This is straight up, right from the horse's mouth.....if there is any question's or doubt's, take them up with the Captain.....[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric May wrote:
From:  Captain May, Ghost Troop Commander
To:  Sergeant Karshner, HPD Criminal Intelligence Division
Yo John!
It's always nice to hear from you, and I don't mind you catching me taking a nap this afternoon.  We haven't spoken in a couple of weeks, and I'd rather chat than sleep, in your case!  I'm quite pleased to find that you listened to my interview with Greg Szymanski, given on 2/2, the day the Galveston County Daily News ran the story about Deptartment of Defense Nuke Forces down by Texas City within our Ghost Troop prediction zone of 1/31 - 2/2.  That's when Ft. Monroe was running nuke attack exercises that we thought were going to be used as a cover for doing the Nuclear 911 on Texas City.  Here's the story link, if ya wanna read it yet again:
I was quite pleased that you had received my scenario continuation update, in which I speculate about the secondary target for the Nuclear 911, which I'm thinking may be Los Angeles (especially after King George made remarks about saving the place from Al-CIA-Duh yesterday).  I've revised the version that was in your email around noon, so please refer other law enforcement folks to the archived (corrected) link:
OK, all that being said, I quite agree with you that the latest, greatest efforts of the disinfo/disruptor crowd has been a hoot.  So far I'm being lambasted as brainwashed, Jesuit-controlled, self-interested and demonic by one group of detractors, even as I'm being derided as inept, clueless and a fake captain by another.  I'm either magnified as a monster or minimized as a midget!  You can laugh all you want (and you did), but it's a drag having to put up with folks who, for one reason or another, want to keep me from leading Ghost Troop in our cycle of analysis, prediction and publicizing.  Shucks, brother John, we're trying to do our job of blowing the whistle on the 911 Cabal, and the little Bush Boyz on the internet are there to make sure we don't!
I'm quite surprised that you didn't know about the big pow-wow of emergency personnel out in the Galveston area that was going on at the same time that Ghost Troop was alerting the area to a pending Nuclear 911 and the Nuke Team boys were in the area, in the target time we announced (all in the Daily News story).  Curiouser and curiouser, Sergeant Karshner!  Ya know, I'm not budging from my analysis, and it stands with what you've been hearing in my shortwave interviews:  The 1/31 target date was a good prediction; the 2/1 Nuke Forces were in Galveston the next day because, per exercise scenario, they were supposed to be there to measure Texas City for the "exercise" nuke (which was supposed to be a real nuke); and the meeting of emergency scenario folks that you hadn't heard of was the collection of folks necessary to run the event, once the exercise "went live" with a real nuke.
The folks who were in the area were being duped into participating in a Nuclear 911, and they probably had been in possession of orders for the exercise for weeks, if my five years of experience in running such exercises for the 75th Division is any guide.  Rather than tell everyone to go home (and thereby show that they were up to no good), the Bush Boyz who were going to use the exercises as a cover for a real terror event decided to just let them continue with the exercise scenario -- minus the intended nuking, of course!  Pretending like everything was normal was, at that point, the best disguise for the real plan, by then aborted because of Ghost Troop's public affairs effort to spread the word!
I appreciate your compliment about the energy we've brought to getting word around.  Remember back in March, 2004, when you contacted me for the first time.  That was the beginning of a two-year collaboration, in which you've been a first-hand witness of Ghost Troop's work-product, day by day, week by week.  After we worked together to shut down the 3/30/2004 attempt to blow Texas City up (resulting in an British Petroleum explosion as an abort code event), you made the comment that you'd never seen anyone move information around as quickly as we did.  It was a fine compliment then, and I think we've only gotten better at it in time.  The mission we ran before the 7/28/2005 blow-up of British Petroleum, Texas City was better than the 3/30/2004 mission, and this one was the best yet, thanks, for the most part, to the internet radio stations who have picked up on Ghost Troop as a reliable intelligence source (something cops have done since 2004!).
When I Google "Ghost Troop Captain May" nowadays, I find that we have twice as many articles available as we did a month ago, most of those because of the excitement we generated with our 1/31-2/2 alert to Texas City.  I suspect that the way the feds continue to do things to corroborate our analysis/prediction, we'll continue to grow in internet presence.  Such is the essence of infowar:  with every successful mission, you grow in members, connnections and cyberspace footprint.
Anyhow, I'm supposed to get back with Ambassador Untermeyer, who (as you know) is our Ghost Troop Chaplain, and has been since the early days when we were working at ending the cover-up of our comrades' deaths in the Battle of Baghdad, which went on while the presstitutes pretended that Private Jessica was the biggest story in Iraq the weekend we reached Saddam's capital.  I think you've seen his appointment order, written after he volunteered, as my best man and best friend, to take on that honorable function:  Chase has been strict in his role as our principle witness, and he wants to know my reasons for stating without reservation that the explosive events in Texas City of 3/30/2004, 7/28/2005 and 1/31/2006 were proof positive of a planned Bush Regime treasonous attack, an attempt to set up a town, Texas City, in its back yard of Houston.  Here's what I'm working to answer:
"Untermeyer, Chase G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: "Untermeyer, Chase G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Lone Star report on Texas City (near-miss for Nuke 911?)
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 15:50:53 +0300

