G20 detainees seek $115M in class action
September 02, 2010
A $115-million class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of more than  
1,100 people who were arrested or detained or whose business was vandalized  
during the G20 summit in June. According to lawyer David Midanik, the 
41-page  brief to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice asks the court to 
that  the constitutional and civil rights of 1,150 people, some of whom 
were arrested,  were violated during the summit. The suit names the police 
services boards of  Toronto and Peel and the attorney general of Canada. The 
class action has not  been certified and none of the claims has been proven in 
Police made mistakes in G20 tactics, chief admits for first time 
Acknowledgment comes on heels of raft of complaints,  lawsuits, inquiries 
into police actions during June weekend
Kate Allen
Globe and Mail  Friday, Sep.  03, 2010 
The corralling of 250 people at Queen and  Spadina Streets for hours in 
torrential rain at the end of Toronto’s G20 summit  remains a flashpoint in a 
weekend that saw the largest mass arrests in Canadian  history.  In the face 
of an onslaught of complaints, lawsuits and  inquiries, Toronto police Chief 
Bill Blair on Thursday acknowledged for the  first time that he made 
mistakes that night.  “We probably could have and  should have reacted 
Chief Blair told The Globe and Mail. “When I  became aware of [the ongoing 
containment], I said, ‘That’s it, release them all  immediately and 
unconditionally,’ and that was done. But it probably could have  happened 
The admission is a new tack for Toronto police. In a news conference soon  
after the release of the corral, Staff Superintendent Jeff McGuire said of 
the  detainees, “To those people, I cannot apologize to them, and I won’t.” 
He called  the situation “unfortunate,” but said officers had the right to 
detain the  group.  
The confrontation began at around 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 27, after a group  
of protesters on bikes and on foot, along with a number of bystanders, 
arrived  at the downtown intersection of Queen and Spadina Streets. Within 
minutes,  several flanks of police in heavy riot gear surrounded the crowd from 
all sides  and squeezed them into a contained area, a tactic known as “
kettling.” The group  of about 250 was contained there for approximately four 
hours, much of the time  in a chilly downpour, as officers pulled detainees one 
by one out of the crowd  for arrest. 
Demonstrators who were involved have said the group was peaceful. Numerous  
bystanders have come forward, claiming they were caught in the corral while 
out  shopping on the popular retail strip or while on their way back to 
residences in  the area. Chief Blair maintained on Thursday that the decision 
to box in the  crowd of 250 was appropriate, claiming that major incident 
commanders were  concerned for the public’s safety after 60 armed “black-bloc 
tactic” protesters  were apprehended heading to the area. The day before, 
anarchists dressed in  black and wearing masks ransacked the downtown core, 
smashing windows and  torching police cruisers. Chief Blair also said that on 
Sunday, officers were  concerned that the cyclists, who had ranged across 
the city since early  afternoon, were spreading police resources thin, and 
that the protesters would  disrupt motorcades from leaving the summit site, a 
few blocks south at the Metro  Convention Centre. 
But he admitted the decision to hold the group for more than four hours was 
 remiss. “The decision to contain it, I believe that was quite appropriate. 
The  decision to end it was taking too long,” Chief Blair said, repeating a 
statement  he made in July that he personally stepped in to end the 
Chief Blair also acknowledged the problems his force faced the previous  
day, when the small group of black-bloc anarchists splintered off a larger  
peaceful march. He said he was “taken by surprise” by the anarchists’ moves, 
and  that it was “extremely difficult” to police a march and a mob at the 
same time.  He said Saturday’s anarchy had an effect on Sunday’s police 
His remarks preceded news Thursday that high-profile Toronto lawyer David  
Midanik had launched a class-action lawsuit seeking compensation for  
approximately 1,150 plaintiffs who were detained, arrested or charged over the  
G20 weekend, or whose businesses suffered damage from vandalism. The suit 
claims  $115-million in damages, naming the Attorney-General of Canada and Peel 
regional  and Toronto police boards as defendants. 
The claim comes in the wake of another $45-million class-action lawsuit  
filed in August, representing more than 800 G20 arrestees. The chief 
plaintiff,  51-year-old administrative assistant Sherry Good, was detained at 
Queen and  Spadina kettle. 
Two civilian oversight bodies, the Toronto Police Services Board and  
Ontario’s Office of the Independent Police Review Director, are conducting  
inquiries into policing of the summit. The Special Investigations Unit, an  
Ontario police watchdog, is investigating five incidents of serious injury to  
civilians and involving police that occurred over the G20. 

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