The Law and Mind Control 
A Look at the Law and Goverment Mind  Control Through Five Cases
CIA vs Sims 
United States vs  Stanley
Orlikow, et Al vs United States
Kronisch vs United States et  Al
Heinrich, et Al vs Sweet, et Al 

Rights groups seek probe into CIA detainee medical research (AFP)  6/10/10

WASHINGTON — Human rights groups filed a complaint seeking an  
investigation into allegations that CIA-led medical personnel conducted 
experiments on terror detainees after the September 11 attacks. Physicians for  
Human Rights, which released a report this week outlining allegations of 
illegal  human subject research and experimentation on detainees, said it filed 
the  complaint Wednesday with seven other organizations with the US 
Department of  Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections. 
office  "should initiate immediately an official investigation" into the 
evidence, which  the group said was detailed in declassified government 

The  division, which sets guidelines for government research on humans 
including by  the CIA, "has a legal responsibility to investigate these 
disturbing new  allegations about the CIA and possible illegal human 
on  detainees," said Nathaniel Raymond, lead author of the report. The CIA 
has  rejected the report as erroneous.

The Strange Story of Sally Hartman 10 June 2010 by: H.P. Albarelli  Jr., t 
r u t h o u t | 

Interview On 26 October, [redacted], an employee  of the [redacted], 
contacted the Office of the Inspector General here at the  Agency and related 
following information. His wife, whose maiden name is  [redacted], was 
previously married from 1955 until 1960 to [redacted], who was  employed by CIA 
at that time. In the summer of 1956, according to [redacted],  she 
accompanied her husband to the farm of her husband's supervisor for dinner,  
and wine. She believes her husband worked for Dr. Gottlieb, who was chief  of 
the Technical Services Staff Chemical Division and heavily involved in  
MKULTRA activities. Her next recollection is receiving electric shock treatment 
at George Washington University Hospital for some time ... - Letter from 
CIA  assistant general counsel to John Gavin Esq., Office of Legal Counsel, US 
 Department of Justice, November 2, 1977....

This story involved a woman  who, in the mid-1950s, had been married to a 
CIA employee. In fact, the man had  worked in the agency's Technical Services 
Section, Chemical Branch and had  answered directly to Gottlieb and Robert 
Lashbrook. I was able to verify his  employment with the CIA. The woman had 
also worked for the federal government,  holding a classified position with 
another intelligence organization. There were  no doubts about any of this. 
Numerous sources, including former CIA, Justice  Department and White House 
officials and others, verified these  facts....

Fred talked to several physicians and was told by one, "Perhaps  Sally is 
an unwitting victim of some sort of mind control effort." The physician  told 
Fred that, given the dimensions of the MKULTRA project as reported in the  
newspapers, anything could be possible if Sally had somehow become a test  
subject. Fred began to develop a theory about what had happened to his wife.  
Based on public revelations about Frank Olson, Fred thought Sally had been 
given  LSD by Jim or Gottlieb. Once she was placed in a secure hospital, he 
speculated,  Sally became an ideal, unwitting, test subject. Fred thought, 
What better cover  can there be, or greater achievement, than to control the 
mind of a person who  is a patient in a mental hospital without detection? 
Sally's sudden "breakdown"  and electric-shock treatments seem to be 
connected to her having been given some  sort of drug that triggered her 
change in behavior. Fred called the  Massachusetts hospital and requested his 
wife's medical records. After a few  days, he received a return call from the 
hospital, telling him there was no  record of Sally having been a patient. 
He told the caller there had to be some  sort of mistake. Please recheck 
your records, Fred asked. The hospital told Fred  someone would call him back 
within a day or two.

Two days later, the  hospital called and told Fred that Sally's records had 
been located. Fred asked  that they be copied and mailed to him. The same 
week, Fred consulted a noted  psychologist about Sally. The psychologist told 
Fred the CIA had experimented  extensively with "hypnosis and post-hypnotic 
suggestion used in combination with  certain drugs." The psychologist also 
told Fred the agency experimented with  using a variety of surreptitious 
delivery methods for drugs to unwitting  subjects. These methods included 
"techniques for penetrating clothing with  drugs" and "treating paper in books 
and magazine with certain  drugs."....

Meanwhile, additional articles appeared in newspapers in  Boston about the 
Massachusetts hospital Sally was admitted to. Some articles  revealed that 
doctors there conducted surreptitious testing with LSD, mescaline,  and other 
powerful drugs. Many of these experiments took place during the same  time 
that Sally was a patient in the same hospital. Fred's concern mounted about  
what may have happened to Sally and significantly deepened after he read a 
July  1952 CIA document citing the "narco-hypnotic control" of subjects 
placed under  what the agency dubbed "psychiatric-medical control" or 
hospitalization. "In  each case," the memo stated, "a psychiatric-medical cover 
used to bring  ARTICHOKE techniques into action." 

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