The War on Iraq : 
Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, Thirty Years of Duplicity, 
and Counting.... 

by Felicity Arbuthnot 
Global Research, August 6, 2010 

"Out of the mirror they stare, Imperialism's face, And the international 
(W.H. Auden, 1907-1973, writing in 1939.) 

Twenty years ago this August, with a green light from America, Saddam 
Hussein invaded Kuwait. He had walked into possibly the biggest trap in 
modern history, unleashing Iraq's two decade decimation, untold suffering, 
illegal bombings, return of diseases previously eradicated and what can also 
only be described as UN-sponsored infanticide. 

The reason for the Kuwait invasion, has been air brushed out of the fact 
books by Britain and America, and been presented as the irrational and 
dangerous act of a belligerent tyrant who was a threat to his neighbours. He 
had, they pointed out piously, attacked, then fought an eight year war with 
Iran, and exactly two years to the month, after the 20th August 1988 
ceasefire, invaded Kuwait, on 2nd August 1990. 

It was, of course, not quite that simple. After the US engineered the fall 
of the democratic government of Mossadegh, in Iran, resultant from his 
nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP) in 1953. After two 
years of economically ravaging sanctions, The US installed Shah Reza 
Pahvlavi (whose savage state police, SAVAK, were trained by General Norman 
Schwartzkopf, Snr., father of General "Storming" Norman Schwartzopf of the 
1991 Gulf war, who famously declared at the time of the ceasefire: "... no 
one left to kill .." ) Under the Shah, oil arrangements satisfactory to the 
United States were, of course, restored. 

Five years later, across the border in Iraq, the British installed monarchy 
was overthrown and the popular leader of the anti-British uprising, Abdel 
Karim Kassem, began nationalizing the country's Western assets. It took the 
CIA just five more years to bring about his overthrow. They picked the wrong 
collaborators, the nascent Ba'ath Party, with Saddam Hussein as Vice 
President, embarked on nationalizing the oil industry. President Nixon and 
National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger schemed with Iran to arm the Kurds 
and weaken the Iraqi government. Iraq was placed on list of supporters of 

Interestingly, Saddam, and the Shah quietly came to US-excluded, mutually 
beneficial agreement - and aid to the Kurds was cut. 

In 1980, the year after the Shah was overthrown, to grass roots Iranian 
jubilation, President Jimmy Carter announced the "Carter Doctrine", with 
breath taking political arrogance, granting the US the unilateral right to 
intervene in the Persian Gulf region to protect US oil demands. With 
(broadly) a US political nod and wink, Iraq invaded Iran - the US aiding 
both sides in a war where the million lives estimated lost equal that of 
Rwanda and Armenia, each which have been cited as a genocide. 

Iraq was also perceived as a more secular buffer again fundamentalist 
tendencies in Iran, under Ayatollah Khomeni. (Ironically, now, Iraq is 
largely politically dominated by fundamentalist Iranian-backed factions, 
which came in with the invasion, due, seemingly, to blind ignorance of the 
region by the British and Americans, their useless "diplomats" and 
unemployable "Middle East experts.") 

Carter won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. His Carter Center blurb informs: 
"President Carter has been committed to peace in the Middle East since his 
White House days (and) advancing human rights, accountability and the rule 
of law", in the region. Devotion is to : "Peace with Justice"; "Waging 

In 1984, President Reagan ordered the sharing of top secret intelligence 
with Iraq - and also with Iran. The following year, Colonel Oliver North of 
Iran-Contra infamy, informed Iranian authorities that the US would help Iran 
overthrow Saddam Hussein. 

Subsequently, when Iraq looked vulnerable in America's (arguably) proxy 
bloodbath, US military hardware and other assistance was ratcheted up. 
Breathtaking duplicity being the order of the decade, General Norman 
Schwartzkopf, then head of CENTCOM quietly intervened by re-flagging Kuwaiti 
tankers (with US flags) thus if attacked, it would be deemed an attack on 
the United States. The US began bombing Iranian oil platforms. 

