Bit strange to refer to the Queen of |e England as "Her Royal Majesty".... A
King or Queen is automatically Royal.... the only reference is "Her

As to the topic at hand...... If the USA attacks Iran, in support of Israel
attacking Iran, pre-emptive or punishing, it will be a crime, a war-crime,
as Iran has not been proven to be developing any nuclear weapon what so
ever, it even has declared NOT to want to develop such a weapon, were Israel
has nuclear weapons... and has not signed the NPT, were Iran actually has
signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

No proof has been presented to anyone, not the USA, not Israel, not the UN
and not the EU, that Iran is busy developing any nuclear weapon.... were
Israel maintains nuclear power without having signed any treaty in respect
to limiting or preventing spreading of nuclear weapons, or even power!

So, when the U|SA would stand side by side by Israel in attacking Iran it
would be guilty of a crime against humanity!

My opinion

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Captain May <> wrote:

>        American Alert, 7/7/10
> *-- J-Post says US will fight Iran --*
> * * * * * * *
> By Captain Eric H. May
> Intelligence Editor
> The Lone Star Iconoclast
> *BREAKING -- *"*'US will attack Iran if it must'*" Jerusalem Post, 7/7/10,
> *[As the article above both supercedes and supports my analysis of Queen
> Elizabeth and Prime Minister Netanyahu, I encourage the enlightened reader
> to read it first, and me afterwards. -- CM]*
> * * * * * * *
> *HOUSTON, 7/7/10 -- *Queen Elizabeth has returned to the UK after
> appearances yesterday in New York, first before the UN General Assembly,
> then at Ground Zero. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent the day
> with Barrack Obama, and remains in the U.S. tonight after an interview with
> CNN's Larry King. *[Given the breaking news above, that interview must be
> seen. -- CM]*
> HRM's Independence Day visit was highly significant, and highly symbolic.
> As she addressed the UN, most of the English-speaking world prepared for an
> Iran war that might spin out of control. Her presence at the 9/11 crime
> scene was a reinforcement of the 9/11 cover-up, before returning home to
> sell the 7/7 cover-up.
> In 2005, Prince Charles visited both Ground Zero in New York and the Ninth
> Ward in New Orleans. The future British monarch stood over the prostrate
> city that, in the War of 1812, humbled British pride. Many citizens swore
> before Congress that their levees were demolished with explosives. Shades of
> 9/11 -- were they all lying?
> Bush Boyz gloated over the disaster capitalist gold mine they saw before
> them. King George did a flyover and quipped that it was as if someone had
> attacked the place with the most devastating weapon ever invented. Mayor Ray
> Nagin said that if he were suddenly to die, it would be CIA assassination.
> CNN weathermen and the newsbunnies chattered about "Hurricane 9/11."
> To target a more black population in the Americas you would have to
> fire your devasting super-weapon into a former slave colony like Haiti... [
> *Breaking news interrupted the rest. More later. -- CM*]
>  For more geostrategy, see "*Military Analysis by Captain Eric H. May*,"
> The Lone Star Iconoclast, 2010,
> * * * * * * *
> *Captain May, a former army general staff officer and later NBC editorial
> writer, is the founder and commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, an all
> American group of veterans and activists. CNN did a widely read "hit" story
> against them this year, which helped the unit to recruit more Internet
> activists:*
> "*Some suspect conspiracy in Holocaust Museum case*," CNN, 6/16/2009,
> To join Ghost Troop contact the unit executive officer, 1LT Patti Woodard

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