Latvian vicar arrested on sex abuse  allegations April 29, 2010 RIGA, 
Latvia (AP) — A former Catholic priest who  converted to Protestantism and two 
other men have been arrested in Latvia for  allegedly sexually abusing 
children, police said Thursday. The three suspects  were friends and exchanged 
information to help each other find victims  throughout the Baltic country, 
police spokesman Toms Sadovskis said. They preyed  on orphans or boys from 
dysfunctional families in a string of abuse cases going  back at least five 
years, Sadovskis alleged, adding that "some of the victims  were mentally 
challenged." _ 

Psych  Week 2010: EEG Test - An EEG test shows physiological evidence of 
Paula's  D.I.D.  

Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD et  al....

The goal of introducing the diagnosis of Developmental Trauma  Disorder is 
to capture the reality of the clinical presentations of children and  
adolescents exposed to chronic interpersonal trauma and thereby guide 
to develop and utilize effective interventions and for researchers to study 
the  neurobiology and transmission of chronic interpersonal violence. 
Whether or not  they exhibit symptoms of PTSD, children who have developed in 
context of  ongoing danger, maltreatment, and inadequate caregiving systems 
are ill-served  by the current diagnostic system, as it frequently leads to 
no diagnosis,  multiple unrelated diagnoses, an emphasis on behavioral 
control without  recognition of interpersonal trauma and lack of safety in the 
etiology of  symptoms, and a lack of attention to ameliorating the 
developmental disruptions  that underlie the symptoms....

The introduction of PTSD in the  psychiatric classification system in 1980 
has led to extensive scientific  studies of that diagnosis. However, over 
the past 25 years there has been a  relatively independent and parallel 
emergence of the field of Developmental  Psychopathology (e.g. Maughan & 
Cicchetti, 2002; Putnam, Trickett, Yehuda,  & McFarlane, 1997), which has 
the effects of interpersonal trauma  and disruption of caregiving systems on 
the development of affect regulation,  attention, cognition, perception, 
and interpersonal relationships. A third  significant development has been the 
increasing documentation of the effects of  adverse early life experiences 
on brain development (e.g. De Bellis et al.,  2002; Teicher et al., 2003), 
neuroendocrinology (e.g.Hart, Gunnar, &  Cicchetti, 1995; Lipschitz et al., 
2003) and immunology (e.g. Putnam et al.,  1997; Wilson et al, 1999).

Studies of both child and adult populations  over the last 25 years have 
established that, in a majority of trauma-exposed  individuals, traumatic 
stress in childhood does not occur in isolation, but  rather is characterized 
co-occurring, often chronic, types of victimization  and other adverse 
experiences (Anda et al., 2006; Dong et al., 2004; Pynoos et  al., 2008; 
Spinazzola et al., 2005; van der Kolk et al, 2005).

Contribute to the Field Trial for Developmental Trauma Disorder
There  currently is an ongoing field trial for the NCTSN proposed 
Developmental Trauma  Disorder for inclusion in the DSM V, in which the 
University of 
Connecticut (Dr.  Julian Ford), the Trauma Center at JRI (Drs. van der 
Kolk, Spinazzola and  D'Andrea), and LaRabida Hospital in Chicago (Dr. Bradley 
Stolbach) are the  principal sites. Part of this field trial is underwritten 
by several private  foundations, but we are seeking an additional $150,000 
to complete this  study.  

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