyo 

US military aggression and intervention throughout the world is resulting in 
massive civilian deaths, destruction of vital infrastructure, trampling of 
national cultures, pillaging of natural resources, massive displacement and 
other gross human rights violations, spread of hunger and disease.  

The Proletariat and Peoples of World Resist 

The worsening conditions of global economic and financial crisis and the 
escalation of imperialist plunder and wars of aggression are inciting the 
proletariat and peoples of the world to wage various forms of struggle. 

Workers of the world are confronted not only by individual capitalist bosses   
extracting surplus value in particular workplaces. The monopoly bourgeoisie is 
attacking the working masses by using the entire coercive apparatus of the 
state in the imperialist countries and in the imperialist-dominated countries. 
The workers and peoples of the world are aware that they cannot simply bargain 
for higher wages and benefits. They are desirous of wresting political power 
from their oppressors and use state power to uphold their rights and interests.

In various countries, large-scale protests mainly against governments’ 
responses to the crisis are breaking out and catching international attention. 
Greece was  recently rocked and brought to a standstill by strikes and other 
forms of actions that oppose government plans to cut down on social spending 
and raise taxes to address foreign debt and mounting deficit. Farmers’ tractors 
were used to block roads; ferries were left tied up at the ports; hospitals, 
schools and other public services were shut down; and even news broadcasts were 
suspended as hundreds of thousands joined militant protests. The workers and 
people of Greece are saying “no” to government efforts to make them pay for 
decades of misuse of government funds for political patronage, corruption and 
consumption through debt financing.

In France, hundreds of thousands also joined protests against the Sarkozy 
regime’s plan to overhaul the national pension system by cutting pension and 
raising the retirement age in an attempt to solve the country’s deficit. 
Organizers of the protests also raised demands for job security, better working 
conditions and higher wages.  In all countries of Europe, especially in 
Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Greece and Spain, the level of social discontent 
and protest is rising because of the increasing rate of unemployment, the 
erosion of social benefits and the deterioration of living conditions.

In the US, the workers and immigrants undertook strikes and protest rallies.  
Hundreds of thousands of students and faculty launched protests against cuts in 
the education budget and increases in tuition. They were expressing outrage at 
the Obama regime’s policy of bailing out banks and huge corporations and of 
pouring money into the war in Iraq and Afghanistan to the detriment of 
education and other social services. 

Despite US imperialism’s sabotage attempts, the governments of Cuba, Venezuela, 
Bolivia, and North Korea are vocal in asserting national sovereignty and 
opposing imperialism’s dictates to their countries and the world. Their popular 
leaders declare that their countries are waging revolution for socialism. Their 
governments have been able to cushion the worst effects of the current crisis 
on the workers and peoples, and have even improved the standard of living in 
their respective countries. They are now mobilizing workers and peoples to 
change the socio-economic structures. Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia are active in 
encouraging their fellow Latin American countries to enhance economic 
cooperation in that region.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the armed resistance of the workers and peoples 
against direct US colonial rule and for national liberation are dealing severe 
military and political blows on the military might of US imperialism. The 
imposition by force of US-backed puppet governments in these countries has only 
intensified the workers and peoples’ anger at US imperialism. 

The armed resistance in these countries is encouraging the American workers and 
peoples’ condemnation of their government’s continuing war of aggression. It is 
also showing to the workers and peoples of the world that US military might can 
be resisted and put to shame, and that direct US occupation and colonial rule 
must be opposed at all costs.

There are proletarian parties in Asia, Latin America and Asia that are waging 
or are preparing to wage revolutionary armed struggle. The workers and peoples 
of the Philippines, India, Turkey, Congo, Niger Delta, Peru and Colombia are 
waging people’s wars for national liberation and democracy. They are 
persevering in the face of various campaigns of suppression by regimes that are 
supported by US imperialism under the pretext of the latter’s so-called “global 
war on terror.” In the Philippines, the revolutionary movement is aiming for a 
qualitative leap from strategic defensive to strategic stalemate in five years, 
by taking advantage of the intensifying global and national crises and building 
on current strengths and experiences.

In India and Nepal, revolutionary armed movements led by proletarian 
revolutionary parties continue to advance with the support of the workers and 
peoples in these countries. The revolutionary movement in India is steadily 
gaining strength, forcing the prime minister to say that “We are losing the war 
with the Maoists”. After overthrowing the monarchy and achieving great 
successes in the legal militant struggles and elections, the revolutionary 
movement in Nepal is now gearing for the seizure of state power to defend 
national independence and build socialism.

After two decades of blabbering about the “end of history,” the imperialists 
and their paid propagandists are being put to shame by the perseverance of 
ordinary workers and people in revolutionary struggle in order to collectively 
and militantly make history, and to put an end to such a backward and moribund 
system as imperialism.

All the struggles of the workers and peoples against imperialism and reaction 
are contributory to the relentless advance towards a new and better world of 
national independence, democracy, development, social justice and peace.  We 
call on the workers and peoples of the world to intensify their struggles 
against imperialist plunder and wars of aggression and open the way to 

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