The scales tipped for Iraq, and in August 1988 the ceasefire was signed - 
and the (US) Center for Strategic and International Studies immediately 
began a two years study on the outcome of a war between the United States 
and Iraq. The following year, with much of Iraq's youth "stone dead ..", 
terribly wounded or imprisoned in Iran, it's Air Force near wiped out, and 
the country financially on its knees, the US renamed War Plan 1002 - dreamt 
up to counter a Soviet confrontation - War Plan 1002-90, designating Iraq 
the new threat. 

Iraq, needing to recoup the $billions the war had cost, now addressed the 
problem of Kuwait's alleged systematic "slant drilling" under the 
Iraq/Kuwait border, in to Iraq's Rumeila oil field, syphoning off, claimed 
Iraq, millions of $'s worth of oil. Iraq wanted - and desparately needed - 
reparation. Not in dispute is that over the eight years of war, Kuwait had 
moved its borders northwards in to Iraq by some considerable distance, by 
establishing encroaching settlements. Iraq wanted its territory back. Kuwait 
and the Gulf states were also manipulating oil prices, to hard pressed 
Iraq's disadvantage, with Washington's backing, claimed Iraq, with some 

Iraq, additionally, wanted to negotiate to lease two islands, Warbah and 
Bubiyan, from Kuwait, for additional access to the Gulf, which would also 
have reduced residual tensions with Tehran.* Tiny Kuwait, population at the 
time, under two million - "an oil company masquerading as a country", as one 
commentator remarked unkindly - confident of mighty Washington's backing, 
refused negotiation - as it had in 1975 and 1980. 

After two years of attempts to resolve the problems with Kuwait, in late 
July, 1990, Saddam Hussein met with US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. 
With the border tensions mounting, she told him that:"I have direct 
instruction from the President (Bush Snr.,) to seek better relations with 
Iraq." She even expressed the United States apology for a critical article 
on Iraq by the American Information Agency, designating resultant 
broadcasted comments: " and unjust." Adding that : "President Bush 
... is not going to declare an economic war against Iraq." 

She continued: "I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. 
I know you need funds. We understand that and out opinion is that you should 
have the opportunity to rebuild your country." (How arrogantly, 
patronisingly kind.) Then: "But we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts, 
like your border dispute with Kuwait." Her conversation followed on from a 
meeting the previous April, between Glaspie and President Saddam, with five 
US Senators, Robert Dole, Alan Simpson, Howard Metzenbaum, James McClure and 
Frank Murkowski, who had travelled to Iraq, with President Bush's blessings, 
ostensibly to form better relations and trade relations with Iraq and to 
assure that President Bush would oppose any suggestion of sanctions on Iraq. 

President Saddam commented later to Glaspie that anyway: "There is nothing 
left for us to buy from America except wheat. Every time we want to buy 
something they say it is forbidden. I am afraid, one day, you will say 'You 
are going to make gunpowder out of wheat.' " (1) 

The response to the invasion of Kuwait, was, of course, an embargo of unique 
severity, imposed on Hiroshima Day (6th August) 1990 (UNSCR 661.) All 
overseas assets were frozen, as were oil sales, thus, effectively all 
imports in a country which imported two thirds of absolutely everything (on 
advice given by the United Nations via their UN Food and Agriculture 
Organization.) Iraq faced famine. Infant mortality doubled in just four 
months, by December 1990. Advice to any country when outside consultants 
counsel relinquishing self-sufficieny : Don't do it. The day before the 
embargo was imposed, President H.W. Bush stated: 

"What's emerging is nobody seems to be showing up as willing to accept 
anything less than total withdrawal from Kuwait of the Iraqi forces, and no 
puppet regime. We've been down that road, and there will be no puppet regime 
that will be accepted by any countries that I'm familiar with. And there 
seems to be a united front out there that says Iraq, having committed 
brutal, naked aggression, ought to get out, and that this concept of their 
installing some puppet -- leaving behind -- will not be acceptable. ... 
There is no intention on the part of any of these countries to accept a 
puppet government, and that signal is going out loud and clear to Iraq. I 
will not discuss with you what my options are or might be, but they're wide 
open, I can assure you of that." 

