Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Sardar" <>
> Date: July 3, 2010 7:01:02 PM PDT
> To: "Sardar" <>
> Subject: Report: US banks laundering money for Mexican drug war
> Report: US banks laundering money for Mexican drug war
> a..
> Raw Story
> July 3, 2010
> US banks are playing a crucial role in the running of the Mexican drug trade, 
> allowing their facilities to be used to launder money in a drug war that has 
> taken the lives of more than 22,000 people in the past four years, a new 
> investigative report reveals.
> According to a report from the August, 2010, issue of Bloomberg Markets 
> magazine, both Bank of America and Wachovia are implicated in drug-money 
> laundering schemes to purchase jets to smuggle drugs.
> The report, by Michael Smith, chronicles the seizure of a DC-9 jet at a 
> Mexican airport in 2006 when it was discovered that it contained $100 
> million-worth of cocaine. Investigators found that drug smugglers had bought 
> the plane with money laundered through BofA and through Wachovia, which was 
> bought out by Wells Fargo in 2008.
> Smith reports:
> This was no isolated incident. Wachovia, it turns out, had made a habit of 
> helping move money for Mexican drug smugglers. Wells Fargo & Co., which 
> bought Wachovia in 2008, has admitted in court that its unit failed to 
> monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers - 
> including the cash used to buy four planes that shipped a total of 22 tons of 
> cocaine.
> Bloomberg obtained a copy of an agreement (PDF) between prosecutors and 
> Wachovia, signed in March, in which the bank admitted it had not done enough 
> to watch for money-laundering schemes among some $378 billion it transferred 
> between its branches and Mexican currency-exchange houses from 2004 to 2007.
> "The investigation has identified at least $110 million in drug proceeds that 
> were funneled through the [currency-exchange] accounts held at Wachovia," the 
> agreement states.
> "Wachovia's blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine 
> cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations," Bloomberg 
> quotes federal prosecutor Jeffrey Sloman.
> Wachovia agreed to pay $160 million to settle the court case in exchange for 
> charges being dropped, a move Sloman described as "historic."
> Bloomberg also reports that a former Wachovia executive in charge of 
> anti-money laundering operations "quit the bank in disgust" after managers 
> ignored his reports that drug money was being laundered through its 
> facilities.
> "If you don't see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and 
> the 22,000 people killed in Mexico, you're missing the point," Woods said.
> Bank of America and UK-based HSBC have been connected to money laundering 
> schemes, according to the Bloomberg report.
> Drug traffickers used accounts at Bank of America in Oklahoma City to buy 
> three planes that carried 10 tons of cocaine, according to Mexican court 
> filings.
> Federal agents caught people who work for Mexican cartels depositing illicit 
> funds in Bank of America accounts in Atlanta, Chicago and Brownsville, Texas, 
> from 2002 to 2009. Mexican drug dealers used shell companies to open accounts 
> at London-based HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe's biggest bank by assets, an 
> investigation by the Mexican Finance Ministry found.
> Drug-related violence has been spiraling out of control along the US-Mexican 
> border in recent years. Ciudad Juarez, across the river from El Paso, Texas, 
> has recorded 700 murders so far this year. Earlier this week, a "clash" 
> between rival drug gangs left 21 people dead.
> The violence has even begun to permeate Mexican politics, with three 
> drug-related assassinations against government officials in just the past two 
> weeks. A mayor and city councilor were killed Wednesday evening. Hours later, 
> a deputy attorney general in Cihuahua state was killed. The recent 
> disappearance of a former presidential candidate has drawn speculation 
> linking the incident to the drug wars.

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