dis da pi**

Maritime Professional weekly update
Networking, News & Opinion

Too Big to Fail?
The scope of the U.S. Gulf oil spill continues to expand, testing the
limits of
public and private response capabilities. We can't afford to fail. Can BP
afford to
Magic Pipe Murkiness Surfaces Again
Time to stop loading the dice against masters
Indian shipping tonnage at record level
Recent vessel acquisition spree by Indian ship owners has helped to
bolster the
national shipping tonnage.
Propulsion Shaft Failures
The University of Gdansk, Poland published a paper quoting ABS figures for
propulsion shaft failures and Offshore Supply Vessels and tugs amounted to 66
percent of the total failures in the report.
Suez Canal
The vital waterway between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
First Free Trade Warehouse Zone likely by SKIL
Free Trade Warehousing zones are the latest creation of the container
trade of
Jawaharlal Nehru Port

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