Britain's then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher - whose son, Mark, was 
allegedly doing arms deals across the Middle East, using his mother's 
status - pitched in on Hiroshima Day : " ... I think it is quite different 
when you have a nation which has violated all rules of United Nations 
Charter, which has gone in with guns and tanks to take and invade another 
country, which would have far-reaching consequences if it were left like 
that for every other country in the world ... " (Given America's 
British-backed, bombings, invasions, imposed, useless, corrupt, foreign 
passport holding puppet governments, imposed since the Balkans in 1999 
alone, irony is redundant.) 

Without Congressional approval, Bush ordered forty thousand US troops to 
"defend Saudi Arabia", despite no sign of any intention by Iraq to attack 
the Kingdom. Washington lied that Iraq's troops were massing on Saudi's 
border. They were not. 

Entirely forgotten, is that just ten days after the invasion, Saddam 
Hussein, a staunch supporter of Palestinian rights, announced that Iraq 
would with draw from Kuwait, if Israel withdrew from Israeli occupied 
Palestinian territories. The United States rejected the offer, out of hand. 
Subsequently Iraq proposed withdrawal without the stipulation relating to 
Palestine. Washington rejected it as "a complete nonstarter." For 
Washington, seemingly, war, war, is ever preferable to jaw, jaw. Heaven 
forbid peace should ever reign, the military industrial complex's billion $s 
munitions bonanza would dry up and the remnants of the US economy with it. 
(For graphic unravelling of the unholy conspiracy in this, between media, 
military and politics, see: "The Global Economic Crisis - The Great 
Depression of the XX1 Century", Chossudovsky and Marshall, ) 

The US having refused all negotiation, then dispatched an extra three 
hundred and sixty thousand US troops to the Gulf at the end of November, the 
UN Security Council passed UNSCR 678, threatening force of Iraq did not 
withdraw by January 15th - Iraq having offered to withdraw, albeit with 
conditions on August 12th., and without conditions a short time later. 

In Geneva, on 9th January 1991, then Secretary of State James Baker (a 
"diplomat" who stated: "We will reduce Iraq to a pre-industrial age") met 
Iraq's Foreign Minister, Tareq Aziz, with a letter from Bush Snr., promising 
the destruction of Iraq, if Kuwait was not withdrawn from by 15th January. 
Tareq Aziz stated he would not deliver the letter. 

On 17th January the forty two day assault on Iraq began, as now well 
documented, deliberately destroying all infrastructure necessary to sustain 
society, including the deliberate targeting of all water purification 
facilities, with an exact time line of how long it would take Iraq's complex 
water system "to fully degrade" issued to all NATO Command Headquarters.(2) 
Somewhere in Iraq's ashes lay all the painstakingly crafted legal Treaties, 
Conventions and Principles, on war crimes and treatment of civilians in 
conflict, never to surface again, as far as the US and UK were concerned, 
arguably now officially signed up to "rogue state" status. 

On 21st February, the USSR stated that Iraq had agreed to a complete 
withdrawal, without conditions. The United States rejected unless they had 
left by mid-day on 23rd. Interestingly, on the rare occasions the US and UK 
moot a withdrawal, the public is told, ad nauseum, that this is a 
complicated process which takes time and can not be achieved overnight. The 
US ground assault, however, almost could be. It started on 23rd February. 
Three days later, when the Iraqi troops did withdraw, they with civilians, 
were strafed mercilessly from both ends of the road to Basra, resulting in a 
massacre, or for General Norman Schwartkopf, a seemingly psychologically 
disturbed individual : "A turkey shoot." 