ERIC: Dubious ex-reporter that I am, how can you say the bangs at Texas City were the result of illicit action rather than the sort of thing that happens in such literally explosive environments all the time?
We’re enjoying the balmy weather of a Middle Eastern winter. This is the conference season in Doha, so we get a lot of VIP visitors; also relatives. Diana continues to get in the sports pages (which I don’t) with her endurance (marathon) horse racing: 100-120 km in the desert, lasting upwards of 9 hours (with breaks). I still haven’t been to a camel race. The ones here use robots designed to look like jockeys, wearing the “silks” of their owners. They apply the whip accordingly to radio control. Modern high tech applied to ancient sport!
Best to Gretchen, CHASE.
For the rest of the email (if you're interested) go to our Ghost Troop archive, at  You'll note if you read the entire email thread that Ghost Troop is now a matter of interest among active duty Army officers, who corroborate our code analysis and intelligence product.  "Chaplain Chase" is acting like a journalist by seeking information (which I will provide him shortly, in another email, which you'll see, too); meanwhile, I've got the journalists at the Galveston County Daily News, who publicized my Ghost Troop Nuclear 911 scenario trying to avoid information!  The Galveston County Daily News tried (and tries, still) to weasel out of the story they published, even going so far as to join the disinfo/disruption crowd in doubting my Army rank!  Shucks, John, it took me plenty of time to put on captain's bars, and it ain't like that's anything to brag about, but it's too much for the Daily News!
Take a look at the email I've also got to answer from reporter TJ Aulds, who tells me both that the military can't confirm my rank (after 5 tries!) and that he and his peers have considered the Ghost Troop scenario  irrelevant ever since they didn't blow up -- even though they were publishing a story with confirming details -- about it.  I've just gotta know why it is that they were writing a story on 2/2 about something they'd decided was irreleveant on 1/31 -- doesn't 1/31 come before 2/2?  Apparently TJ Aulds, along with security issues reporter Scott Williams and editor Heber Taylor are content to put people's fears aside with statements from FBI and Homeseca public info folks -- the only information source inferior in quality to presstitutes.  Said public info types in the article say that the government wasn't up to anything wrong, and to never mind nuclear forces and an understated emergency reaction convention because the government was on the level.  Hmm..., maybe having been the public affairs officer of the 75th Division has left me a bit jaded on how far away from the truth folks working for the official bosses will go.
Still, I'm grateful for the letter from the Daily News, since it reveals the state of presstitution:  Question the validity of anyone making waves, wave off the warning signs and promote the official response!  It's really not journalism at all, it's public affairs, and the Galveston County Daily News is standing amid a million contradictions.  I'll leave the message below, with the promise to answer it (along with Ambassador Untermeyer's) presently.  I can assure you it was only written after I told the motley crew of Daily News inepts the same thing:  "If you won't cover the story, you'll be the story!"  Now that the Daily News is becoming the story, they become eloquent.  Go figure!
All the best, Eric
PS:  The extended link to the story below is:  As to Mr. Aulds' initial request that I use his story in context, a review of the link will reveal that, in the second paragraph of my email essay (already published), I stated:
On 2/2 the Galveston County Daily News ran a story [that] confirmed that there were US Department of Defense nuclear forces in the Texas City area on 2/1, and this caused many people in the area to conclude that my warning was valid.
In his complaint, Mr. Aulds got the meaning of that paragraph wrong.  Given the extent to which he has gotten the rest of the story wrong, I'm not shocked by the mistake, though I'm curious that so many mistakes of fact are coming from a paper sitting on top of such an importants story.  Oh, well, I suppose "President tries to blow up Texas City!" is a bit much of a headline for the Daily News!
TJ Aulds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 12:53:58 -0600
Subject: Re: Capt. May 2 Alex Jones: "Target Texas City" confirmed --
let's interview

Capt. May,

We would appreciate it if you are going to use our material you offer the context in the proper perspective and frankly be accurate in use of our material.

Our story in no way nor anyone we talked to concluded your prediction was valid......

Also, the emergency drill you refer to is the monthly fire training drill the BP fire staff have been conducting for a better part of 30 years.

To date I have not returned your calls that is true and I apologize you feel slighted. As you noted you did talk to Scott Williams, who was assigned to check to see if any follow up was warranted.

Bottom line, you predicted an event that did not happen. That was the story we published and in no way should be construed as confirming any of your predictions. In fact none of the material you have presented has proven to be accurate and that is what our story reported.

As for not using your name, I have no independent confirmation you are who you say you are. Thus the reason your name was not used and the term “claim” was used in reference to your background.

In five inquiries with defense department officials no one was able to confirm you were an Army intelligence officer. Federal investigation officials I have spoken also say they have no information supporting any of your claims of your background and expertise.

TJ Aulds
Mainland Editor
Galveston County Daily News
(409) 683-5334
(409) 935-0428 (FAX)
TjauldsDN (AIM)

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