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--- Begin Message --- <x-tad-bigger>Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE): Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species. NOTE: Anyone know of an update on this? -- kl, pp

From: "Chihaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 27, 2005 1:04:57 AM EST
Subject: Utah Lawyer Hospitalized After Being Targeted by Homeland Security

Utah Lawyer Hospitalized After Being Targeted by Homeland Security for Information Linking Five U.S. Supreme Court Justices With Bribery Over Bush v. Gore Decision


The head of a Chicago-based court reform group said the attorney, Paul Young, was targeted by 'American Gestapo Agents' posing as businessmen. Sherman Skolnick says he has been warned by a federal judge that he also is a target of a bogus Homeland Security probe that may land the 50-year 'judge busting' truth seeker in jail.

By Greg Szymanski
24 Nov 2005

A prominent Utah lawyer, working on an explosive Coca-Cola patent case appeal linking five U.S. Supreme Court justices with taking Coke bribe money in the Bush v. Gore decision, was hospitalized last week in Salt Lake City under suspicious circumstances.

Paul Young, a former law professor touted as a brilliant legal mind, was unexpectedly hospitalized with serious respiratory or pneumonia-like conditions and remains in serious condition.

Unavailable for comment, Young told an associate this week who heads up a nationwide public interest court reform group that he immediately fell ill and was rushed to the hospital after being approached by two men in business suits who tricked him into inhaling toxic chemicals.

In what sounds like something out of a James Bond movie, Sherman H. Skolnick, the head of the Chicago-based court reform group, told the Arctic Beacon Wednesday in an extended telephone conversation from his south side Chicago home:

“I just got off the telephone with Paul and he could hardly talk, but he told me he was approached by two large Samoan-looking men in suits, saying they were businessmen. While making conversation, they handed him a ball point pen and as they walked away, they turned to Paul, saying strangely without a clear meaning ‘you’ll be needing us.’

“When he clicked the pen, a substance was ejected and that’s when he said he immediately fell ill.”

Skolnick said Young also was notified the two businessmen played the same potentially deadly trick on one of his female legal assistants, who is still missing and her condition unknown.

“These guys are playing for keeps now and it’s all a part of the attack on all of us because of the information we have in our possession regarding the Supreme Court judges and the Coca-Cola/Disney bribery money passing hands in the Bush v. Gore case, which installed George W. Bush as the current resident and occupant of the White House” said Skolnick, adding he was recently notified through credible sources that he and others in his court reform group have been specifically targeted by Homeland Security or what he calls the American Gestapo.

Skolnick said he was recently tipped off by a Chicago federal judge, one of his numerous contacts made in his 50-year career of ‘judge busting,’ that he, Young and others are smack dab in the middle of a ‘scam Bush administration probe’ to put them behind bars for bogus homeland security violations.

“In my younger days, I would go right over to the court house and ask the judges if they were looking for me. But if they want me, they know where I’m at and will have to haul me out of the house. I’ve been told this attack on us stems from recent secret meetings of federal judges chaired in person or via teleconferencing by Antonin Scalia, an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Skolnick, who did not want to reveal the federal judge who tipped him off for his protection. “The judges asked for and received from George W. Bush, an order signed by proxy Karl Rove, designating certain persons linked to the court-reform group, as ‘domestic terrorists’ during a ‘war emergency’.

“Because of this, certain members of our Chicago-headquartered court-reform group face seizure of their properties, assets, goods, licenses, and records, and face the possibility of also being stripped of our citizenship and making us detainees without time limits and without trials and without right to consult attorneys.”

Skolnick claims the Bush administration is pulling out all the stops, as the attack on Young demonstrates, to use intimidation, life-threatening tactics and the Patriot Act to silence the group in an effort to protect the five high-court judges from felony charges, stemming from their majority decision installing Bush as President in an illegal fashion.

The case, pinning the judges to the wall, is long and legally complicated but involves a federal copyright infringement case filed against Coca-Cola by a graphic designer named Robert E. Kolody, the man whom Young represented in his appeal.

Skolnick, helping Kolody in his case, uncovered shenanigans by Kolody’s original attorney who admitted to Skolnick in the courthouse cafeteria that he permitted Coca Cola and their attorneys to spy on his client’s confidential legal strategies.

The accusations opened up a can of worms, as well as leading to other secret documents obtained by Kolody and the court reform group, showing not only that the 14 judge federal en banc panel assembled in Chicago unfairly and arbitrarily blocked Kolody’s appeal, but also that they blocked information that secret Coca-Cola and Disney funds were used, according to Skolnick, “to bribe and corrupt the five judge majority, spear-headed by Justice Anton Scalia, who installed Bush in the Oval Office.”

“Thereafter, to try to unblock the appeal, Kolody retained Young, the brilliant Utah lawyer who was unsuccessful in getting the appeal to proceed which would have obviously implicated the fourteen appeals judges in obstructions of justice to assist Scalia and four others on the High Court to hush up the Coke/Disney bribery in Bush vs. Gore,” said Skolnick.

“To put Paul Young out of action, first a prosecutor and judge in Utah framed up Paul Young on phony criminal charges. Now, they obviously attacked him and he is still in grave condition as I just finished talking with him from the hospital.

“This all comes from the information we have that the Bush v Gore decision was corruptly and arbitrarily procured through secret use of funds, obtained by book-cooking, from Coca-Cola and also Disney. It should also be mentioned that many of Coke's overseas offices are in great part proprietary operations of the American CIA.”

Those under surveillance and targeted for arrest by Homeland Security include Skolnick, Young, two associates named Robert J. Corr and Michael W. Lynch, as well as an international business consultant who wishes to remain anonymous although well-known by authorities.

Regarding the arrests and its implications on the deteriorating conditions of civil rights in this country, Skolnick has these parting words:

“We have been designated, by the Bush White House, as U.S.-born citizens, as "Domestic Terrorists" for directly confronting, or seeking to directly confront, Federal Judges whom we accuse of corruption. Homeland Security contends that this tends to interfere with the operation and credibility of the Federal Judiciary, such as in Chicago and at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. 

“Most all Americans obey ‘Court Orders’, whether taking away their Liberty, or Property, or Peace of Mind. As a result, the Federal Courts, for example, do not have to, so far, enforce their ‘Court Orders’ by ‘bayonet law’, where a military unit would have to be sent in to guarantee that the ‘Court Order’ as stated and written, is complied with by persons against whom the ‘Court Orders’ operate. Large, corrupt corporate interests, so far, have been assured by the corrupt, politicized, venal ‘for sale’ Federal Judiciary that their "Court Orders" will be enforced against the peons of America, the ‘shirtless ones’.

“In the current era, any supposed Insurrection of the American common folk, using the Second Amendment or otherwise, in opposition to the quiet enforcement and submission to Federal ‘Court Orders’, will be met with brute military force, primarily by the several hundred thousand foreign troops almost permanently resident on U.S. soil, but little known to most Americans.”

Greg on the Radio.

Listen to my Radio Broadcast live every Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews Radio. Look for program scheduling each week at http://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also a weekly regular on "The Power Hour with Joyce and Dave," a three-hour syndicated daily radio broadcast on the Genesis Network, broadcasting on many AM/FM stations nationwide. Greg appears every Monday at 7a.m to 8a.m. Pacific time.

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