Let it be known, I am very disappointed and bad mouth the DNC when appropriate to do so.....But I've always said and still do, that there are a handful of "True Democrats" that are true patriots that have this county's best interest at heart....Rep. John Conyers is at the fore front of that small group......We need to help this "Cause" in anyway we can.....This isn't the "Party's" cause, but our's and Rep. Conyers is leading the way........
"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism"..........Governor Huey Long

"It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion." - Aristotle

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." - Harry S. Truman.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Congressman John Conyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
March 13, 2006

Is There a Case for Impeachment?

I appeared last week at a Harper’s Magazine forum which addressed the conduct of the Bush Administration and whether it has committed crimes that rise to the level of impeachment.  A crowd of 1,500 enthusiastically heard from several experts and me as we discussed the tyranny of a President acting to commit a fraud against the United States.

Action Center

Become a Citizen Cosponsor of House Resolution 635

Donate - Get a signed copy of the Constitution in Crisis by Chicago Academy Publishers with a foreward by Joe Wilson

Watch the Harper's Forum online

Send a Letter to the Editor Supporting House Resolution 635


I need your help to build the case for an impeachment investigation.

I have conducted an exhaustive study on this subject and believe that we must begin the process to investigate this administration for possible impeachable offenses.  As former congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman noted at the forum, a groundswell of public support is necessary for impeachment proceedings to succeed.  There was overwhelming public support for pursuing a case against Richard Nixon, while these same conditions did not exist when the Republicans tried to impeach President Clinton.  Public opinion is on our side and now is the time to make a difference.

Become a Citizen Cosponsor

I have introduced House Resolution 635 to create a special committee to investigate whether the president's misconduct rises to the level of impeachment. 
29 Members of Congress have already joined me as cosponsors.  Lend your support.  Help build momentum to enact this legislation by joining the more than 42,000 concerned Americans who have already signed on as Citizen Cosponsors at: http://johnconyers.com/citizencosponsors, or encourage your friends to sign up.

Watch the Harper’s forum

You can watch “Is There a Case for Impeachment?” online here:

Read the Report
Read the Constitution in Crisis, A 182-page report with over 1,000 footnotes covering the entire spectrum of deception, manipulation, torture, retribution and cover-ups by the Bush Administration.  It can be found online here: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/5769.

Write a Letter to the Editor

Visit this link to write a letter to the editor in support of House Resolution 635.

Thank you for working to help build a better democracy.



John Conyers

Paid For And Authorized By Conyers for Congress
Michael J. Remington, Treasurer
P.O. Box 17204
Alexandria, Virginia 22302
Photographs Copyright Kim M. Simpson All Rights Reserved

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