>From below at end:
"...One review of the literature found "physiologic and  ocular
differences across alter personalities." ..."
Often one personality needs glasses and another can see fine.  Same eyes.
No explanation.
We don't know what this is.
Often some personalities do not know of others.  But at times they all
come together and produce what is called in the military a 'Clear eyes'.

Truth is...
we don't know too much at all.
> Dissociative Identity Disorder From the Child Abuse  Wiki
> _http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Dissociative_Identity_Disorder_
> (http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Dissociative_Identity_Disorder)
> copied  with permission
> Dissociative identity disorder (formerly called  Multiple Personality
> Disorder or MPD) is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as the  presence of two or
> more
> personality states or distinct identities that  repeatedly take control of
> one’s
> behavior. The patient has an inability to  recall personal information.
> The
> extent of this lack of recall is too great to  be explained by normal
> forgetfulness. The disorder cannot be due to the direct  physical effects
> of a
> general medical condition or  substance.[1]
> DID entails a failure to integrate certain aspects of  memory,
> consciousness and identity. Patients experience frequent gaps in their
> memory for their
> personal history, past and present. Patients with DID report  having
> severe
> physical and sexual abuse, especially during childhood. The  reports of
> patients with DID are often validated by objective  evidence.[1]
> Physical evidence may include variations in  physiological functions in
> different identity states, including differences in  vision, levels of
> pain
> tolerance, symptoms of asthma, the response of blood  glucose to insulin
> and
> sensitivity to allergens. Other physical findings may  include scars from
> physical abuse or self-inflicted injuries, headaches or  migraines, asthma
> and
> irritable bowel syndrome.[1]
> DID is found in  a variety of cultures around the world. It is diagnosed
> three to nine times more  often in adult females than males. Females
> average
> 15 or more identities, males  eight identities. The sharp rise in the
> reported cases of DID in the U.S. may be  due the greater awareness of
> DID’s
> diagnosis, which has caused an increased  identification of those that
> were
> previously undiagnosed.[1]
> The  average time period from DID’s first presentation of symptoms to
> its
> diagnosis  is six to seven years. DID may become less manifest as patients
> reach past their  late 40’s, but it can reemerge during stress, trauma
> or
> substance abuse. It is  suggested in several studies that DID is more
> likely to
> occur with first-degree  biological relatives of people that already have
> DID, than in the regular  population.[1]
> Symptomatology
> Individuals  diagnosed with DID demonstrate a variety of symptoms with
> wide
> fluctuations  across time; functioning can vary from severe impairment in
> daily functioning to  normal or high abilities.[2]
> Patients may experience an extremely  broad array of other symptoms that
> resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety  disorders, mood disorders, post
> traumatic stress disorder, personality  disorders, and eating
> disorders.[2]
> Causes
> The causes  of dissociative identity disorder are theoretically linked
> with
> the interaction  of overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents,[3]
> insufficient childhood  nurturing, and an innate ability to dissociate
> memories or
> experiences from  consciousness.[2] Prolonged child abuse is frequently a
> factor, with a very high  percentage of patients reporting documented
> abuse[4]
> often confirmed by  objective evidence.[1] The Diagnostic and Statistical
> Manual of Mental Disorders  states that patients with DID often report
> having
> a history of severe physical  and sexual abuse. The reports of patients
> suffering from DID are "often  confirmed by objective evidence," and the
> notes that the abusers in those  situations may be inclined to "deny or
> distort”
>  these acts.[1] Research has  consistently shown that DID is characterized
> by reports of extensive childhood  trauma, usually child abuse.[5][6][7]
> Dissociation is recognized as a  symptomatic presentation in response to
> psychological trauma, extreme emotional  stress, and in association with
> emotional
> dysregulation and borderline  personality disorder.[8] A study of 12
> murderers established the connection  between early severe abuse and
> DID[9].
> DSM  inclusion
> DID meets all of the guidelines for inclusion in the DSM  and is supported
> by taxometric research.[10] Research has established DID as a  valid
> diagnosis.[10] In one study, DID was found to be a genuine disorder with a
> constant set of core features.[11]
> History
> The 19th  century saw a number of reported cases of multiple personalities
> which Rieber  estimated would be close to 100.[12]
> By the late 19th century there  was a general realization that emotionally
> traumatic experiences could cause  long-term disorders which may manifest
> with a variety of symptoms.[13] Between  1880 and 1920, many great
> international medical conferences devoted a lot of  time to sessions on
> dissociation.[14]
> Starting in about 1927, there  was a large increase in the number of
> reported cases of schizophrenia, which was  matched by an equally large
> decrease
> in the number of multiple personality  reports.[14] Bleuler also included
> multiple personality in his category of  schizophrenia. It was found in
> the
> 1980s that MPD patients are often  misdiagnosed as suffering from
> schizophrenia.[14] Multiple personality disorder  began to emerge as a
> separate disorder
> in the 1970s when an initially small  number of clinicians worked to
> re-establish MPD as a legitimate  diagnosis.[14]
> Physiological  Evidence
> Physiological evidence has provided additional evidence to  back the
> existence of DID. One review of the literature found "physiologic and
> ocular
> differences across alter personalities." [15]. Additional studies have
> been
> found showing optical differences in DID cases.[16][17] One study found
> that
> "eight of the nine MPD subjects consistently manifested physiologically
> distinct alter personality states."[18]. Other reviews have found
> additional
> physiological differences[19]. Brain mapping has also found physiological
> differences in alternate personalities[20]. A variety of psychiatric
> rating
> scales found that multiple personality is strongly related to childhood
> trauma
>  rather than to an underlying electrophysiological dysfunction[21].
> References at
> _http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Dissociative_Identity_Disorder_
> (http://childabusewiki.org/index.php?title=Dissociative_Identity_Disorder)

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