Hi guys,

Well, it's been a while but I've just had another example of this happen.

This time it was on a snv_106 build, and the time is synchronised
perfectly with the domain (I have ntpdate running as a cron job every
5 minutes, and checked it manually when this happened).

I had just moved a whole bunch of files using cut & paste in windows
explorer.  When the move operation finished, the original folder was
still visible until I hit F5 to manually refresh the display.

I had two explorer windows open at the time.  The new files had all
appeared in the second window, but the main folder I was moving had
not been removed from the other window.

I've never seen explorer need refreshing from a windows server, and it
even works fine in Solaris the majority of the time, but there's
definitely an intermittent bug of some kind affecting the file change

In fact, now I'm writing this, if I leave these two folders open, I'm
getting problems with file change notification in one, but the other
works perfectly.

In the window with problems, if I right-click to create a new folder,
I get exactly the same effect as before - nothing appears.  After I
hit F5, I can see the folder and rename it, but the rename doesn't
show up either until I hit F5 again.

However, in the second window, creating new folders works perfectly.

I get the same effect moving files.  They appear automatically in one
window, but don't disappear from the other.

If I close the first window down, and open a new explorer window to
the same location, it works perfectly in both windows.

So whatever this is, it's intermittent in how it starts, but
persistent once the problem has occurred, and it's specific to an
individual instance of windows explorer.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:42 AM, Brent Jones <br...@servuhome.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Ross Smith <myxi...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Well, it's repeatable, but I've no idea how lol.
>> Just had exactly the same happen today after doing a lot of testing on
>> the server, but despite spending another hour on it, I can't reproduce
>> the problem.
>> These machines are suffering from the VMware clock skew issue, so it
>> might be related to that.  Probably safe to ignore this for now and
>> I'll raise this again if I ever find what's actually causing it.
>> Ross
>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Ross Smith <myxi...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> It looks like you're right, it's working perfectly every time now.
>>> I did the original testing on my own XP SP3 workstation, but I've just
>>> gone and repeated the test on a whole bunch of machines (SP2 and SP3),
>>> and it worked fine on all of them, and also now works fine on the
>>> original workstation.
>>> I have been doing a lot of testing on this pool (disconnecting iscsi
>>> drives and working in degraded mode to test recovery), which has been
>>> causing a few CIFS errors as things timeout.  I'll see if I can get it
>>> to reproduce this problem.
>>> Ross
>>>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Afshin Salek <afshin.ardak...@sun.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ross,
>>>>> What Windows OS are you using?
>>>>> Have you tried different Windows systems to see if the problem still
>>>>> occurs?
>>>>> Afshin
>>>>> Alan M Wright wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/03/08 10:42, Alan M Wright wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/03/08 01:43, Ross wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what's causing this, but I'm finding that the Solaris CIFS
>>>>>>>> shares don't update automatically like windows shares do.
>>>>>>>> A couple of examples:
>>>>>>>> If I right-click the folder and create a new file:
>>>>>>>> - In windows, the new file appears, is selected, and I can simply type
>>>>>>>> the name.  When I press enter it's renamed and appears in the window.
>>>>>>>> - On a solaris share, no file appears until I manually refresh.  I then
>>>>>>>> have to select the file manually and rename it.  However, after 
>>>>>>>> renaming it
>>>>>>>> the file still appears with the old name until I hit refresh again.  
>>>>>>>> If I
>>>>>>>> try to delete the renamed file before hitting refresh I get an error 
>>>>>>>> "Cannot
>>>>>>>> delete file: Cannot read from source file or disk."
>>>>>>>> Similarly, if I drag a file into a Solaris share, the file does not
>>>>>>>> appear until I hit F5 to refresh the window.
>>>>>>>> This will be a particular problem if we roll this out as Windows 
>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>> have a refresh button in its explorer windows, and our users will 
>>>>>>>> almost
>>>>>>>> certainly not understand why their new files don't appear.
>>>>>>> That sound strange.  We'll have a look at it.
>>>>>> Ross,
>>>>>> Our FVT team just tried that out and reported that it works as expected.
>>>>>> Alan
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> I think this issue is very time related, I set the time wrong on
> purpose on the CIFS server, and I saw this issue very frequently on
> CIFS clients.
> Synced the clock again to NTP, and haven't been able to reproduce it
> again; however even with the time grossly incorrect, the issue was
> still intermittent.
> I'll post again if I see the issue with correct time.
> --
> Brent Jones
> br...@servuhome.net
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