The ceasefire was finally agreed by America on February 28th., five months 
and sixteen days of decimation, after Saddam Hussein had first offered to 

Two days later, the US killed thousands more, heading from the south, 
towards Baghdad. Another war crime of enormity, for which no one has ever 
faced trial. 

In the light of the near-unprecented illegality of all which has happened to 
Iraq, before 1991 and subsequently, the thirteen years of bombings, the 
famine-style deprivation, and then the illegal invasion built on lie, upon 
lie, it is worth returning to Margaret Thatcher, who quoted the fine words 
of St Francis ("Where there is discord, may we bring harmony, where there is 
error, may we bring truth ... and where there is despair, may we bring 
hope") from the steps of Downing Street, on 4th May 1979, the day she took 

Further, in Afghanistan's invasion and ongoing massacres by the occupiers, 
a gate crashing daily more resembling the towering illegality of that of 
Iraq, here are more of the 1990 Hiroshima Day's now laughable lauding of the 
values and integrity of the US and UK: "The West is dealing with a person 
who, without warning, has gone into the territory of another state with 
tanks, aircraft and guns, has fought and taken that state against 
international law, against the will of that state, and has set up a puppet 
regime. That is the act of an aggressor which must be stopped. While a 
person who will take such action on one state will take it against another 
state if he is not stopped." 

"President Saddam Hussein and Iraq are aggressors. They have invaded another 
country, they have taken it by force-that is not the way we do things in 
this world. Other countries have rights, they have their right to their 
nationhood, they have the right to their territorial integrity. He has been 
rightly branded as an aggressor, contrary to international law, and it is 
not a question of taunting, it is a question of earning the condemnation of 
the world and the appropriate action which follows." The "Iron lady" 
Thatcher, was as subservient to Bush Snr., as her slippery successor, Blair 
was to Clinton and baby Bush. 

On the 21st August, Thatcher opined: "I think it is as well to remind 
ourselves how this whole position started. It started because Saddam Hussein 
substituted the rule of force for the rule of law and invaded an independent 
country and that cannot be allowed to stand." 

This August, an estimated three million dead later, in Iraq, as the bell now 
tolls ever louder for Iran, with the near identical sleights of hand and 
word being played out, as were against Iraq. Farcical, were it not so 
sinisterly demented, Iran is (says the US and UK) hell bent on making 
"weapons of mass destruction", remember them? The one's the crazies are 
still searching for in Iraq? The ones Iraq accounted for not having in 
11,800 pages, delivered to the UN in December 2002 and stolen by the US 
mission to the UN? 

The substitution of "the rule of force for the rule of law", seemingly 
imminent, are there governments, statesmen and women, world bodies and 
institutions, unions; is there enough people power to halt the juggernaut on 
the Armageddon highway? 

With the United Nations, as ever, either complicit, or asleep at the wheel, 
can "We the people" finally ".. save succeeding generations from the scourge 
of war", and the equivalent unimaginable horrors of the equivalent of 
multiple Hiroshimas and Nagasakis. 


Geoff Simons details these complexities with clarity : 
"From Sumer to Saddam." : 

As does : "The Fire this Time", Ramsey Clark, with eagle-eyed witness 
account, background : 

Both with invaluable time-lines. 

1. Simons p 314-316. 


Felicity Arbuthnot is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 
Global Research Articles by Felicity Arbuthnot 


Ex-Pakistan spy chief: Afghanistan war 'lost cause' 
[and pre-planned, w/o evidence of Bin Laden 9/11 role] 

Latest WikiLeaks-Release /Serving THE GLOBAL DOMINANCE GROUP? 

U.S.-Israel Relations 

'The American Media Empire of Managed News' - audio + 
Beware Wikileaks, MS Media & 'Gullible-Apathy' Racket Hoopla 
Chris Floyd Skewers Wikileaks 

War Is a 'High-risk', Deadly, Stupid Enterprise ~ General Chiarelli 

'Lethal force awaits Iran aggressors' 


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