Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack 
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor 
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Rush to Judgment?
HOUSTON, May 3, 2010 -- Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk 
radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though 
he revealed his own, which is that the BP Horizon explosion was caused by 
environmentalists, and that federal "SWAT" teams fanning out across the Gulf of 
Mexico are part of a national defense response.
"What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing 
up a rig?" he rhetorically asked. "I'm just, I'm just noting the timing here." 
"Rush Limbaugh blames ‘environmentalist wackos’ for massive oil spill," The Raw 
Story, 4/29/2010,
We shouldn’t dismiss “Rushbo” as a conspiracy theorist, even though the master 
of talk radio has learned to hurl that pejorative at callers who suggest 
unpopular explanations that he would rather not hear or broadcast. No, we 
should recognize that Rush understands political and criminal reality well 
enough to recognize what I learned in four years with Houston-area police: 
conspiracy is one of the most common crimes on the books. 
I began to listen to Rush in 1990, the same year I was a Desert Storm 
volunteer. I often disagreed with his geo-political positions, but appreciated 
his on-air (and self-proclaim) "excellence in broadcasting.” I shared his 
contempt for the mainstream media, even after I began publishing regularly 
op-eds in mainstream publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Houston 
Chronicle, and the Houston Post. I continued to laugh at his satire and 
oratory, enjoying his brawling bombast even when he put his foot in his mouth. 
I generally accepted his pro-football analysis, and was disappointed when he 
flubbed up and lost his position as a Monday Night Football commentator.
Bush's military misadventures brought us to a parting of the ways. Writing 
military analysis for the Houston Chronicle, I published pieces forecasting a 
long, unwinnable “quicksand war” in Iraq. Rush, one of many pro-war hawks with 
no military experience, predicted the same cake walk that the Bush 
administration did. I had the strong impression that Rush was waking up to the 
Bush League errors of the cheerleader in chief in the summer of 2003, but 
within weeks of his first remarks against George W., he was arrested in 
Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida on narcotics charges.
An Anti-Lambaugh Conspiracy?
It was my own conspiracy theory that the Bush boys were working in tandem to 
make sure that Limbaugh parroted the official line -- or else. The same view 
was pretty common among my Texas journalism buddies, who, like me, were 
personally familiar with the likes of George W., Jeb, George H.W., Joe Albaugh 
and Karen Hughes. They were capable of any kind of dirty trick or payback.
Like most regular Rush listeners I was convinced when he used to accuse the 
Clintons of sexual misconduct, Whitewater crimes and even assassinations, most 
notably White House lawyer Vince Foster. Unlike most “ditto heads” though, I 
could see the same truths of corruption and killing when the shoe was on the 
right foot. For those who blame Rush for not criticizing Bush, let them 
consider that a month after Rush was under virtually arrest, pending Bush 
League prosecution, George W.’s biggest political danger died mysteriously in 
Houston, and was as covered up by the mainstream media as Vince Foster had been 
a decade before:  
"Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape" Pravda, 11/12/2003,
It was high irony for this Cold War, Russian-speaking military intelligence 
officer that I had to read the story of her death in Pravda. Sometimes a good 
scout has to look behind enemy lines to assess the real situation. To this day 
I continue to read such sources as Pravda, Haaretz, Al Jazeera and Press TV. 
Anyone with a background in investigation learns to scan and process as many 
diverse sources as possible, and to shun the public relations and propaganda 
that combine to spoil the American monopoly mainstream media.
Conflicting Conspiracies
Two extremely divergent publications below illustrate the value of variety:
The first is an Israeli newspaper noted for its connections with the ruthless 
and resourceful Mossad intelligence agency. In a story brought out the day 
Israel refused to attend an Obama nuclear weapons summit – despite their 
possession of around 200 nukes.
“For the first time, debkafile's military sources report, 

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