Shanley recovered memory case

The Trial of Benedict XVI By Jeff Israely and Howard Chua-Eoan Thursday,  
May. 27, 2010 
How do you atone for something terrible, like the  Inquisition?....When his 
turn came, Ratzinger, the church's premier theologian,  intoned a short 
prayer that said "that even men of the church, in the name of  faith and 
morals, have sometimes used methods not in keeping with the Gospel in  the 
duty of defending the truth."....

"He grabbed me, tickling and  wrestling like I did with my dad, and I 
thought at first it was fun," McDaid,  who grew up in Salem, Mass., says of a 
parish priest. "But then something  changed ... He started grabbing my 
genitals. I felt him rubbing against me from  behind ... I was so scared. I 
this was so wrong. I looked out the window. I  started praying." That would 
happen again and again over three years. McDaid's  devout mother was delighted 
whenever the priest arrived to pick up her son, just  11 when the abuse 
started, to join other boys on trips to the beach. But,  recalls McDaid, now 
"the last boy out of the car was the one who would get  molested." He 
finally spoke to his dad, who then took him to a priest from the  next town to 
report what had happened. "We waited for months. Then there was a  rotation of 
priests. He left, but they made it look like a natural progression.  They 
celebrated him with cake and ice cream." The boy was left in silence and  
with his secret shame. The priest, Father Joseph Birmingham, went on to abuse  
boys in three other parishes in the Boston area before he died in 1989. 

Germany: 205 claims of abuse at Jesuit schools
AP Thu May  27, 2010 MUNICH – A special investigator says in her final 
report that at least  205 former students claim to have been sexually or 
otherwise abused in Jesuit  schools in Germany. Investigator Ursula Raue said 
Thursday she thinks the number  is even higher, as "we cannot expect to have 
heard everything yet." She said 46  Jesuits and non-clerical staff at the 
schools have been accused of abuse or of  knowing of such crimes without acting.

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