Outspoken Drug Smuggler Reminisces About Hippie Trail -- Author Blasts the War 
on Drugs

Jimmy Buffet was one. The Eagles sang about them. The intrepid men (and 
sometimes women) who braved unpredictable associates, constant fear of 
apprehension and threats of violence in their daring exploits. Who were these 
people? Secret agents? Mercenaries? Even better. Drug smugglers!

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The war on drugs is simply the war on some drugs, the ones they can't patent or 
control, the drugs that anyone can grow at home.                  
Walterville, OR (Vocus) August 3, 2010

During the freewheeling days of the Sixties, marijuana and hashish were in high 
demand, and a number of dealers were willing to risk everything to supply the 
goods. One of the most outspoken of these entrepreneurs is author Joseph R. 
Pietri, whose new memoir "The King of Nepal, Life Before the Drug Wars" goes 
into fascinating detail into the life of a smuggler.

The book, mainly written while Pietri languished in a Laotian prison, paints a 
vivid picture of his life on the hippie trail that led from London to 
Amsterdam, with stops in India, Afghanistan and Laos. It details an exciting 
time of exotic locations, drug-fueled orgies, brushes with the law and meetings 
with colorful characters like Big Eddie, Sunshine James, Afghan Ted and the 
Birmingham Boys. He recounts ingenious methods of smuggling weed in custom-made 
suitcases and in animal containers, and includes accounts of complicit 
governments, such as the Nepalese royal family.

Marijuana was legal and even considered a sacrament in many countries until the 
US forced other nations to outlaw its use. The DEA, CIA and other agencies 
allowed the trafficking of the drug by the mujahideen to finance their fight 
against Communists. As a direct result, prices of marijuana and hashish 
skyrocketed while the price of heroin decreased dramatically. Now, Nepal is 
literally awash in heroin, and Pietri puts the blame for the thousands of new 
addicts squarely on the US government.

The war on drugs is simply the war on “some drugs, the ones they can’t patent 
or control, the drug that anyone can grow at home,” Pietri states. “It’s war 
being waged by the pharmaceutical companies and their puppets the US government 
who do not want you growing your own medicine.”

"The King of Nepal, Life Before the Drug Wars" is a fast-paced and highly 
entertaining journey through Pietri’s life, where hundreds of thousands of 
dollars were made and lost, friends died and years were spent in prisons in 
foreign countries and even worse ones in America. All for a plant that the 
author now grows legally as a supplier of medical marijuana in Oregon!

"The King of Nepal, Life Before the Drug Wars" is released by TrineDay Books, 
the country’s largest publisher of inconvenient truths.

Joseph Pietri is available for interviews. Contact Kent Goodman at (541) 
954-8142 or write to kgoodman(at)amselmedia(dot)com to make arrangements.

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