Begin forwarded message:

> From:
> Date: May 15, 2010 8:05:05 AM PDT
> To:
> Subject: [IPCUSA] Wikimedia porn purge, MK-ultra, Franklin Scandal, Polanski, 
> Clergy abuse
> Reply-To:
> Wikimedia porn purge, MK-ultra, Franklin Scandal, Polanski,  Clergy  abuse  
> this issue  contains:
> Shakeup at Wikipedia in Wake of Porn Purge 
> MKULTRA victims and  therapists speak
> Ritual  abuse book articles  
> More sex allegations hit Roman  Polanski
> Settlement in 26 Vermont priest sex abuse cases
> EXCLUSIVE:  Shakeup at Wikipedia in Wake of Porn Purge By Jana Winter - 
> May 14,  2010 A shakeup is underway at the top levels of 
> Wikipedia, 
> has  learned, as administrators try to deal with the growing 
> controversy surrounding  pornographic images that appear on the online 
> encyclopedia and its associated  websites....On May 7, reported 
> exclusively that Wales had personally  deleted many of the images from 
> Wikimedia's 
> servers, and that he'd ordered that  thousands more be purged. Now many of 
> those images have been restored to their  original web pages....
> Several of those donors contacted the foundation  to inquire about the 
> thousands of images on Wikimedia’s servers that could be  considered child 
> pornography. There also are graphic photo images of male and  female 
> genitalia, 
> men and women or groups of people involved in sexual acts,  images of 
> masturbation and other pornographic material — all of which can be  viewed by 
> children at most public schools, where students are encouraged to use  
> Wikipedia 
> as a source encyclopedia.
> When the donors started calling, Wales  immediately called on the sites’ 
> editors to quickly purge any possibly obscene  or pornographic content from 
> the sites.
> This led to outrage among the sites'  many volunteer editors and 
> administrators, who charged that Wales’ actions  betrayed the essence of the 
> open 
> user-generated online encyclopedia.
> One  lengthy e-mail response read in part:
> “In essence, right now Jimbo is  deleting things based on his singular 
> judgment about what should be allowed….  This is a large change and lack of a 
> clear policy creates a very confusing and  frustrating environment for 
> editors. (Multiple Commons admins have already  stated their intention to 
> resign 
> and/or retire over this.)”
> But Wales  defended his actions on the foundation listserve, writing:
> "Much of the  cleanup is done, although there was so much hardcore 
> pornography on commons that  there's still some left in nooks and crannies….
> "We were about to be smeared  in all media as hosting hardcore pornography 
> and doing nothing about it. Now,  the correct storyline is that we are 
> cleaning up. I'm proud to have made sure  that storyline broke the way it 
> did, 
> and I'm sorry I had to step on some toes to  make it happen.  
> (
> h_ttp://
> (
> MKULTRA victims and therapists speak - MKULTRA was the human  
> experimentation program that used children in the lab to induce MPD using 
> severe  trauma. 
> This methodology continues today with the use of nonlethal microwave  
> weapons to perfect "behavior modification".  
> (
> h_ttp://
> (
> )   
> Recently Discovered Longer, Higher  Quality Version of the "Unaired" 
> 1993/1994 Yorkshire Television Investigative  Documentary "Conspiracy of 
> Silence". 
> Concerning allegations of a Network of  Paedophile Rings in Nebraska & 
> Washington D.C.  
> (
> h_ttp://
> (
> ( _http://www.franklinscandal.com_ 
> (     book by journalist Nick Bryant: "The 
> Franklin Scandal: A Story 
> of Powerbrokers,  Child Abuse & Betrayal." 
> Ritual abuse book articles  
> _ 
> (   
> Cult and Ritual Abuse
> Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse
> Ritual  Abuse in the Twenty-First Century
> Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual  Abuse
> More sex allegations hit Roman Polanski By AFP, Vancouver Sun  May 14, 2010 
> Fugitive film-maker Roman Polanski was hit by fresh allegations  of sexual 
> misconduct Friday by a woman who claims the director "forced himself"  upon 
> her just after her 16th birthday in 1982. Polanski, who is fighting  
> extradition to the United States to face sentencing in his 1978 child sex 
> case,  
> was accused by British actress Charlotte Lewis of sexually abusing her at his 
> apartment in Paris nearly 30 years ago.
> In a press conference at the Beverly  Hills offices of prominent attorney 
> Gloria Allred, Lewis, 42, said she was  speaking out to refute suggestions 
> from Polanski's legal team that his earlier  case was an isolated incident. 
> "I 
> am also a victim of Roman Polanski. He  sexually abused me in the worst 
> possible way when I was just 16-years-old, four  years after he fled the 
> United 
> States to avoid sentencing for his crimes," Lewis  said in a prepared 
> statement.
> Allred said Lewis had given statements to  Los Angeles police and 
> prosecutors about the incident which she hoped would be  taken into 
> consideration if 
> Polanski was extradited back to the United States  for sentencing. "It is 
> very important that the District Attorney and the Swiss  authorities are 
> armed 
> with this information as they decide Mr Polanski's fate,"  said Lewis, who 
> had a minor role in Polanski's 1986 period flop  "Pirates."
> "Mr Polanski knew I was only 16 years old when he met me and  forced 
> himself upon me in his apartment in Paris. He took advantage of me and I  
> have 
> lived with the effects of his behavior ever since it occurred. 
> _
> l_ 
> (
> Settlement in 26 Vermont priest sex abuse cases AP Attorney Jerome F.  
> O'Neill holds a news conference in Burlington, Vt., Thursday, May 13, 2010. 
> By  
> LISA RATHKE, Associated Press Writer Lisa Rathke, Associated Press Writer - 
> May  13, 2010 MONTPELIER, Vt. - Dozens of former altar boys who sued 
> Vermont's  Catholic church over allegations of sexual abuse by priests 30 
> years ago 
> will  share in a nearly $18 million settlement of their cases. The attorney 
> for the 26  plaintiffs and the bishop of the statewide Diocese of 
> Burlington said Thursday  they were pleased by the settlement, but both 
> acknowledged 
> that the cases had  been difficult for the victims.... 
> The lawsuits accused the diocese of  negligent hiring, and many of the 
> cases centered on the defrocked Rev. Edward  Paquette, who was the target of 
> allegations before he transferred to Vermont in  the mid-1970s. Paquette had 
> worked in parishes in Rutland and Montpelier and in  Christ the King Church 
> in 
> Burlington, and he was accused of molesting dozens of  altar boys. The 
> diocese didn't dispute that the molestations occurred. The  80-year-old 
> priest 
> recently told the Burlington Free Press newspaper he was  sorry for his 
> actions and prays daily for the families of the people he harmed.  
> _ 
> ( 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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