Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2010

clergy abuse articles : Italy, Ireland, Belgium 

Books of The  Times - Violence Expert Visits Her Dark Past By DWIGHT GARNER 
June 24, 2010  Jessica Stern is among the world’s experts on violence and 
evil, a woman who  spends her time thinking about bad men and bad deeds. She 
has lectured at  Harvard about terrorism and is the author of a respected 
book, “Terror in the  Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill” (2003). 
During the Clinton  administration she was on the staff of the National 

“Denial” is Ms. Stern’s plainspoken and very raw account of  why, long 
before 9/11, she was driven to study terrorism and to put herself  repeatedly 
into danger as she flew around the world, like some scholarly twin of  the 
former CNN war correspondent Christiane Amanpour,  interviewing  committed 
terrorists. Central among the reasons, it turns out, was her own  experience of 
terror. On Oct. 1, 1973, when Ms. Stern was 15 and her sister 14,  the two 
of them, alone in a suburban house in leafy Concord, Mass., were raped  by a 
man who cut the house’s telephone lines before walking inside and leading  
them upstairs. 

Ms. Stern describes that evening in brutal detail. It was  a night that 
changed her and taught her a dire lesson: “Shame can be sexually  transmitted.”
 The crime wasn’t properly investigated. The police didn’t believe  her 
when she said the rapist was a stranger. Because her story and those of  
others were not publicized or taken seriously enough by the police, the same 
was able to rape some 44 girls — an incredible, heart-collapsing number — 
from  1971 to 1973. “The entire community,” she writes, “was in denial.”  

Terrorism Expert No Longer in 'Denial' About Her Rape  Andrea  Stone  
Senior Washington Correspondent 6/25/10 WASHINGTON (June 22) --  Jessica Stern, 
one of the world's foremost authorities on terrorism, never made  the 
connection between her chosen profession and the terror she suffered as a  
teenager. Stern was 15 and her sister Sara 14 when a blue-eyed stranger 
carrying  a 
small handgun entered their home in Concord, Mass., on the evening of Oct. 
1,  1973. The man threatened to kill them. Then he raped them. There was no 
one for  the girls to turn to -- their mother was dead, their father on a 
business trip  in Europe, the baby sitter had left them alone. The police 
refused to believe  the girls didn't know the man. They were in denial. Worse, 
their father refused  to cut short his trip to rush home. 

A few months later -- his daughters'  rapist still at large -- he told 
police they had gotten over it. He was in  denial. But it took more than 30 
years for Stern to discover that she, too, was  in denial....Stern knew from 
therapy that she suffered from post-traumatic  stress disorder (PTSD), a 
diagnosis she had denied for years....Stern was not  content to confine herself 
the personal. She talked to a fellow victim and  met a veteran who was 
injured in Iraq and suffers from PTSD. While she doesn't  equate rape with 
maimed by a roadside bomb -- "I was not a victim of  terrorism. That is 
much more serious and has a political element" -- she was  struck by how many 
symptoms she shared with the soldier....

Connecting  her trauma to a wider circle, she wrote: Denial helps the 
bystander. We don't  want to know what the boys we send to Iraq have done to 
others out of terror, or  what others have done to them. We would rather not 
know about terror or be  confronted with evil. This is as true about Abu Ghraib 
as it is about personal  assaults and more private crimes, the crimes that 
occur inside families. But the  victim, too, cannot bear to believe. She may 
bury or disassociate from or disown  her pain. 

Abuse Loosens Church’s Culture of Silence in Italy 
By RACHEL  DONADIO June 26, 2010 ROME — One afternoon last month, a rare 
thing happened in  Rome’s main courthouse: for perhaps the first time ever, an 
Italian bishop took  the witness stand in the case of a priest accused of 
the sexual abuse of  children. 
Soon after, another rare thing happened. The leader of the Italian  bishops’
 conference acknowledged at a news conference that it was “possible”  that 
bishops in Italy had covered up abuse, while his deputy said that in the  
past decade, 100 Italian priests had faced church trials in connection with 
the  sexual abuse of minors. 

Irish priest resigns over abuse case 27 Jun 2010 A priest in charge  of 
protecting children in a rural diocese in Northern Ireland has been forced to  
resign over a case of child sex abuse filed against another priest under his 
 authority. Earlier, an Irish Examiner report said Fr Bermingham in charge 
of the  Diocese of Cloyne, in County Cork had received a note from a woman 
claiming  abuse by a priest under his ministration. Bermingham had hushed up 
the matter  and let his colleague know of the note before referring him to 
the police.  

Bermingham said he had turned in the abuse statement which he received  in 
May 2009 to the police and the Health Service Executive in the Irish 
Republic  right away....This spring, a group of deaf men in Verona were granted 
rare  hearing on national television to denounce the priests they said 
serially  molested them as children in a school for the deaf. “We just want 
justice,” said  one of the men, Gianni Bisoli.  

Pope denounces 'deplorable' raid on Belgian church - Raids come  amid fresh 
claims of sex abuse in Catholic Church Agence France-Presse June 27,  2010
VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday accused Belgian police of  
"deplorable methods" for raiding a bishops' meeting as part of a pedophilia  
probe, as Brussels said the Vatican was overreacting....Thursday's raids came  
amid new claims of child abuse by members of the Catholic Church in Belgium, 
one  of the countries rocked by recent revelations of pedophilia by priests 
in Europe  and North America. 

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